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ITT: Post your sona
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old one from like a year or 2 ago i dont use anymore
I remember this thread lol. Lets see If people do as much as last time.
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Then post new one
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Not a fursona, its a caricature of what I really look like.
>not a fursona
>draws fur anyway
le 90s drink cup pattern kys furry
im a ball of mixed messages, but yeah
i look like a pug.
its a joke.
on how i look like a pug.
Are you Mexican?
that obvious, huh?
half and the pale spaniard kind. yeah.
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Ah yes, nothing like anonymous users starved to feast upon one's creative choices in fictional self portrayal in a futile attempt to compensate for their physical insecurities of this material realm. What could possibly go wrong?

My sona is the two-head-tall cat with a wired tablet pen for a tail and an ink-made robe. Why did I make him a small cat if I dont look even remotely as such? Because I could and I felt like it.
>Ah yes, nothing like anonymous users starved to feast upon one's creative choices in fictional self portrayal in a futile attempt to compensate for their physical insecurities of this material realm. What could possibly go wrong?
You sound homosexual
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>Resorts to insults over one's choice of words
>Neglects to refute the point at hand
Talk about point proven lmao
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Here is my own completely sane rat fursona

Cool, at same time it reminds me of 50-70's comics and flash animations/newgrounds of 2010's

Looks like some youtube icon, reminds me of saberspark for some reason


>What could possibly go wrong?
Nothing if you don't make some sort of self-portrait
Didnt care much about the point desu, just an observation.
Too many words to just say
>this is retarded but I'll do it either way
So you failed to see the point, I see, I see...
In all seriousness, though, sorry if Im opening as a bit of a cunt here, it's just that I dont really have much faith in people making honest and civil discussion about this topic, judging by the other thread about Sonas. One can assume people will immediately jump into the offensive towards one's personal way of self portrayal for the sake of... I dunno, dopamine, projection, trolling, anything but actual art discussion.

Yours is really cute too, I like how expressive he is in these. I wonder why a rat, though. Any particular reason?
>Blue shirt
>That hairdo
Zeta, motherfucker, is that you? The treehouse needs you!
Seriously, though, what makes you look like a pug exactly? Sounds funny, albeit specific.
This is a reference to that one spongebob image, isnt it? Kek.
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Dis me
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very cute
this is cool, is the shark apart of him or is it just like a hat?
>Yours is really cute too, I like how expressive he is in these.

>Any particular reason?
Compilation of my shortcomings.
But this original meaning went away over time, although due to this he became to look more comical and some shortcomings became part of his personality. Like shyness and the fact that he's very easy to scare
And i think this is a pretty unique choice of animal among furries

Great, you can remove that green construction lines and that will be look like you found it on pinterest

Please don't draw them together
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I like this one.
he kind of reminds me of mine.
This character whose head is a mouse cursor. It's not really supposed to be me, its my mascot though.
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This is rad.
>Seriously, though, what makes you look like a pug exactly? Sounds funny, albeit specific.
I'm not Zeta. Sorry.

6ft tall, 4 of which is my torso supporting a big head with resting bitch face. The beard kinda sold it.
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How I draw myself and my borderline self insert
You probably have a big coque
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super cool
Link to the old one?
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damn i wish...
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Bottom right one is an incredibly good, very minimalistic but with a lot of feeling


very pretty style
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Mines a puppet/doll I've had since I was 11
I'm currently 26
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Fallout version for my shitty streams recently
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ye :)
very nice, i love his brows especially
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It's a screenshot because it's from the end of this animation I did


but I have him rendered as a pfp too
Also I am fully aware of how my voice sounds
cute lobotomised expression
this is really nice and cute, love it.
thanks anon
Gay faggot shit. Back to tumblr with this gay shit.
Nice animation anon, I kneel.
i like the split lip fluttering in the wind
this is super good and cool
Pyw first
What does my art have to do with pointing out that “having a sona” is gay faggot shit?
How will you communicate with your fans? Just write walls of text? Use some pre existing characters?

>“having a sona” is gay faggot shit
Just so you know: having an ugly "sona" won't make you cool.
"Low effort comical caricature of self" is now called a sona?
no dude it absolutely will
there is nothing cooler than ugly sonas
thanks anon no need to kneel :D
>Anons mad at other anons having fun making fun of themselves
>mad that some artists make a stand in fore themselves to interact with their viewers
>mad at anons being creative on a board for artists.
why am i not suprised?
You would walk into a mattress store and throw a shit fit because they dont sell boats. Ask yourself where you are before you whine like a salty cunt.
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still a work in progress but i'm pretty proud of it
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there is not enough place for 2 90 inspired pompadour animals in this thread anon
Holly shit you have the hawaiian aestetic 2
thanks anon, really cool you noticed that haha
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wat the fuk
>he made a muppet of his sona
Yeah, I'll call based.
>Ask yourself where you are before you whine like a salty cunt.
Take your own advice, fag
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Only one way to solve this. We both have to see whos the bravest, coolest radest dude here by jumping over a shark.

