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Here, fixed it, they forgot this.
cringe thread
cringe reply
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Actual nigger. See, I can label things too teehee. Hope this helps.
That's just Powergirl with skinnier legs
"want to de-objectify and add power to female characters"
Why would you wanna do such a pointless thing?
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>would you perk out Batman’s butt and twist him to see BOTH his pecs?
Yes, Renae De Liz. Yes I would.

But to comment on that, even as a femoid, I find this shit egregious. It’s like women in western media aren’t allowed to NOT look and act like men anymore, and feminine beauty is seen as taboo, evil and perverse. Meanwhile, men are always drawn like greek statues in comics. I mean, take out the breasts on the “redrawn” version and that is the physiognomy of the average scrote. There are so many great example of amazing-looking women with strong features and muscular builds, and yet she chose to draw a man.
Can't they just cover the breast hole on the Left drawing rather than going for the Right drawing design?
That's a man
No. Then it wouldn't allow a 4th wave feminist to have a reason to be le mad with le male gaze and objectifying of women.
>Make gesture flat and stiff. Make face bland and ugly
>This is somehow MORE interesting and unique! SO much personality!
>t.homosexual faggot
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I'm pretty sure they are posting this because they thrive on drama and wouldn't be nearly as relevant and financially secure with their art without it.


it legit looks like a npc
Mb, more to your tastes nigger?
That guy is a fucking treasure trove of unintentional comedy.
I don't really get why laserbeam shooting demigods in abdominally sculpted spandex need to be so "realistic" nowadays, and the implication of moral improvement is just baked in here, but I guess she's being sort of vaguely nonconfrontational about it, so ok...go ahead and make your butch superheroes
>masculine traits give more power
that's sexist
the cock should be on left for appealmaxxxing
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>It’s like women in western media aren’t allowed to NOT look and act like men anymore, and feminine beauty is seen as taboo, evil and perverse.
American cartoons (and comics) are just very safe, boring, inoffensive, and tame these days, despite how Twitter tries to act like they're amazing and groundbreaking because someone got killed or there was some blood or someone had a realistic panic attack™
Anime/manga found an audience outside of Japan because there is literally something for everyone, no matter how niche, fucked up, or weird.
Post-2014 westoid comics and cartoons only seem to be made for little kids, no one at all, Twitter, or those who are Twitter-adjacent.
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Funny that the bottom faces are a result of 'unlearning' when all of them still use the same base template proportions of the white guy. Of course, every ethnicity has the same square jaw, the same face length, and the exact same facial harmony, just with slightly tweaked features! How brave and inclusive! Fucking Loomis had more diversity in facial proportions. These guys are always full of shit.
>Tranny thread without any effort
>Hide thread
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Is everything he makes related to white guys? Thinly veiled fetish?
>personality and uniqueness is when tranny manjaw
>stick to what can realistically be done
>superhero character design
Post tits and your work
>t.homosexual homo faggot
meh, this isn't the worst example of such things I've seem, its kind of stiff but I thought the end result still retain reasonable appeal.
What sends me is the dead white guys, because as we know if you want to study realism in painting you can as easily pick up dead black guys and dead asian guys, because a) painting tradition was exactly the same all around the world, b) the skin color of the artist is super important when you study techniques. I swear these peeps come off more racist than the racism they are trying to point out. Brainrot
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The first one is more appealing outside of the awkward stance, and appeal is all that should really matter.
so the one on the right has penis envy?
The one on the right is clearly more appealing since they are inoffensive to a wide variety of consumers. Like a bland bowl of grits. Eat up sugah!
For me it’s Art Adams
common trans logic
Right is actually more unrealistic because female athletes are consistently hot as fuck.
And not just because they're fit, they tend to have pretty faces and great hair too.
And they also tend to have 120+ IQ, even if they often don't care to excel accademically because they already have everything else going for them.

Almost like superlative genetics make you an inherently better human in all aspects. And super heroes are meant to be that taken to the extreme.
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Sorry sweaty but real women have curves and stretch marks!!!

Women also have body hair and it's beautiful how dare you not draw them realisticly.

Not all women have vaginas though so check your privilege before you draw a woman. And be afro centric features are beautiful so next time you draw a female superhero, cool it with the racism!

