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Is Patreon still the go to for NSFW or what do people use nowadays?
this has nothing to do with your thread OP but I'm so sick of csr and all of his clones
In the last 3 months a lot of NSFW artists went to other websites like Subscribestar.
I heard that they're cracking down on weird and, or taboo art.
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Subscribestar is the only way.
I know Joel Jurion is on some french version of patreon. Maybe europe can dodge the worst of it?
>I can only make """art""" that I get paid for.
Dad's never going to shut up until I can pull at least 5 figures off it.
yes, if you don't draw lolicon or furry, only common stuff is allowed

people don't like this site.
Approval taking FOREVER on Subscribestar
It's over, they don't want new lolicon artists.
>yes, if you don't draw lolicon or furry
uhm, where should I go if I am a furry?
what about stuff like ryona?
neck funny lollolo
lmao... are you serious?
no violence, no rape.
only consensual sex

Ask furries, I've never been interested in furry art.

Patreon and payment processors hate furries, because it's considered bestiality
I draw weird shit on patreon all the time. never been reported or notified not even a once.

You guys obviously don't use Patreon
aren't good enough
listen to popular faggots on twitter
or you aren't close with your community

I like the original csr, the clones add nothing of value, we can still appreciate the OG.
>never been reported or notified not even a once.
Can you post a link? I would report your weird shit.
Everyone says this until they piss someone off and suddenly they're panicking on Twitter, "What do I do? WHAT DO I DO?!"
>I draw weird shit on patreon
Like what? I draw horsecock dickgirls and I'm good.
Cool. I've heard they really really like incest. You might also want to try hard gore, violence against women and rape.

That should put you on a map. Or at least on a list.
>Like what? I draw horsecock dickgirls and I'm good.
based, link?
>I like the original csr, the clones add nothing of value, we can still appreciate the OG.
how do i become a csr clone?
>only consensual sex
so what if you draw something outside of that? there's just no where?
All the (You)'s prove my point unironically.

>Like what? I draw horsecock dickgirls and I'm good
I draw NTR, and Pokephillia, pokemon girls getting doggystyle by eevee, Granblue fantasy rape, i used to draw goblin slayer, um, i used to taimanin asagi and friends getting being impregnated by tentacles, but recently i've been busy but i drew "bluesona" and started drawing my own characters. I try to challange myself and draw everything but haven't drawn horsecock yet. and i'd like to return to attempting lolicon, so far i've only done teens.

It doesn't matter what i type here, i know you all don't draw nsfw.
Yeah, I've seen it not long ago. People think they can draw what ever they want, until they hit the wall of censorship.

Patreon staff will notify you if you do something wrong.
I know a guy who was forced to delete his OC, because her breasts were too small.
on one hand censorship is bad.
on the other hand, bullying flatties is hot
some of his clones are better than him imo
>censorship is bad
no it isn't
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Just remember one thing.
It's the most important rule for NSFW artists. I'm not trolling.

Never draw lolicon, NEVER!

Lolicon is only for loosers, you'll regret, unless you're a submissive pedophile who doesn't care. Pedophiles are treated like animals, or even worse, they have nothing to lose, they can draw for free.
Fr fr, ong.
but I like lolis
>censorship is bad
things I think are disgusting should be getting censored, banned and the cunts making it should be killed.
simple arse
>should be killed.
start from youself