Seriously though, thats a cool muppet.
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i dont use one anymore. this was for my old account that never got any traction and was ultimately hacked after i attempted to pirate flstudio
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These guys look like they were part of a Nickelodeon pitch in the 90s that failed because Nick already had a ocean beach themed show with SpongeBob.
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I have two but my primary/more popular one is Logcake.
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this is me in real life
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I’m a stubborn jackass
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>Next week on Nickelodeon.
oh shit this is cool as hell is he a day gecko?
What's up with latinos and pompadours?
Do they realize they're appropriating an italian thing?
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better luck next time dude

Thanks i really like how your pug ears fuse and interact with the sideburns .

(if someone to color it as a exercise please do it , i'm too lazy to do it myself)
yes , thank you .
It's a giant day gay (phelsuma grandis) .
thus Phelsuman

If someone have a more casual nickname please feel free to share (:
Do you not know Elvis?
its a rockabilly thing and rockabilly mixed a lot with surf rock in california which has a lot of mexicans.
>Do you not know Elvis?
Yes, he appropriated the italian hairstyle too.
Italians were already doing the pompadour by the late 40's before it evolved into the "front lump" style you see latinos donning now in cali.
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NO. im not a troon.
Sorry for asking, but are you a troon?
Interesting. either way, it spreads how anything does.
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I don't normally use /ic/ but someone directed me to a seethe thread regarding a twitter post about my sona earlier today, so I may as well post in the dedicated sona thread.
Weak bait
More like a heavy bait amirite?
is SOB really a hot twink? wtf
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As italian I'm perfectly fine with it.
Oho nice cake you got there
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yep, thats me
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i wouldn't say I have sona at all, i usually just use one of my characters as a profile pic across most platforms. if i had a sona it'd prolly look like picrel. i have the body of twink but im covered in hair, im a lanky white monkey man

you sure?

i like your style

this is why i fuck with you

reminds me of worms armageddon
I’M NOT A TRANNY. I’m just a chick who had a TROON PHASE and my friends refuse to stop teasing me about it
>this is why i fuck with you
Anon you didn't need to say that you were gay and expose pug anon like that
Thats evil.
You dodged the bullet?
Good to hear that you were cured, anon.
There are many sad stories out there
That animation was so good what the fuck...
lmao, i like girls btw
thank you anon
wtf , i meant gecko !
not gay
Dude, Thats awesome.
You're styles rad.
I'd love to do a one off comic with ya, but I don't want to mess with whatever vision you have in mind for your Gecko.
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It's supposed to be a funny hat, buddy.

I drew it using ballpoint pens.





Hey, thank you so much for your re-draw, pal.

Wow; I do never though this little sketch will like so much. Thanks.
Incredible, blog?

>that thing at the bottom
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thanks a lot anons .
The overall reception to my fabric dude really made my week .

saved , the nickelodeon part really hit me in the feels

I'm curently working on my own comic which have nothing to do with Phelsuman but just in case here is my wasteland filled of mid stuff of an instagram page .

(My pp there is different since the gecko i am making is a remake of that old one , he will be finished when his aloha shirt is done)

It would really like your social media if you have one pug pal
forgot the link kek
dodged a major bullet, honestly. wouldn’t recommend that shit to anyone 0/10. if you’re a girl and want to be a guy, just be a fucking tomboy.
Post tits
no? faggatron spotted.
Sorry, it was a moment of weakness
Nigga went through a whole process of grief
I dont have an instagram, but here is my twitter.

Thats where I make my pinups and lewds. not much postrd, but you can follow me there and ill follow back.