Women are people, they all have disabilities and alopecia, so if you're designing a female superhero you best think about ableism! And not all women are born privileged sometimes their real power is surviving I the ghetto! Check your white privilege next time you write a superheros backstory!
Oh, I get it. The joke is that she can't draw and neither can any of you!
>the peg leg
It's a quite useful checklist for drawing women if you just do the opposite of everything it says, in an exaggerated way.
In summary, if you want to draw a character that looks heroic, draw a man. Because heroism is a masculine trait.
The joke is that you got upset over drawings that took people less time to make than you spent methodically going through and picking out comments to reply to. Kek.
Ha ha, imagine reading text
He must wasted half his day doing that...
Truee, though I'd be surprised if they were able to read that fast
Imagine being this insecure about sexualized stuff you gotta correct other people art to satisfy your schizoid insecurities.
it's called doing it for clout
Can you?
Faggot never heard of Manga or anime growing up?
The technique is shit and stiff
Eh, I looked through her blogs and I thought she is pretty good journeyman level penciler with a stable style that's close to the house style with an emphasis on geometric or angular facial features, which doesn't really appeal to me personally, unless it's drawn by someone like capullo or (moderm) Jim lee. Her pose feel stiff tho I couldn't find enough examples of her interiors to make a fair judgment ,however I thought her construction is solid. I don't know where that screenshot us coming from but this just looks like her paying faelty to the feminist overlords.
Do you have a social?
He's a ricel who bitched about asian women picking whites over him.

Also I think he's the guy who abused his brother; dude acts like a sociopath and wonders why women don't want to fuck him.
Yes you are definitely female. For sure.
>your parents didn't name you Art
It never even began
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meanwhile, her husband's work
It's okay to be misogynist if women are sexually attracted to you.
>6 toes
>botox cheeks
>no vitiligo
you had one job
I find it funny that as soon as he got a gf he toned down a lot. Men just want to be saved
Not too sure about that chief
>calling out blacks' anti-asianism
based, frankly. Still a dickless whiner. But based
They don't like Asians because Asians find success despite being a minority so it goes against their narrative of systemic oppression.
Why would superheroes even wear clothes... they have no reason to care about societal norms and there is no fabric in the world that could sustain the stresses and abuse that would be subjected to it. Wearing "armor" would be redundant too when your skin deflects bullets.
If people like Superman and Powergirl were real, they'd be nudists. On the other hand, they have no real reason to stay physically fit either, since their superpowers do all the work for them. So realistic superhero comics would be about these rude skinnyfat naked people flying over people's heads wobbling their naughty bits at everyone's faces and pissing and shitting over people's heads since they have no care in the world about what anyone thinks.
The real question is who funds the Hulk's wardrobe budget.
Most of them are still raised human and would just have issue with it from a self conscious point of view
"add power" is quite the value-statement, I think it's a huge power play to annihilate goons while looking like a fine piece of ass and tits. Like yes, it's "impractical" to look like that while fighting I guess but they are killing it anyway, that's the point.
I wonder if Superman has a small dick. Seems like all of the cape wearers would
Articles and twitter posts like this always sound like Ugly women coping over the fact people think fictional women are hotter than them. "She's drawn sexy so she isnt powerful" doesn't work when you realize nothing stops a hot looking girl from being powerful. It's insecurity at work.


shes not a real person. She's a made up character. She IS an object.
"Please don't repost" lmao this yellow fucker really thought people would want to associate with his whiny shit
Show me an Asian country that gives paid scholarships to their white minorities, or where Asians (the majority demographic) don't make up the majority of the students. Are Asians protected by Asian supremacy in their own country?
For someone who spends all day thinking about race, why are all his opinions on it so terrible?

