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Why is public nudity considered normal in the art world while it is frowned upon in every other part of society?
Artists who never moved on away from nude art are too afraid to go through Drapery.
Art isn’t for people with hang ups.
I am typing this comment being naked nobody can stop me.Thanks for being our voice OP.
Why is eating your son considered normal in the art world while it is frowned upon in every other part of society?
You're dealing with forces beyond your comprehension. All the artistic shit, theater, arts, music, /lit/, comes from ancient ritualistic legacies, from the ancient middle east, to ancient greece, egypt, and rome. Those "cultural cults" are being kept protected by (((elites))) through the ages. Like the rituals in bohemian grove, are just reenactments of what they always did since ancient times. All those little gilded age secret theaters in big manors and state institutions, were stages used to represent "artistic plays" always related to old gods and religions. And in the core of that "cultural legacy" is the human person, the body, the "ultimate god". And inside that god lies the "spirit" animated by "sex, love and hate" in equal parts. So those three forces must be represented and "adored" in all of their "glory". You can start to imagine the rest of that shit.
They rule the world, they fight "religions" and promote the absolute "human freedom" to put a naked faggot walking in front of your family on public places, because "that's beautiful pure, and true". It all comes form their ancient bullshit rituals and artistic theater cult representations. So the they keep that power to impose cultural cues like that within their secret societies, to keep that "gnosis" alive and present in the elites that hold that power over society. In the 70's started a big push of the whole body building faggotry promotion with Schwarzenegger, check it, there's a lot of weird movies, and filming productions containing that element, check his first movie "Stay Hungry", you will see, how obscure and fucked up that shit is. And that shit grew in media, promoted by them. You know who. They keep the ancient greek and roman satanic shit alive. Check Fellini's Satyricon. That shit is what they do to this day. In the middle of all of that lies the human creature, pure and naked, remember "pure" and " naked". Those faggots are satanic.
christian cuckoldry
Nudity in classical art represented the most primitive state of human beings, in situations where the pure and sensitive state of the human being became visible, the human being comes completely naked into the world, currently nudity is superficial porn without meaning or depth. artistic.

An example, Michelangelo's David represents the young naked common man without armor, only a slingshot who fights against the giant Goliath who is stronger...
I'm just gonna play some video games, man.
>t. amerimutt
False, most of the classical realist nude works are Western from Christian eras such as the Renaissance, we owe this artistic wealth to Christianity, it is studied in all countries even in China which is communist, in Islam it is prohibited.

Nowadays, where everything is freed from religious prejudices, art is in decline. Toshio Maeda, creator of Urotsukidoji, a famous manga and anime, said that art benefits from a certain sensitivity by forcing artists to devise new practices to express the forbidden. In Japan, explicit sex is prohibited, which is why they pixelate it. It occurred to Naeda to create tentacles from the most classic works of primitive Japan and took it to a realm of dark fantasy with exaggerations.

You atheist asshole
tentacle porn is why we need religion
STFU your religion is on a decline. also ,Art is on a good spot right now if you ignore woke shit
someone call /x/ they must have a breach in their containment perimeter
Also is that what flaccid penises are supposed to look like?
Is your post supposed to imply that this pagan/satanic stuff isn't extremely cool and worth following?
Because if that's the case you're doing a very poor job.
>from Christian eras such as the Renaissance
The Renaissance was the revival of pagan aesthetics and values within a christian society.
Tentacle porn is why we need tentacle religion
That already exists. It's all that lovecraftian esoteric satanic bullshit.
Denying the alluring powers of satan is just a placebo against a real presence controlling the narrative and soul of a whole human civilization. It will dress itself as cool, mysterious, elegant, eternal, sophisticated, exclusive, "secret", adorned in gold and artistic majesty, so much that you can't avoid to dive into it, "who wouldn't?"... but what if you knew what lies in the core center of it? Once you're in that core, that horror doesn't matter, that horror is justified. "YOLO"... right? They even make kids to say that shit now.
Same reason strip clubs are acceptable, there's a concept of you agreeing to see it.
Are we really having the "why is x" stupid time-wasting questions on /ic/ now?
>inb4 "now"

