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Post your work, and the single best piece of drawing advice you have for other anons. Let's make this a good thread.
Here's my work.
My advice is don't post your work.
thanks, really helped me!
I would post my work but I'm just an art critic ;)
But anon... I dont have any advice to give... I'm not good enough for it...
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>”Draw First, Reference Later.”
bad advice

bad student


post your work!

comfy vibes. I love halloween
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I made this for a friend's webcomic
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You WILL produce ugly art that makes you feel terrible.

The sooner you can make peace with this, the sooner you can improve by drawing as much as possible. It's emotionally painful and humiliating but you just have to finish the ugly drawing. Then, you can look at the piece and look at what's wrong with it and redraw the piece with the corrections applied.
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sketch that I'm working on

for advice:
>find an artist whose style you like and who constantly posts pictures and practice sessions
>download PureRef
>copy and paste figures from this artist separating the images by angles, eg: from above, side, back etc.
>draw your own figures
>inevitably you will get stuck, when this happens open pureref and see how the artist handled this particular angle
>finish the figure and you will end up memorizing it
also, It is important at the beginning to use drawings from professional artists as a reference and not images from real life, the reason is that there are no lines in things in real life, you need to learn first how to simplify reality through lines
very good advice, senpai. thank you
on god. you have 1000 bad drawings in you. might as well get them out now.
Here’s some random warmup sketches I just did.
Just draw
You underestimate my inability

But yes, that's good advice
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"Just Draw" IS a meme,but it works as well,if interpreted correctly.

You Learn by Doing.

I had recently completed a picture that grew from a random pile of eyes into a huge undertaking, trying to make those piles of eyes appear solid,and the distance they are from the viewer both logical and discernable,and to create landscapes from them huge figures could inhabit and interact with. So here is the progression of the piece,as I bounce around looking for places to place figures,and stuff a floor under their feet. Out of eyes. And whatever goop they ooze about in. That is the POINT of the piece:the artist defining the parameters of what the alien landscape is, by drawing it,dripping eye archways to house mini dioramas. A character? A monster? A complex bit of background? A big thing far away in a vast cavern. What are the characters doing, and are they interacting with the eyes? Things like this were explored,and eventually I walked away from it,and moved on. But the lessons well learned.

People want to make wonders, and are frustrated with inability. Art is a process,although the steps to a goal may not be clear cut. To learn how to draw dripping eyes,I drew dripping eyes,to an end. And since it was never meant to be a cohesive composition, but a worksheet exploring pockets of environments all loosely interconnected,criticism for its composition is pointless.

Learn by doing. Then do More.
I ain't reading all that.
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Here is the second crop of progressions. The Big Smiling Things that Come Get You I jammed in every crevice for the hell of it,seeing what perspective tricks I could stuff in half an inch of white squiggles. And that's what all of YOU need to do: stuff those white squiggles,although I won't say with what.
Neat anon. Keep at it
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And here is the final version, after a bit too much black gel ink pen.
I remember hearing that in a Disney animator interview or something and it was definitely outlook changing, legendary advice
have you thought about doing children's book illustrations?
Dont forget your main reason for drawing and why you started in the first place.
Remember to have fun, if you dont do it, nobody will do it for you.
My advice it to be careful when asking for drawing advice :)

If you won't be specific with your request you'll probably get general tips like "just draw", "read sticky" or "don't forget to have fun". They generally work, but they won't really make you improve that much and you've probably known these tips before. It's much better to ask for very specific tips as that's more likely to make you improve.
And secondly you should be aware of who is giving you advice. Of course almost anyone could give you decent critique on drawing humans or tell you if your drawing looks 3d - we've all seen humans and 3d objects before. But not everyone knows what it takes to improve at art and you could get some very misleading, bad advice from beginners. And even someone decent at drawing could give you bad advice - they could've improved not BECAUSE of the way they've studied, but DESPITE it, simply by being very persistent with that method and drawing for years.
A fairly safe bet would be to take most of your art advice from books and courses that others also think are good. Asking others for advice is best if it's about things anyone could help you with or if you know the artist you're talking to.
>And even someone decent at drawing could give you bad advice - they could've improved not BECAUSE of the way they've studied, but DESPITE it, simply by being very persistent with that method and drawing for years.
very important point
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my advice: choose a subject that you care about the most and apply whatever advices, courses, methods, books etc. exclusively to this subject and things that are inseparable from it
is your thing horse nostrils?
So post your critiques, which is your work
Cute dog.
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The whole of the intellectual property is aimed at "children". And the psychedelia is intentional. Subversive kid friendly fare.
Why do webcomics attract so many fags?
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Solve your own problems, don't expect to be spoonfeed everytime. If you can't fix it yourself you're probably not trying hard enough. Someone just pointing out what's wrong should be enough; how to fix it it's on YOU
Really like the one on the right
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Single best advice I can think is draw with reference to life/inspirations and use those inspirations to learn and iterate/improve for ideas that inspire you. Studying is fine but it should only really be in service of what you want to draw if that makes sense.