Anyway, why am I even discussing this? Everyone thinks this dude is insane, his comics are like rage-bait.
Honestly, this dude ain't wrong.
He may be a whinny sperg but he's right about western society not giving a shit whenever blacks hurt Asian people.
Asians deserve better, man.
>Show me an Asian country that gives paid scholarships to their white minorities
Because all other countries in the world have a multiethnic population like the USA, right?
Fucking retard.
he's right tho
asians, except the vietnamese, are vimently left wing and pro-black. They rise up in society easy because of their talent and hard work, and adopt luxury beliefs, or their kids do. I don't know what they expect
south koreans are left wing? also, what's up with vietnamese?
have you ever met a korean-american? Always left wing. The vietnamese are like the cubans, they escape communism and always vote right no matter what, and they tend to stay in viet-only friend circles, so do their kids, so they don't branch off much from their in-culture.
>have you ever met a korean-american?
Actually, never
Blacks have been terrorizing asian and hispanic communities from the second they were freed and every time humans fight back popo is right there to punish them.
Tell me how this shit is any different than a woman standing at the entrance of a beach in the 50s yelling at every woman that they need to stop being immoral and respect themselves, then handing them a potato sack to wear instead of their 2 piece. It always comes from a place that believes sexual appeal to have intrinsic properties like immorality or objectification. Have they ever stopped to consider the problem isn't the woman? If a man can't help but think immorally or objectify a woman because of her sexual appeal they're no better than swine, sorry that's the truth. I like to think more highly of men than creatures only driven by sexual desire. This is just some twisted form of misogyny at work where women aren't allowed to be sexually without being objectified. Want a solution? Draw sexually appealing or even better, feminine women in powerful stances, circumstances or costumes. You don't have to make a woman appear androgynous or masculine to make her a powerful character that can't be objectified. You're basically saying only men can be powerful by doing that. The irony is palpable. I mean truly. Femininity isn't weak and it shouldn't be treated as such.
mf right here pretending the rodney king riots never happened
>rodney king riots
it's been 20 years since then
But Asians never forget.
After all, how could you forget about how black activists literally tried to destroy your home and business out of black jealousy?
The character on the right is standing so awkwardly though. It's as if she isn't quite sold on her own advice. She could've done a better job honestly
They never believe the shit they spew, they just expect others to believe and actually do the work of making it work.
He's making shit up. Asians don't give a fuck about left or right, they only follow whatever benefits Asians.
So why do Asians deserve scholarships in America, but not other races in Asia? And no, simply saying "America is multi-ethnic" is not an answer, retard.
Asians improve America.
Niggers in Japan make Japan worse.
America is probably the only country fixated on race so much.
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the weakest bruce timm diciple
>So why do Asians deserve scholarships in America
Because Asians actually contribute something to society, unlike blacks.

Also “pouty mouth / lidded eyes” = sexy = less personality.
Is this slut shaming ?

100% convinced she’s just insecure about this.
I seriously need to educate myself on this "blacks vs asians" shit because I have never once heard or seen this irl, ever. This has to be some kind of black whitewashing in the sense only blacks up in white cooche could possibly feel some kind of resentment of asians, educated by whites to hate asians because it will make them more "protected" by whitie. I simply have seen no basis for racism against them since they literally don't do shit with blacks enough to make that seem like a real thing. I'd believe blacks vs hispanics far more since that's actually something I know is moreso a thing with hispanics interacting with blacks and being falsely labled as white people.
who hurt this guy
he never recovered from that one tiny pp joke back then in highschool isn't he
Blacks are the most racist people in america, they hate everyone including caribbean and african blacks. And they make it everyone else's problem, violently.

Look up the L.A. riots. They tried to destroy Koreatown and were actively hunting hispanic laborers.
>Blacks are the most racist people in america,
See, that's the thing, I never seen this irl. I hear this online, and I don't trust online information. Especially now that AIslop exist.

There's just nothing I've seen irl that makes sense for blacks to give a shit about hating anyone but whitie and hispanics, and the latter is only because the are non whites classified as whites. Which I've seen irl. Also doesn't work narratively to say "american blacks" and only using LA as a source. Sounds like you're a foreigner trying to state politics you don't even relate to.
>I never seen this irl.

That seems like a 'you' problem, my dude.
I think him keeping good companies does not count as "a problem".
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Imagine drawing characters less attractive and idealized because you feel threatened, inferior and put upon by cartoons.
Don't women ever have any self awareness and realize how pathetic that is?

I get it, rooftop koreans are based and asians work hard and succeed which is why they don't get preferential treatment in clown world. even if he's right, he still pushes the whole "white people bad"by default

my only point was he has not chilled out and still has political brainrot
Tbh it's a cheatcode for engagement. If you have no morals and don't care of the consequences of your actions in the long term, then you can just create ragebait or politically radical art. You'll find a fervent audience, always have high engagement and no doubt find retards willing to pay top dollar for your work.
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Jesus Fucking Christ, I thought he was kind of based when the only thing I knew about him was the "My turn!" comic... this is almost Dobson level of cringe

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