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>mfw i've realized the only way to learn art while working a 9-5 is to go slightly insane
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Save up money and go to art school. You'll have 4 years of uninterrupted time to study art. Don't worry about the loans. Either you become a successful artist and can pay them off, or you fail, in which case, you may as well rope, because your life is over anyways.
aren't the chances of becoming a monetarily successful artist basically zero? that was never something in my purrview.
i'm tempted to take a career break and spend 1-2 years building up my skillset fulltime though. at least i'd have a better starting point for doing it on the side when i returned to waging?
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it is basically zero. I honestly have 0 idea how any artist makes any kind of money, besides the ones hired by studios. I cannot recommend art school, unless you're going to a really good technical school in France or Japan, with professors who are active in the industry.
those disney animators had no idea how good they had it

> live in Los Angeles (and could afford it)
> paid figure drawing sessions offered multiple times a week
> chill actual work schedule, most people just went for tennis after doing a few keys
> basically become an Art GOD after a decade working in animation - everyone even the Japanese simp HARD if you are an old disney animator
> guaranteed route to academia, Artcenter will bend over backwards to hire you a now septuagenarian veteran
> "yea lion king was pretty cool ig, i animated it anon"

It got worse in the 90s with falling profits but fuck it was a good gig for half a century. Now everyone is a freelancer and gets zero benefits.
>I honestly have 0 idea how any artist makes any kind of money, besides the ones hired by studios.
It's simple, they're business people first and artists second/never.
You don't need to be hired by anyone to make money with anything.
You can start your own business.
This anon here is talking about how lucky Disney animators were but that's only possible because Walt Disney was a better businessman than he's a cartoonist.
If you want to make real money with any product or service, including art, then you have to add value to others lives.
>I'm bored of vanilla porn
>I'm tired of straight porn
>I'm tired of live action porn
>I'm tired of human porn
>Is there anything else?
>Enters hardcore futanari animated yiff
>OMG that's exactly what I need
>It's behind a paywall
>Just $5 per month
>Cheap change here you go
>1000 anons think like this
>$5000 per month
>$60000 per year
Not bad for a bullshit money maker
>This anon here
biggest cope ive ever seen posted on this board.
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>gone insane
already done that now what?
It's actually what keeps me sane because I work at a factory.
You can. It's just you wont have a life after work.
Which course did you bought to spill this same generic talking points.
I see no point working 8 hours if you can’t afford to move out + you have no children.
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I literally do this anons. It's not easy but it works. There's more to it than just that, you need networking skills, some start up cash and I know you guys are either broke bitches or introverts with zero social skills so it'll never work for you.
If you wanna make it and you don't wanna be a pseudo slave/wagie working for big corporations all your life then you better start learning how to do business.
Unironically yes.
If i draw for a fiew hours in a day I am unable to fall asleep afterwads for more then 5 ish hours.
not because im not tyred but because im excited to get to drawing again.
This has been going on for weeks now, im frustrated, tyred, irritable, and slowly becoming irrational.
Why am i like this?
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Why THE FUCK would you want to learn art when you have a job? For what fucking purpose? Are you mentally unwell? Do you have suicidal thoughts?
Do you have self-destructive tendencies? Seriously, what's going through your head? I suggest either going to a therapy, or suicide. The latter is cheaper and will yield the same end result as trying to learn art.
I'm a deep water welder and having 2 weeks off monthly to do my art and visit my parents. I'm a volcel btw.
this nigga a fish hahaha
Why not simply settle for being pretty good instead of complete mastery of the craft?
Based ngl
I would settle for this, but I’m not even that. I just wanna be able to draw a half decent figure. When I can draw a half decent figure, I’ll have considered myself accomplished. Honestly have no idea why art courses try to introduce figure drawing so early. It’s the most discouraging thing.
Wtf is a volcel?
if I'd have to guess
volcel= voluntarily celibate?

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