I was the anon that mentioned making a comic. DM me and we can pitch some ideas.
The difference is that Toriyama is an artist, the attention whores aren't.
Toriyama isnt the only manga artist or artists who made an avatar for himself. Deviantartist have made their own avatars, and many artist on various forums also have made their own avatars expressing who they are. Its nothing new.
This guy wants to fuck
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But i told you, anon...
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mogged again even in sona form. its joever
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this be muh sona
>No argument given
because its FUN faggot. do you hate FUN. do you hate JOY? i love JOY personally. and i love to have FUN DRAWING MYSELF. its FUN. art is personal, so why NOT make yourself. because YOU in particular are a self hating FAGGOT? verification not requires, also this guy sees himself as a dick sucking machine and thus does not perceive himself as an individual worth representing in his own art if he isnt SPECIAL enough to be a fictional character
There are self portraits for that though.
Making it an extravagant self seems a bit narcissistic to me desu
>also this guy sees himself as a dick sucking machine and thus does not perceive himself as an individual worth representing in his own art if he isnt SPECIAL enough to be a fictional character
again. its FUN. to put your FEATURES and CHARACTERISTICS in a fun design. i like FUN. do you like FUN? im starting to think you dont really like FUN
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I don't know man, I'm just asking why you do it and explaining why I see it on another way.
You are the one taking it personal.
its fun to character design and people are themselves so naturally they know themselves well
its fun to translate it into a fictional character
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First of all: Define "Complex". Is a blob with glasses and exaggerated eyebrows "complex" enough? Cause I have a feeling it may be for the sake of this argument.
Second of all: If you're looking for utility and purpose, sonas can very well serve as brand mascots for artists and creators alike. I dont need to tell you why having a brand mascot is a good idea for such a public-relations-heavy field that is arts and content creation. If you do want me to elaborate though, here's some benefits:
>Increases your chances of becoming recognizable over your audience and potential audiences
>Increases your communication abilities by relying on a simple, eye-catching design to serve as the messenger when using yourself might as well not be as effective.

Not to mention, it's just fun to portray yourself in creative ways. Why strive for absolute realism when you can get creative and make something that is special to you in a way that is also unique to others? There's nothing inherently egotistical on drawing a sona, at least not more egotistical than the act of drawing and sharing art at all.
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its hard finding a balance between being realistic and not being just self-pitiful
its asinine explaining fun to people like this. Like, they want you to justify it logically to get their permission. Kind of narcissitic in a way.

its fun to make your own avatar, its fun to use it to interact with other people, artist, etc. Its a no brainer.
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>wipes sweat off brow with big brown fingernail
>makes old internet reference
ermmmm yeah... my favourite show is smiling friendos.. got it pal?
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>My previous reply got deleted by accident
Well shit
>First of all: Define "Complex". Is a blob with glasses and exaggerated eyebrows "complex" enough?
Seems pretty simple to me, though I could make it even more simple.
>Second of all: If you're looking for utility and purpose, sonas can very well serve as brand mascots for artists and creators alike
You cant use your already existing characters since you work with them much more? Pokemon uses pikachu for the brand.
Creating a sona for the sole purpose of being the mascot seems off to me
>Not to mention, it's just fun to portray yourself in creative ways. Why strive for absolute realism when you can get creative and make something that is special to you in a way that is also unique to others? There's nothing inherently egotistical on drawing a sona, at least not more egotistical than the act of drawing and sharing art at all.
Fair, but I think there are outliers to that rule when it comes to the "There's nothing inherently egotistical on drawing a sona"
Holy shit anon, this phenomenal...