japs get banned on western sites

you can like secretly, but you're not allowed to produce lolicon
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>you can like secretly, but you're not allowed to produce lolicon
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>I draw weird shit on patreon all the time. never been reported
We can change that for you anon, show us your Patreon so we can report it.
By the way I heard that they love it when you draw animal dicks on anthro characters, give it a try.
>i'd like to return to attempting lolicon
Do it post lolis on Patreon.
Out of curiosity, what kind of content do you upload to your Patreon/Subscribestar? How can you know if your follower are enjoying your content? Do you just post the stuff you usually draw, or do you ask them what they would like to see next?
It's a good idea to already have followers on social media who enjoy whatever you draw when you open a Patreon. I'd say 10k on Twitter is a good start.
You want to interact with your Patrons in some way. Character suggestions, art raffles or monthly rewards. Running a Patreon that's just two guys donating one dollar each can be quite awkward.
Whatever you say Duchess
I'm afraid that's my problem. I've been posting stuff online for a while, but I don't have a Twitter account (most of what I draw are private commissions from people who took the trouble to contact me). Also, The few times I do have time to draw something personal, I post it on unpopular websites (Hentai Foundry, Fetlife, BDSMlr and ImageFap). I believe most people know me from a series of comics I drew for an adult website and my collaboration with a big Patreon account. I don't even have a commission sheet because I don't know how much I should charge for my work.
seethe harder degenerate DOUBLE NIGGER
>post lolis
>on Patreon
How does he do it considering he draws hardcore loli and shota connected to his real name??
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Except when its pic related, then apparently it's okay for Twitter antis
Especially when its Rei or Asuka as well
Pokegirls are valid.
Everyone there is "10" years old but look like teenagers.
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what about this one?
What matters is how they look in your drawings.
>degenerate calling anyone degen
the lack of self-awareness, no wonder your kind are loli shitters, thinking like a man child is a requirement to be one after all.
blogs ?
you're right

my frieren art got deleted, because she looked too young
I don't know, but his tipeee has pictures from his pinups, a tier for his wakfu doujin, mention of his futa/crossdressing work. At least, I think he's keeping the explicit loli off it.
Even then, it doesn't seem enough to get him moral police'd.
I don't know them by name, I just recognize them when I'm beating off
is that who the antis complain about, or is that who the antis like to draw?
>I draw NTR, and Pokephillia, pokemon girls getting doggystyle by eevee, Granblue fantasy rape, i used to draw goblin slayer, um, i used to taimanin asagi and friends getting being impregnated by tentacles,
>recently i've been busy but i drew "bluesona" and started drawing my own characters.
Whats that?
Is bullying flatties still hot?
>that image
just draw it for free
Does twitter let me draw Kanna's fat loli ass without banning my ass?
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Don't you end up getting mass reported by haters?
I barely got 100 followers and haven't made any money in years but I still have a couple retards who want me dead, keep saying I'm a racist pedophile for some reason and got me banned from places, I'd assume anyone famous enough to actually make a patreon page work would have a couple dozen of those guys who'd report every post until it works.
I use ci-en like all the other Japanese loli artists and I never got a single issue with the rape shit I draw. I've also seen a lot of my idols on Fanbox, zero fucks given. I don't draw exclusively loli but if they all ban it one day, I'll just keep drawing and posting it for free wherever I can, which will probably be where most of the population can see, much to their chagrin. My shit loli art gets thousands of views out of Pixiv only. I repost the non loli shit everywhere and it gets 10x more attention, but no Ledditor ever complained that I draw little girls getting fucked once checking my accounts.
I tried to do subscribestar and you need to link a bank account, and there's no way to taking your money out otherwise
fuck that
I'll stick to patreon, they send it to my paypal
I WOULD use something else that isn't patreon or subscribestar if they also work with paypal
If not
Fuck you and your banks
>Draw bimbo Dawn with huge tits
>Faggot on Twitter comments "ummm guys she's 10"
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Don't bend the knee for those schizo.
When they show their discontent, draw 3 more of the same.
I don't, I just block them. I'm just saying it doesn't matter how you draw them, some faggot kid that thinks he'll get likes will always post a comment like that.
Gotta start calling these people dorks like they are. They would definitely be embarrassed by labels like that even if they pretend not to
At best Patreon reviews the drawing in question. Don't feed the trolls.
I was just talking about twitter. I don't even post on patreon directly, a lot of people don't. Both as an anti piracy measure and because Patreon won't check your discord or mega
Don't block them, as annoying they can be. Those shitters that make twitter threads and replying to your post actually helps boost your account by a whole lot, but you will get more money too. a couple of guys that got attacked by underage users basically on twitter having each post being 10k to 100k shot up from 10k followers to 50k+. A couple of em even gained 2k-4k+ a month from patreon because these outrages. As long you aren't bending the need as >>7222434 anon said, you are shooting yourself in the foot by not doing it.

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