Instead of studying to draw - Draw what you want and study to improve whatever parts of your finished piece could have been done better and take what you learned into the next piece you make.
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Also,it is a matter of Time/Content output.

I have a body of work for my copyrighted intellectual property, and as to " finished" pieces,I have two twenty page chapters of the first graphic novel that I would market as a quarterly comic once I had 5 chapters under my belt.

I have a self contained story that was what I made to teach myself how to craft stuff from my Photoshop legerdermain of 16 pages.

I have a sprawling 180 strip story that spanned the decade in making,and has interweaving storylines and foreshadowing that took years to be revealed, comedy,tragedy, strangeness,politics, love,war,forging a better future from the shards of a broken past. If I had the time,I would remake it in my newfangled style in full color,but...I don't. That's the problem:Time.

I get one night off a week, and maybe 3-4 times a week I have around an hour to draw. Since I have a new phone, I started videoing myself drawing stuff in hyperlapse, and made my own channel. I haven't added any bells and whistles to either the vids or the channel look,and I haven't bothered promoting it because of that. But I saw that you can flag your upload as Kid Friendly, which silences comments but is pitched at them. The comic I posted previously was drawn before your eyes this way,and that was to be my " product",to tell the very first story this way,to have the iconic moments appear under my pen. And to sell the little darlings tshirts.
Oops forgot the link. All sorts of strange stuff there:

I don't have anything new to show and I'm sincerely really bored of posting always the same stuff. 10/10 cat tho, saved
why is every lolicon porn addict I see always so cracked at drawing
They like drawing
because they're better than you
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Literally just draw every day
do you do lots of referenced drawing? How about imagination work?
Be kind to yourself.
I like your work, it speaks to my soul
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Say no to pedophilia. My final message. Goodbye.
nice animation. have any advice on that?
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draw things you enjoy, make stuff you like looking at, and keep everything you create
>Post the single best piece of drawing advice you have for other anons
>Post your work,
>and the single best piece of drawing advice you have for other anons
never give up
protect the fictional girls..
Learn your fundies. Animation is just repeatedly executing your fundamental knowledge in the scenes that matter then using shortcuts to fill the rest of the bullshit. Look here's another animation I did that's just like 20 frames of animation, one long vertical pan up a background I drew and some jank ass 3d models scattered around.
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But remember to really try to make them good drawings too
Lots of people hear that quote and use it as an excuse to shit out lazy low effort drawings which they don’t learn anything from
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You must
Mostly referenced with little imagination work if I’m being completely honest. Regardless of what you’re doing just keep drawing
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>”just draw”

Just drawing isnt enough, its about strive and actual dedication to your craft. Honing your skills and some cheats along the way hehe. Unironically i have been studying andrew loomis, even though people criticize him and treat him like he is just a jumping off point, I genuinely find his art so appealing i try and replicate it.

My drawing is a oc i made for a friend, havent drawn in 2 weeks and its just been hard to get onto a piece of paper or my ipad mini, but i try to fill my head by reading and viewing artbooks to give me that push
Finally, biblicall- i mean Germanic sagas, accurate elves.
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Always have a plan, start to finish.
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Have fun even if your work turns out like shit
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Art will usually either be fun to make, or fun to look at, not both. If it's both, then you're probably good enough to not benefit from critique.
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Draw every day so you don't plateu.
And have fun.
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An OC piece I recently completed although I started it last year. Please tell me what I did right and what I need to improve on.
Wrong thread, you are supposed to give advice not receive it
Also is the belt buckle a heart shaped burger?
Sorry. And yes it is
I don't want to see a apology I want to see your advice
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"We don't make mistakes."
Drink unsweetened chamomile tea before bed to enhance your sleep quality. Make it a habit.
Nice, I think your noses are bringing you down a bit though
Also something off about the hair. Maybe it’s sitting on top of the head and not really looking attached enough
Socials? I really like your art style. Always love messy sketches and wobbly outline, it added personality to drawings.
Draw what you like
Make a piece and do best you can
Then note down all your biggest flaws and go study them with few other things you want to learn and then apply
Here main struggle was proportion, shoes, flat looking gun and folds
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