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How good is this guy for learning porn? Probably gonna grind some out via his tutorials. If there's others like him by the way do tell.
Do you think "porn" is a separate skill for all other types of drawing?

Fundamentals are fundamentals are fundamentals. And you can only learn fundamentals by doing the following:

1. copying images
2. drawing from imagination

If you pause Mikey's video and copy his drawings, then try to draw some figures on your own, then go back to his videos and keep copying, to fill in your weak spots, you will eventually learn to draw. Visit quickposes.com to do some figure drawing, then draw some figures from imagination, etc. Do this process back and forth, and you will get good.

Don't be mistaken, though, in thinking Mikey will give you some formula to be able to draw whatever you want. Drawing is just shape memorization, so copying is the only way you can learn to draw
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>Do you think "porn" is a separate skill for all other types of drawing?
Not OP but porn is a separate skill from drawing just like animation can exist without drawing.
Drawing fundamentals are nice and all but drawing porn often need other skills like "make the hips larger because men's monkey brain go apeshit for le evolution and babymaking BS"
Make the thighs tighter, make the tits huge because it's a signal of fertile and mature woman, breastfeeding and shit like that.
Focus on feet, put blushing on the face, make the eyes large and nose tiny, even in non anime style, because men prefer younger partners...
Anyway there's a science to it and the best nsfw artists know it while mediocre nsfw artists and non-nsfw artists either don't care or don't know what I'm talking about so they focus on fundies.
OP if you want another rec then give REIQ a go.
this man graduated for horniness university
constructoids like >>7215077 hate erotic art for some reason
it's wild to me that someone needs to spell this out and give pointers, unless OP is an ace who never ever seen porn in their live.
gooners are the filth of the earth
need similar youtorial but the subject is male?
I see it partially as a diffrent lens. It does involve a lot more naked women, and having to find a way to draw said women in more sexual poses. You do bring up a good point, I'm probably thinking of it too much.
Also what you said is partially what I am thinking about. How big would too big be, is it not big enough, etc etc. Just trying to make sure how exactly to draw naked ladies and men well. Thanks for the refrence though
Also kinda, I just don't goon too much
>drawing porn often need other skills like "make the hips larger because men's monkey brain go apeshit for le evolution and babymaking BS"

You mean drawing focus to a focal point (the hips) by whatever technique available to the artist (making the hips larger, etc)? You mean what every good fucking artist does?
You're right, there's a science to it but it's the same science as any other "sub-genre" of art.
Letting his dick think instead of drawing that is. Most of what he is babbling about is nothing more than composition.
but he doesn't even draws softcore, haven't seen even a nipple in his works, stay with the horny japanese and italians for seks drawings.
bump cause i need this
Fundies are fundies because they scale and map onto what you are describing. Someone that has learned a lot of fundamentals can simply ask themselves what they like about porn and teach themselves how to translate it into appealing or in this case arousing illustrations.
Why does EVERY porn artist draw 300 lb women??? What's the appeal???
ask your dad
>What's the appeal???
Unironicaly, you will understand in 10 years, whether you want it or not.
Where is the loli tutorial??
If porn is just degrading down to shitty tastes of man then count me out, I don't draw for shitty people's shitty tastes. How fucking soulless to be stripped down to "core interests" like this

Non porn has more freedom at that point.
>Porn often need other skills like "make the hips larger because men's monkey brain go apeshit for le evolution and babymaking BS"
>Make the thighs tighter, make the tits huge because it's a signal of fertile and mature woman, breastfeeding and shit like that.
This is precisely the logic that makes so much porn look absolutely awful. What you suggested only makes for "good porn" insomuch that it appeals to the lowest common denominator of coomer.
stupid question but I'll bite as well.
no, you cover a lot of fundamentals to make good porn. you'll see a lot of fags seething about coomers when they can't draw proper anatomy to save their lives.
Ideally you should vary what you draw however.
>gonna grind some out via his tutorials
We are trying to run a business here, anon.

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