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Ummm I'm 30 now so can I still get good at drawing so I can join art discord to make friends? This is a very super duper serious question
Yes. I started in my 30s and now draw comms and interact with other artists of the genre in Discord servers and art sites
No. I started in my 30s and now don't do comms and don't interact with anyone
>so can I still get good at drawing
Nope. Source: I'm 37 and have been drawing for 2 months so I think I know what I'm talking about and I still suck.
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I started drawing at 29 but I'm in no discord servers for drawing.
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not a single good famous cartoonist ever became good at art at any age younger than 50

they are all old AF
even painters were all shit on until they were old men
maybe next life :)
i wouldn't reccomend art discords if you're not a master of brute forcing your way into the cliques present within them
i never managed to make any friends on art discords. they're all either too small or too big. just stick to twitter...
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Carl Barks didn't get a storyboarding job at Disney until his mid 30's iirc. And he didn't start drawing Duck comics until he was in his 40's.
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Don't try. It's a waste of time unless you find a super rare group.
Most are annoying retards and assholes.
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Stopped drawing in middle school. Picked it up again at 40 (picrel)...
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...and this is three years later.
We have a discord just for you!
Sure, just dont be a creep bro
i started at 24 and joined discords around 27
im still trash but whatever
We need a 30+ art discord
Why do you want to hang out with a bunch of 20-somethings?
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to groom them
avatarfags don't deserve serious answers
Fuck you, faggot! Avatar was awwesome. Those blue cat ladies were hawt.
Im nearing 30s and I will say NO.

Its too late as many requier decades to grow in skill and many artists are young teenagers. Its not worth it give up
if you had a cute anime girl as an avatar I would have helped you, but now I won't haha.
Get real.
OP. Almost every art community I've joined is full of mid art and people more content with talking about art than making it. It's like the only community that used to have people actively trying to get better was conceptart.org. If you want an example of how an art community would go:
20% Crabs
70% /beg/ also an overwhelming amount of overlap with the furry community.
7% /int/ that get overly enlarged egos by constantly being praised by /begs/.
2% /int/ trying to actually get better and not just posting images so that others jerk them off
0.9% /pros/ wondering why the fuck they joined such a ouroboros of mental masturbation and quickly noping out.
0.1% /pros/ trying to blackpill all the plebs by dropping masterpieces and saying they're 16 and finished it in an hour just for shits and giggles.
not to shit on you but the first pic is way more readable
>joining trannycord servers
60's DND cover
80's DND cover

pretty sick, reminds me of the inside pages of the black and white Conan comics from the eras.




I could not find a genuine online "art buddy" or "art friend" online and it pisses me the fuck off!
All I see on Discord is a landscape filled with soulless internet toddlers filled with jealousy and insecurities!
Not a single person that I really could synergistically resonate with and critique/feedback/comment/advise and mutually help each other to a meaningful degree.
It's all fucking betrayal in the end, and childishness and retardation.

And yes, also outside of the "4chan circles", I tried, I tried.


Admittedly, I do have annoying quirks. I couldn't make any real "art friends" on Discord where the friendly energy radiated both ways, a mutual support for one another!
It's so superficial, and it's fucking gay how people are always angry and spiteful and dishonest online.

Everybody always out there trying to sabotage one another, or ostracize someone who isn't doing any harm. That is very gay I think.

I just don't really get that way of engaging in online discourse. That social hierarchy bullshit. If *you, the reader* engages or acknowledges online social hierarchy powerhomoing, you are weak and pathetic in my eyes.
It's gay.

It's much more compelling to have a genuine, synergistic and supporting art friends bond with one another. You can improve at a faster pace that way I think.
But for me, I've seen enough, it's clearly not destined for me.

People always trying to pick fights with me over the biggest nonsense, fuck it.
But man, do I wish it were different. True artfriendo bondo is epic.
But not destined for me unfortunately! ;^(

V È R Y S A D ! !

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I’m 29 but seconded I don’t want to join a discord with a bunch of teens drawing mha fanart an adult one would be lovely
You’re making good points but you sound like a toddler my friend ww4v
Yes, well, sorry, I forgot to tell you the flipside of not joining Discord and not having a social life.
It degrades your psyche.

I think about suicide a lot and such (that does not mean that I intend to do such a thing).

Loneliness hurts a lot, but I'm not going back to Discord. It's terrible on Discord. Continuously have to deal with agitated people and their nonsense issues they have with me.
And then they will try to set you up against other members of the group so that enough people dislike you that you get removed over their toddler complaints.
I've had enough of the agitated folks and the spineless who defend the nonsense.
Discord, the Devil can take it back to his hellhole!
That's what I think of that platform. It's *not* for me unfortunately.
Have you considered making friends in the Real World?
Yes, been trying for a few months now, fruitless endeavour so far.

