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Wait a minute.
There are people who trace it and people who don't.
post your 3d model traces
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yes all even big hentai artist
Still too hard for me to draw, they should add customization features like koikatsu
> these are the people calling you high beg
yes. but some just paint over instathots or other references. depends on the person. they also do the tim buckley tier faces - drag and drop eyes, mouths, hair, etc and resize/tweak depending on the angle.
genuinely it's usually not even necessary though. could be helpful for the occasional weird angle or hand
Practically all the time, it's honestly rare to see non-traced or heavily referenced artwork these days.
It saves a lot of time, which helps when your main form of financial support is making 20+ page comics.
Of course. It saves time and effort
Only zoomer losers do that
the boss and consumers dont care, just get the product out and make sure it meets the projects needs, you fucking absolute
>noo you can't develop a workflow that makes a satisfactory end result, you have to do it the "right" way!!
How many artists now trace over AI instead?
Not all of them trace 3d models, some trace photos and real life dolls. On a serious note I blame CSP and the new gen of manga artists.
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>Not all of them trace 3d models, some trace photos
I wish I was joking.
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No rules just tools.
You can do it too and post your result
how do i cope?
Akihito Yoshitomi
videotape your self drawing and post it along with the tears falling on the tablet/canvas from realizing that all the time couldve been saved by tracing so that your followers know you’re a real nigga
>videotape your self drawing and post it along with the tears falling on the tablet/canvas from realizing that all the time couldve been saved by tracing
My sides are hurting anon.
>all that work setting up the models just for a shitty looking sketch
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>All that time
>10 seconds
That's too much work anon you're right.
ngmi if you couldn't tell 99% of social media anime illustrations are drawovers of 3d
This but unironically. If you’re tracing things and telling people it’s your work/that you drew it, it objectively makes you a faggot and means you can’t draw.
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That's how anime animators learn to animate too.
They trace everything, even multiple pieces of art at the same time.
I find drawing shoes to be so annoying that I just load up similar shoe models on sketchfab, rotate it around in the previews and snapshot and paste it into my drawings. Then trace it. Saves me a lot of time and why didnt I think of that earlier.
Using AI can save even more time right? who cares about the effort.
And don't tell me about copyright, if 3D tracing artists had good morals, they would've used the #3dtrace art tag.
3D tracing artists will use AI tools in the future, you can screenshot my post.
I made a bunch of 3D model interiors over the years in an attempt to use them to streamline my drawing process that involves the same settings. Although I found the process of setting them up and use them for tracing or even just using them directly is too involved, and the resulting in mediocre products, similar to a loose reference, since I prefer to draw my own characters, so I don't usually use character models in conjunction with these backgrounds, but it is sometimes necessary to get the correct scales. Unless this way of drawing is ingrained in someone's process personally I just think it involves too much planning and it makes drawing process less fun for me. nevertheless I still sometimes uses design doll to play around with because I have hard time visualizing certain poses and how bodies intersects, but the figure is still not able to get it quite where I like it.
Its a great tool yes, but it doesn't change the fact that your lack of anatomical knowledge and even draftsmenship will show through if you simply trace them. Good artists will use it as a quick way to come up with poses and the right perspective for it like >>7216842 but if you look closely they don't really follow the 3d model past placing it as a base
Yes but still you need how to draw and need learn anatomy. It is not a shortcut to stop learning, its a tool.
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>one person does x

A big percentage of "big hentai artist" draw it on fucking paper you retard.
yeah it's why it looks shit
That's for learning action retard, completely different.
That's a pic from an anime animation class where they trace multiple frames of videos to learn about movement.
It's hilarious that retards like you have the audacity of insulting others, stop projecting kid.
Stop embarrassing yourself retarded weeb. Your heroes are fucking hacks.
>Here comes the resident AIfag asking validation yet again!
5 more weeks.
yeah, nowadays every hack can be an artist.

I swear if AI was easier to handle, all of them would jump on AI bandwagon and I suspect they want to badly, but either can't figure out how to do it effectively or are afraid of backlash
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My heroes can fucking draw. It's not impossible you know.
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Have another, maybe it'll cure your faggotry.
We've had these threads for years and no one has ever posted what application these japs are using for this
Not true. This is just you coping, because of your own failures.
Very close, the AI line art is already legit tool, just wait them implemented into CSP and call it a "smart line art" instead of AI and every artists will use it
Of course they have to make it a brush type so artists will thought it's their own creation
Untalented person who traces
>manages to get their manga published
>gets an anime adaptation and money from merchandising
>can now afford to live/work as a professional artist
Untalented person who doesn't trace
>spends all day shitposting
>doesn't draw, even if he wants to

Remember no one gives a shit if you trace as long as the art is appealing and you can meet deadlines
Woah, it's nice to be the 1% I guess.
Stop coping with lies, seriously.
Thanks to AI, tracers can now unabashedly assert themselves on /ic/, because it's a 'lesser' offense or something. I wonder what's next for the artists' Overton window.
do you also cheat yourself at the gym.
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Where do I learn hatching like this? I need to know if there are any mangaka who use it like that.
>Where do I learn hatching like this?
On a piece of paper or on a tablet.
Let me rephrase the question. "Are there any artists or mangakas who I can study it from and attempt to use it on my own artwork eventually being able to emulate it myself."
It's not cheating yourself if all you want to do is to make a comic/manga

If your goal at the gym is to just get jacked (and you're smart enough to follow a schedule), why not use steroids to augment your training? Of course if your goal is some kind of holistic fitness, then don't use roids.