Got a blog, a Newgrounds?
get your own identity
Not really. I just want to understand, I'm not giving permission to no one, you can do whatever you want.
And you shouldn't assume why I ask since apparently you don't have any idea.
I tried before but it felt wrong with me to do so, making something with a bit more to it, I mean.
But in reality you can still keep it as a side thing entirely without problems only using it as a support for other projects.
I don't know why you people react like monkeys when someone asks a question without insulting anyone but I already got to my conclusion.
Isn't this just the persona 5 main character?
Nah that's you
cute! adorable puppet, super nice job putting him together.
yeah of course! it really adds to the charm and characterisation. i also like the shot of them when he pulls up on the motorbike and steps off, it looks really nice and nostalgic for me. maybe somewhat like some 80s animation?
i also like how you conveyed the weight of the little lady person pushing off of things while taped. it looks great. you're super good at what you do my dude.
Logcake is awesome. Does he have any other faces or expressions?
cute super classic looking animation
how fucking cute. i wanna draw you. (you should share more if you want!)
love ur style, super cool. ballpens are so comfy to draw with.
>judging expression
post your blog NOW
sorry anon, i don't have one!
oh shucks, do you happen to have any online gallery or something where i could find more about your art?
sorry i don't :(
i just draw here and there on 4chan
damn, hope you make an account soon on some site or something
dunno if i ever will but tyvm bro ( ´ ꒳ ` )b
no. I just draw like chris and zach, that's all i ever do. I never, ever draw my own stuff. Post your work. Show me your "identity"
lmao xD i get that a lot.
If it was joker he would have red buttons and square glasses with no shirt pocket haha
>I don't normally use /ic/ but someone directed me to a seethe thread regarding a twitter post about my sona earlier today, so I may as well post in the dedicated sona thread.
You are too dumb for baits.
he is so cute
socials? various reverse image searches don't help
I had twitter but I was blocked because there was some kind of bug with the password and I had to make a new one every time and maybe that happend because of a recent update
Thinking about move on to tumbler(not sure about furaffinity, too much deviantart ms paint autism for me) instead at the future, but I'm still posting at 4chan time at the time. Like in an art trade thread
NTA but may I draw your rat boi sometime
Yeah, i like to see some sort of fan arts
based x)
Prince Fluff and American Box Art Kirby taught me at a young age that brows can keep something from being TOO soft
very true
i've always been fond of this eyebrow shape and the little dashes to indicate the thinner wry hairs
bold brows are great.
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The Pokemon Yellow box art also has an edgy Pikachu so you know for sure he's not just a cute pet for girls too lol
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he's a badass absolutely
CUTE fat rat (mouse?) comfy set up
>CUTE fat rat (mouse?) comfy set up
Fat hamster, but honestly I just draw him like a whatever rodent. Lack of tail somewhat helps lol.
true! foolish of me to not take that into account
i love chonky rodent standins for authors and whatnot. very very cute. hope to see more of your hamster sometime!
goofy robort
bro is spooky but also looks cheerful and friendly
I want to post consistently on Insta I’m not really feeling like posting my face tho it seems to help with engagement, I feel like a persona might be the solution but I find it so embarrassing to be drawing my own self, especially when people have really pretty persona and then they look average I personally don’t care what people do but I’m too weak for that kind of judgement and I’ve seen some nasty comments
, maybe an ugly persona is a middle ground. I wonder which is better between that and using your real face.

Sorry for the rant lol
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just put him in some comfy clothes. not familiar with animal characters, ty for letting me draw him!
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Retarded newfag
He looks really cute at that one, love it!

>ty for letting me draw him!
You're welcome, anon
Thank you anon

my stuff should pop up if you google extellus
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Logcake doesn't move, it's an inanimate object for the most part that sorta moves around by rocking back and forth. Its face is based on a really shoddy Thomas the Tank Engine cake my mom made for a younger cousin once.
This threads are weird. I know saying that is going to trigger a bunch of you, but they are. These and the OC threads and seem to work off their own separate logic. The draw threads languish pitifully for months but these always max out fast. It's like some weird gay /soc/ thing, feels very teenage.
These are as toxic as the OC ones too.
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Also, he looks like a some sorta of a femboy/twink So i drew a totally a canon thing
Weak minded people can't maintain rational discussions without resorting to insults.
This kind of threads also attract immature people that don't know how to behave in a conversation.
>Verification not required.
My sona is a professionally taken picture of myself in a suit, and my sona's name is my full legal name and contact details.
It is probably very teenage, the whole concept seems like escapism, like a lot of people with poor self image making up a more acceptable quirky/edgy version of themselves.
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That's a profile picture, not an internet persona.
nice feet
felicidades por tus 1000
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Every karma post i see is absorbed as rage bait for me, every single time
Are you saying that anons here just doxxed their profiles for no reason?
Well played OP
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>anon can't even be the protagonist of his own life

Beyond the cheer FUN of it and the brand recognition it's also pushing the limit of what is art and fiction , it's existing as a character in the mind of your audience .

It's becoming one with your art and fiction as general itself !

