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Kino Dark Fantasy Thread
>ai training data thread
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I picked up both the books. They're great ref/inspo.
Kinda wish the books dove a bit more into the fake game atmosphere vs trying to tell a game's story in the second though.
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Yeah the art work was killer in Vermis II, but I did like the strategy guide format of Vermis I more. Hoping Vermis III leans into that format more.
What would the art look like if it wasn't hidden under a million filters?
would it kill plastiboo to hire a decent writer?graphic designer for the non art stuff? Vermis could be really incredible. But i didnt even bother buying the second one
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You can buy the original drawings if you want to know. Though I'd argue being able to use these filters in an aesthetic way is pretty tricky and that starts a whole new debate of appeal vs technical ski
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I dont really care, because the Ben-Day Dots and digital compression filters create such a neat retro gaming/retro print aesthetic. Its not exactly mind-blowing dark fantasy art like Brom or Frazetta, but I think the art of Vermis I & II strikes a nice balance between technical skill and low-fidelity.
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Even the original art has nice aesthetics, sans the compression filters.
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Oh shit I haven't thought about this, you're right.
It sucks we can't share art the way we used to before.
holy shit an actual drawing on paper? how long has it been /ic/?
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>It sucks we can't share art the way we used to before.
If it's already on the net, I don't think it's your responsibility to ensure it doesn't get scraped, and I don't think the original artist would want you you to hesitate sharing their art anyway.

As for you own art, that is another issue, though I say just glaze/nightshade it and stop worrying, you gotta share it at some point.
Nice pic. Robert M Ball is super underrated. Any dark fantasy recommendations?
Ooooh We got a badass over here, I hope whatever you put online gets scraped and trained, including your mom and sister. Have a great day!
Is Vermis just Fromdrone gobbledygook?
I actually agree with >>7214597 most of it looks like bad artwork covered with filters to look "le nostalgic"
Yeah, 99.9% of your audience doesn’t even have the eye to notice glaze or nightshade. They just see “ooh cool monster” or “ooh sexy lady”.
Extremely low effort, low IQ contribution to the thread.
Do you know how training works? Every image has to be tagged in such specific detail individually. Third worlders get paid pennies on the dollar for this. Posting random images in a broad genre with no specific text accomplishes nothing.
And that’s why you use nightshade
Just use nightshade.
you're just a different kind of drone
It's actually a really smart way of having essentially separate disconnected short stories all work together under a single umbrella of being a "videogame". Plus it does a great job of sparking the imagination.

So yeah, it totally aping the fromsoft spooky sad fromsoft vagueness, but hey, it works.
The concept of dark fantasy being universally considered dark souls inspired is getting sort of tiresome desu. No different than when dark fantasy in the early 2000s got ripped on for aping Diablo.

The Souls universe has a very specific focus on 19th century Romanticism and Germanic art whereas I'd say something like Vermis is closer to Beksiński mixed with stuff like Conan and 2nd edition DnD
The blend of dark fantasy, minimalistic and sparse storytelling, fully armored undead characters and RPG is pretty unique to Dark Souls.
I don't think plastiboo herself would deny Dark Souls influence, especially considering that she already made tons of fanart of it.
You do have me with the sparse storytelling. I suppose it was just a jab at my current annoyance with the blanket statement of everything dark fantasy being dark souls.

I wonder if a new piece of dark fantasy media will come out that regurgitates that cycle of of new thing is just like old thing
How do you know Plastiboo is a "she"
Really? How do you know?

He is a male, but people were saying he's a trannie lol
he's probably gay(mentally ill)
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That's a chubby biological girl
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>how AI training works
It's funny how artists fear AI (art) yet they know nothing about it, not even basic stuff like that.
No its not
It's time to fuck
Yea, Plastiboos axe wound
You're either terrible at identifying human proportions or very jealous of this mediocre filtercope artist. Either way your art must look like shit
pyw bitch
Disprove me first
Ive been loving this thread through and through! I was inspired by this image in particular!
plastiboo is confirmed tranny, as all horror fixated artists are
That looks incredible, awesome work.
Vermis has some of the best dark fantasy aesthetics.
Tranny or not, the art of Vermis I and II is super unique and formatting an artbook into a fictional strategy guide for a game that doesn't exist is pure creative genius.
PYW you anonymous aint-shit-motherfucker.
Why thank you, i must say, i am imprest with the artists wirk. I am happy they are getting the attntion they are getting for it!
Nice one, good work
I agree, I got a first pressing. The quality of the writing and book design is not on par with the art though unfortunately
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Prolly not good enough to say its kino, but at least it isnt AI
Very very kino, well done biro chad
Saved nice work. I love biro art.
nigga you even lift the pen you win. but thats pretty fucking neato anyways, i love those bio-horror artillery constructs, reminds me of one anyways
the /pol/etariat believes everything is part of the transpiracy
Looks so cool anon
love this thread. i'll try and get my hands on some pages of this book.
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dropped contribution
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You both are wonderful, thank you so much!

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