It's all about your goals
Bernie Wrightson's Frankenstein is a masterclass of hatching like that
>why not use steroids to augment your training?
Because of all the bad side effects.
Just like with tracing the bad side effect is losing the respect of your peers.
If you don't care about it, then go ahead.
You can most certainly do it but that doesn't mean you'll achieve the result you expect due to your complete lack of intuitive thinking ability.
Is this just a weird roundabout way of asking for the source? Why would you reply "I need to know if there are any mangaka who use it like that" when you're responding to an image of a mangaka using it like that? Reverse image search is your friend.
Anyway no matter how many examples you see you're not going to be able to draw anything like that without thousands and thousands of earnest attempts.
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>It's not cheating, my main goal isn't to be healthy, I just want to have six-pack abs
>btw I want to be inclusive on /fit/ and I won't tell everyone I had surgery
Jokes aside, I think it's okay to use 3D but it has to have the #3dtrace art tag.
If you draw for speed, you're not a real artist
If you draw for validation from others, you're not just a fake artist, but a subhuman

If you draw for the process itself, you're a real artist.
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I want to know what OTHER mangaka use this style of hatching because pornography makes me impulsive and overall reduces my ability to think things through which negatively affects my job. There is also the problem of triggers affecting my nofap streak.
>Le hack
>Retarded narrow minded elitist take.
What's funny is that you are probably just a beglet spouting big words.
I've drawn before your shitty parents had sex for the first time, kiddo.
is it even worth spending the time posing 3d models for poses this basic?
it's when you realize just how much of hacks some of them are.
I hope you are proAI and think it's fine for corps to just use automatizations in art while paying the button pushers as little as possible
yeah and how that counter my point ?
did i should add '''some''' because most of meme known is digital ('shindol asanagi jun...wagashi muk)
>all the time couldve been saved by tracing
I have nothing against using 3D mannequins and fully accept there are plenty of artists better than me who do it. However I also think a skilled and practiced artist can simply draw mannequins faster than anyone can finagle a 3D model into the right pose and angle.
>but it has to have the #3dtrace art tag
If you can't tell the difference, why does it matter? Let's say maybe you can, but know that most people in the real world can't, and they also couldn't give less of a fuck
Then you have to be 60 or something.
Explains a lot.
It's a crutch
Roids are based
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Of course, they're just milking coomers for their neetbucks. Did you think they were putting craft and care into this shit?
Shut up, ornella you French bitch
Not really, and if you don't know that it just means you don't spend enough time lurking and don't follow enough artists. Like, just off the top of my head, jeonghee1414 is probably the best and most influential anime artist of the decade and he doesn't trace and I don't believe even uses 3D at all.
Inoue Kiyoshirou is a hentai OG who's got insane skills and clearly worked without tracing (as is evident from a few draft books he released).
There are hundreds of artists on twitter churning out daily figure studies by the dozen, too.

Also, there's a huge difference between using 3D for reference and tracing.
where does "craft and care" begin and end exactly?
is that surprising? There's a reason why a lot of these anime artist artwork is so flat, boring, stiff, and nearly look all the same. It all about saving time.
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based 3d chads
Being horny lowers your attention to detail so they get away with it. Anyone taking a critical analysis of coom is someone not turned on by it.
Hey zoom zoom.
Only the bad ones, OP.


This is fan no hitori's stuff? That's insane.
tracing is le bad because it just is, okay?
so this is why he's doing things slow or has he just aged out of doujins?
because plagiarism, anon. people wouldn't have care nearly as much otherwise.
I've seen many jap artists use 3D . It's definitely a great tool but to use this effectively you still need anatomy knowledge to make it appeal
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bro... its a sphere.. you need a 3d model... for a sphere?
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Coping with the fact that you will never be able to monetize your art, so you have to come up with excuses why you don't "want" to do the same.
You are pathetic.