That's why the muppets and theme parks are so kino
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the yellow thing
cute , i love the colors
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I like typing, what do you want me to do.
Also stop absorbing my posts, ya lard, you're going explode at this rate.
>that pic
>source: made it the fuck up
aye thanks, thats the the more accurate part of me.
How did you color it? Markers? or digital?
that's a very sweet backstory. i like him a lot.
fun hair, the whole character is mid 2000s in a comfy way
i love it. so cute. reminds me of seaslug colours, some of my favourite creatures
hoodie + soft shorts + cosy socks = comfy af
he looks goode
sick, and sick piece too
kinda cool. got that katie tiedrich androgyny going on
fuck hands right
i cant really tell what you are but thats a good drawing
humanized squidbilly
it is a little self pitiful but it does feel authentic
extremely self pitiful
good and simple
woaa cool
would keep workshopping this
damn fine
um. no
are you 14
cute but insidious
best itt lol
i killed a lot of you in zombieville usa
nice collar
lol sweet
i like this more than >>7215635
it has been a very interesting ride watching where you've been taking your art all these years.
damn fine
2d's tweaking brother
Zach has some crazy huge cheek bones.
Both of these guys look more or less the same to me. One is just a bit heavier than the other. And the one in the selfie has a less facial hair.
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>>>7215637 (You) #
>i like this more than >>7215635 (You) #
You take that back •`~'•
he;s just a little rockthrow core you feel me. yeah yeah youve had him since 1998 but well, thats just how it is
Glasses would make him whole
Ngl this hits hard.
I already put a bit of myself on all my characters, thats why I thought using myself would be too much, but you are right.
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I was born in 97, so more like 2008-2011 range

Unfortunate rock related similarities aside, it's a bizarre mutation of trying to make my secondary main character feel more chimpy and ape like, using Lupin and DK as reference
>almost a half of bump limit in one day
Holy shit
tis a fun thread
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Fun thread, heres a compilation of mine over the years, I only draw me in ms paint, so some look awkward.
Top is earliest, bottom is newest
heres the earliest pic of me I could dig up for comparison https://files.catbox.moe/rraq34.png sorry for poor quality but Im not taking a new one.
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i like these and this is mine
very cool, i like him
although the top right corner makes me nervous kek
Cool, looks like some kind of villain/anti-hero

Would, more info/pics about her?
Autistically compiled every single drawing of myself I could dig up just now. If youre wondering why theres so many, I used to be part of a community that would make comics, videos and animations etc, I was a top dog for years, and some of these were for promos, and some were just inside jokes. Varying degrees of quality over years of getting more comfortable with doodling in ms paint.
Melancholy. Had to exorcise images of myself out of a lot of drawings I did of me and former friends.
I appreciate it! I nuked all socials last year, so I'm nowhere anymore, apart from certain boards. I'll make a youtube account or something when my animated series pilot is done next year.
Gomyta she's an ancient AI
How old she is?
Who's make her?
Does the ancient people had sex with her for generations?
>zombieville usa
I wish i was a zombie so i could finally be chill
Yup, i make a tumblr. Gonna draw random stuff and more crossdressing Russell
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first try at picturing myself and I'm horrified, haven't drawn my sona any better in several years
is this a shitpost? that would just be joker wearing a different outfit.
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reminds me of the dad from rugrats
nice cornsona reminds me of alfred hitchcock for some reason
Looks... Corny...
i propose more cornself(s)...
she was around during the dinosaurs and she doesnt know she was offline for a long time
I still want to hear answer at the third one
i mean she's lived for thousands of years she's had many lovers to the point sex is trivial to her its like drinking a cup of water to her (even though she doesnt need food to live)
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This has been an excellent and most interesting thread. Good job drawers
This /Dox/ general has been very fruitful, ain't it?
very cute and suspicious cat man
ye it's been very fun
i wanted to draw everyone together for a big group pic but the flesh is weak. the image will live on in my mind
stealth erp thread
thankfully no actual erotic roleplay happened
unless u count that one woman with the bush harassing the rat
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He's a character that over time just became me so he became me and I am him
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I'm Armenian Cory
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These. I have OSDD. At the moment I'm the green one.
i dunno what osdd means but very cute
Multiple personalities, and thank you!
oh! ofc!
That explains your TADC stuff
Where chungus????
>Covers his entire forehead with hair in sona
>Is balding irl
please be my bf
i love you and your work
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Stupid little creature
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idk if this counts i just drew myself after seeing across the spiderverse
why do you draw like one
Stop watching that
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i also (unintentionally) drew something similar to the threadpic the other day
why? does /ic/ hate it?
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Not the crocs anon...
Momento de bruh
You seem horrible but weirdly attractive. As a persona you could do a lot worse.
Based dox maxxing thread
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Where were you people when the self portrait thread was up?
U stupid?
it's nonsense memeing
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I've been drawing this character a lot as of late. Old OC from when I was 14 has become my draw sona..
Post your sona, anon
Already did, though mine was just for a bit of trolling.
Lol go get that fat numale ant in your orbiter server to simp more for you, you fragile e-girl. Btw you will never be one of the boys, roastie
Iron know but even the pic was the same
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I usually draw my art-sona as a sign off for my art. Like a full-stop on the end of a sketch sheet. So I made it out of things I really enjoy drawing, as a way to reward myself.

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