Anyway, I'd say it's mostly inherited from the classical tradition of artistic nudes. It's survival into the christian-era west probably has to do with the idea that art has redemptive qualities. That mankind nude in art is not man in his bestial and primitive form, but man in his purest form as God created him.
The sexhavingness of the community.
because its fictional
why is he popping a chubby
wow my benis is bigger than Dave's :b
You know he's 17 feet high... don't you? His dick must be the size of your retarded head.
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Japan has a non-religious majority and they have censorship everywhere with a lot of aspects such as explicit sex, gore in fact Mortal Kombat is not popular in Japan because of the realism of the gore, so, here in the West the wokes are left-wing atheists and satanists are censoring everything attractive or that they consider sexual in games like stellar blade and other games. What is the point of believing that censorship is Christian? asshole
the difference is that you have it up your ass
Literally, the wokes tried to cancel human beings, making them an X without gender.
because I don't want to see your naked ass while I commute to work or eat my lunch?
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>Japan has a non-religious majority and they have censorship everywhere
Guess who imposed the censorship on them
>Guess who imposed the censorship on them

Japanese censorship is within its own country, Mortal Kombat is censored and is not popular in Japan, violence, gore in Japan is aesthetic and if it is given too much reality it becomes eroguro, stop making a fool of yourself with your anti-Christianity. , ignorant atheist.
>Japanese censorship is within its own country
Who wrote the constitution of their country?
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You're retarded, right? In the US there is less sexual censorship in pornography and explicit violence than in Japan, when the US pixelated explicit pornography? asshole
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I understand what the other anon says.
>In the US there is less sexual censorship in pornography and explicit violence than in Japan
Rules for thee but not for me.
Censorship laws in Japan were imposed by americans, that's a fact.
Before american imperialism Japan was a lot less stuck up about sexuality and nudity than the west, both in art and in daily life.
>frowned upon in every other part of society?
Only if you're a retarded anglo golem.
Humans don't mind the beauty of the human body.
And what is the horror.
What misery befalls the hedonist that doesn't befall the frigid retards denying themselves the experience of life?
You'll still get cancer, you'll still go hungry and cold in the wild. You don't gain anything from being a prude and you don't avoid any ill either.
In fact you make yourself ill, more ulcers are caused by seething about what the neighbors are doing, than by eating grease and spice to excess.
Not back in 1950's when American values were imposed in Japanese media.
And when they tried to repeal the censorship law recently, MasterCard and Visa threatened to block the country from international transactions.
You are so retarded that you get tangled up in your own comment, you say that censorship is the fault of Christianity, but at the same time you accept that American Christianity does not practice censorship, but exported it to Japan through the 1950 constitution, make up your mind idiot or One thing or the other???
It's cultural, the issue has nothing to do with religion, you ended up falling into your own trap.
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In China and North Korea, pornography is prohibited and they are atheistic communist countries, you are looking like a retard, seriously, stop beating yourself up.
>you say
You're talking to multiple people, retard.
I don't say Japanese censorship is imposed by Christianity, I say it's imposed by Anglo hypocrisy.
Left hand
Censorship in japan is getting out of hand
>you say that censorship is the fault of Christianity
No, I'm saying that censorship is the fault of americans, who imposed it on the Japanese to repress their cultural acceptance of nudity and sexuality.

>In China and North Korea
Japan is not China or North Korea.
Because we're freaks.
what about medicine
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>your learning the human form
and besides prob medical/athletic fields your not likely to get too in detail about noticing others bodies to comment on their physic in detail.
>tangent aside
>but polite society being how it is, ye haw and howdy n' all
Views on public nudity vary by country or region. If you walk across Germany butt-ass naked, significantly fewer people would care than if you tried to walk across the US in your birthday suit.
Most popular anime are rated G in Japan and TV-14 when aired uncut in the US.
Verification not required.
The nude body is pure, eternal, free.
The clothed body is shackled by culture and civilization. A time, a place, a zeitgeist. It represents something much narrower.
No use explaining this to americans though. All they see is coom

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