yeah I kinda agree with him, I don't want to coom and get desensitized to these images, I just want to see this level of drawing.
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Sorry, that's a delusion. The 3D perspective and contraction/position of bodies and all bones and muscle groups takes time and effort for anyone. Especially if you want to draw uncommon poses/physical interactions between bodies. Kim jung ji became famous because he seemingly could do it, but the reality is that he's 1 in millions with a very specific brain setup to accomplish that. Even then his poses can be overly static compared to some pro hentai stuff, just because the hentai artist might focus a lot more on exaggerating physical deformations, perspectives, etc

But it's also true that you need to be able to draw mannequins as fast as you say for the AI to not become just a crutch stopping you from improving. It's a different thing when a pro uses AI to speed up work/focus on other things and a beg does it to avoid learning
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LMAO it really exists, we have smart smoothing (AI) now soon we will have smart line too.
So what program are they using for those models?
Serious question but what software does he use for these exact 3D models?
I know you're probably baiting for (yous) at this point but you really ought to kill yourself, fucking faggot.
the tracer fears the true artist
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Yo, this stuff is bangin'!
Most mangaka who really know how to draw well don't bother with that mannequin crap because at their skill level its actually more efficient to just draw the thing instead of fiddling around posing mannequins.
Most of the artists relying on this are mid-skilled draftsmen and renderfags who are firmly entrenched within ten generations of anime stylistic inbreeding and are more interested in the costuming and prettification stage than learning to draw well and/or crap out art as quickly as possible. You know, the kind of faggots who do work for isekai manga/manhwa and the like.
>afraid of backlash
try "afraid of the whole market becoming buried in shovelware so being good at drawing becomes entirely useless and art dies out"
You already can't make a career without selling out entirely, making addiction/porn, or being a literal art god "teaching" others to be hired by the same industry you left because it made you want to kill yourself. "Backlash" is people who don't want every job/art form to be entirely outside the reach of anyone wanting to develop their talents (music, gaming have been hit hard by shovelware and digital platforms long before AI, now they're effectively dead across the western world)
We already had a whole ass Twitter thread at the beginning of last year on how people were talking about tracing 3D models and we deduced that the people advocating for tracing 3D couldn't draw to save their loved ones lives under the threat of a drone strike while the people against it were basically "no rules just tools" but learn your fundies.

You have access to the same tools. If you think it's so easy, why aren't you doing it? Because you know the results will be shit anyway.
>"afraid of the whole market becoming buried in shovelware so being good at drawing becomes entirely useless and art dies out"

Highly doubt that hacks are the last front line against AI. Their skills were never all that great, why would they worry that it will become useless?
I have been using smart smoothing filter to upscale shit for almost half a decade now.

Its actually useful but ultimately replaced by the new scaling tech they implemented.
oh hey, I recognise this. I came buckets to the fellas.
The issue that your overlay art looks like crap still remains.
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Anon, I ...
Beat me to it
Will the question be answered? What's the software?
Doesn’t this prove that the whole Loomis construction thing is nonsense?
What’s the point if you just end up depending on reference anyway?
thats not exactly tracing. its like, dress up.
Damn that's the models I need holy fuck look at them tiddies fuck I'm gonna cum aaaaaahhhhhhh
Stiff and soulless
But enough about you
Speed matters way more than actual skill. Sorry, guys.
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Wait, do people who use loomis not check references?
True I've been working on form and flow
These threads always pop up and get filled with cope by those who think no one is able to just draw. lmao
In the time it takes me to figure this thing out I've already drawn all the figures.
Its always amazing to see people drawing without guidelines. I was never able to do it, as I even need blobs, then stickfigure before I can actually draw.

I dont get it. You can always trace over it and then exaggerate your gestures so to get that the boring 3D stiffness out of the way. Maybe begs would trace the outline of the 3D which is the wrong way to do it. Just use trace over the landmarks and once you have enough guides to base off, turn that trace layer off and draw your own way.
> consoom product
The type of process never mattered.
A chainsaw is easier to use than an axe, but a man who cuts down ten thousand trees with a chainsaw will still be more impressive than a man who chops down a single tree in the same time.
>The type of process never mattered.
The process that is quicker matters.
Just depends on your goal and the amount of effort you put in to achieve it.
You can run across a few states or bike across the country. Both can be just as impressive depending on the effort you put in.

I don't really get how people just see somebody tracing and automatically assume they aren't going to do anything ambitious with it.
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not a single line on that image is traced other than one of the hands
Some of the thighs are.
>drawing over figure
>using loomis head on the figure
>select tool to move things around after

wtf is drawing even, I'm so tired of building and carving and sculpting forms. I just want to shit out lines like KJG.
youre so fucking retarded anon, pyw
link to the model?
What if these models were originally intended for mangaka with arthritis/disabilities and the mangaka poses the model and the assistant draws the character over the model? The whole "time saving" thing was meant to really mean saving time for the artist to allow them to mock up things using only a mouse so that they can rest their hand while the assistant picks up the slack maybe.
What is one free way to do this? This actually looks smart for intricate poses and camera angles etc.

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