I am on a 'waiting list' until October for one social organization.
The other leads, I don't know.
Got rejected at 2 ateliers for people who suffer psychologically.
For both, I am considered 'too autistic' even for the one who is specialized in autism.
Both of them did not look at my work before immediately declining me as an atelier participant.
*This is not a joke*

I signed up for a normal-folks-atelier and got offered a trial session right away, well, in 2 months that is.
Christ is your friend. Seek him out. You're thirty fucking years old, you need to sit your ass down and grind or you'll lag behind the kids in those so called discords you want access to.
I know the thread and some of the replies are memefunnyjokes, but I am fucking dead serious.
I don't know why I can't put pencil to paper much lately.
It's really stupid, I know, I'm well-aware that it's kind of embarrassing, I get it I get it.

Yes, you could simplify my situation to a "howie" and/or "justdrawlol".

I know, I know.
unresolved trauma
Christ and the Lord, I have already seriously accepted them into my life, because I need them and I'm quite fervent about Christianity even though I can't recall a single verse from the Bible and whatnot.

The story of Christ is just highly compelling, and universally renowned.
Uniting *ALL* of Mankind.
That's fucking gangster!

Christ will heal me!

Yes, good. Now draw.
That's a little bit tough for me but else I'm going to literally stare around in my own home at the walls.
so I will try
I respect the hell out of Carl Barks but he had a miserable personal life, perhaps the misery is some sort of fuel we all need to succeed?
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alright she counts I guess!
No, most people just face some amount of misery or setbacks in their lives.
We need bass.
The raw uptempo hardcore sound!
Green? You're the one with the friend issue...huh??
but anon 30 is when you begin to unlock your true potential. you are like baby. all the immortalized greats are old fucks for a reason. nobody cares about teens and tweenies outside of social media circlejerks.
Why else do you think I spent my time online? To make friends and learn from/help eachother.
But that feeling is not being reciprocated at all.
Online socializing is inherently very superficial and insincere.

Everyone is merely shopping around to get their own needs met.

You can not step outside with a sign "Hello, I want friends!" and expect people to befriend you like that.

Online freelance animators are all tit-for-tat no-help, that's not the kind of people I'
I'm 29 and started in January, of course you can start drawing. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Why the fuck would you want to befriend discord trannies you'll be known as a literal boomer.
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I'm 18 and just started a month ago but I'm still beating myself up because I practically never drew anything growing up because of how neurotic I was. I'm especially upset because I have artist friends who've encouraged me to get into the hobby but I have to sit back and watch them collaborate on cool shit with each other while I'm practicing shapes and grumbling about how I could be contributing had I started years earlier.
Same. Discord is a fucking cesspit.

I find it strange because I thought you had lots of friends seeing you online all the time.
Why don’t people here bitching about discord don’t make their own discord with an age restriction like 25+ and a certain level ? If you dislike it so much make your own
Well, I see how you could see it that way but the truth is that a lot of these 'friendships' are superficial in nature, because of the way how online socializing works.

I have met at least a handful of people active in the Japanese animation industry, and *none* of these interactions are very mutually reciprocating, and *that* really bothers me.

In addition, majority of online interactions still were a bit unpleasant, like the arguing with the shitflinging when people are agitated.
I don't want to deal with the countless shitty arguments because of spite or whatever.
Well, the interactions so far have been quite insincere I feel like.

I don't know it's a bit complicated I'm trying to find other ways to get the desired results, just not through online socializing platforms such as Discord or Twitter because that does not work.

I tried many times to 'make my own Discord server' and it does not work for me.
All the people left because they did not like one kid in the group.
It just doesn't work for me and I no longer want to log in to Discord, because it doesn't work for me at all. I'm not finding valuable and genuine connections.
I haven't found a lot of sincere people so far.
Yes, that's very difficult son!
But don't count on collaborating with other artists because it never worked for me at least.
Please don't count on others, it doesn't work.
People don't care.

*You* need to make sure *you* get the results and information you want.
Study groups are superficial and hollow.
I couldn't forge valuable connections with others at least.
I think you should take the thread with a grain of salt I think it's made in a joking fashion.

"Ummm I'm 30 now so can I still get good at drawing so I can join art discord to make friends? This is a very super duper serious question"
I know you're right but I still feel like shit when people are finishing character sketches quicker than I can fill a page with cubes.
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If anyone here wants an online friend to draw with/discuss drawing, I am willing to pick it up again. Have been toucing grass a lot and interest for drawing fell for a while, but I'm optimistic about the existence of a buddy being there motivating to do it a few times a week again.

Pic related, my art

Discord: gin1234
....bro you're still here? Are all the oldfags secretly still here?
Idk man, maybe I have ADD or something but I completely forget 4chan even exists and sometimes it pops into my head like "huh, is ic still going or is it dead?" then I check and feel guilty for not having drawn anything in 6 months
you can get good at drawing but only roblox kids use discord. you can befriend them if you want, but you gotta have a high iq to understand wtf a skibidi toilet is.
The discord is pretty quiet but there’s a bunch of 30yo artists in DAD

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