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For a lack of better words, I’ve had a genuine struggle over the years to work my way on creating appeal.

I tend to draw a lot of armored female knights, rogues, and sorceresses. But I’m not quite sure whether it’s skill, style, subject, or some other reason, I have never managed to capture the interest of any audience. The only one who shown any interests in my art was my cousin and mother. I know this is the typical story of someone who just needs to “get good” or so to speak, but I felt like I really reached a dead end with this. Is there something else I’m missing?
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I tend to go for more saturated colors in my flats. I’ve also tried different color themes but so far nothing managed to reach an audience on Twitter or similar platforms.
>I tend to draw a lot of armored female knights, rogues, and sorceresses.
have you tried combo-ing it with a completely different theme or subject? I've known some cool things when you out of place concepts like robotic knights, but you can honestly go further by using innocuous objects like fruit or bugs etc to theme around.
From an art perspective, depending on what you prefer (action, slice of life), you should make your art as clean and still or gritty and animated as you intend.
just prompt
Have you considered inking or line weight? There's nothing wrong with flats, but this needs more, it just feels like a rough draft. If you're insistent on flats then a lot of your visual vocabulary will shine through in shape language and composition along with line weight.
Generic shit coom
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To answer the question about line weights. I do color using line weights as well in certain drawings.

As for coom and prompt. I’m not familiar with either of these two terms.
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As for the robot and bug theme, I have also done bug themes with scorpions and made a Scorpion Lord boss character in the past.

The struggle also comes from even when I made different theme and art, it seems I have no luck at reaching an audience outside of my direct relatives.
You draw well enough but your lack of audience might be because you only use algorithm based platforms like Twitter and Instagram and don't know how to reach potential viewers or if you use tag based sites like Pixiv and DA, you are bad at tagging your stuff.

Understand your genre, understand how the sites you use operate, understand your audience.

You draw animu, nice. What sets you apart from thousands of other artists who draw the same?
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I look at your art and the words " completely unremarkable" comes to mind. Colors, composition, style, its all so by the numbers, yet nowhere as good enough as the average skill level showing on big follower artist. You are several years out skill wise from garnering attention.
just spam fotm
I see. That seems like an accurate assessment. I am not quite sure if being compared to “big follower artists” is fair considering the goal is to reach outside of people from my immediate real life environment.

I would think it be more reasonable to set a goal to connect to other people and reach an audience that is similar to other basic learners like myself.

Comparing to professionals doesn’t seem as a reasonable nor realistic goal for someone of my state.

I am looking for more achievable numbers like being able to reach an average of 10 to 15 reaches on a drawing post.

As for the post about tags, I don’t really understand how tags work. I don’t really grasp the concept behind what to tag and how to tag.
I think you need less of those little lines everywhere and to pay some more attention to the line weight. also would help to draw simpler shapes, overall
I'll do a redraw, give me a minute
Here’s a tip. Look at shit that isn’t anime. Find something appealing, and use that in your drawings.
To create appeal you need taste. To acquire taste you need to immerse yourself in the works of others and connect the dots. Look at trends and what's popular, especially within the audience you're trying to appeal to. What resonates with these people and why? You mention that you draw armored female knights. Armored female knights on their own aren't appealing enough.

You need to pair it with another concept to make it interesting. A concept, like cute anime girls doing cute things for example. But cute anime girls doing cute things in battle armor as a concept isn't interesting enough either! So let's pair it with historical accuracy! Now you have cute anime girls doing cute things in historically accurate battle armor. It's cute because of anime girls doing silly stuff, interesting because of the historically accurate armor, and hilarious because of the ridiculous contrast of it all. Cute, interesting, and funny - a triple appeal combo!

If your art isn't jaw-dropping gorgeous, you will need to think of clever concepts to hook and appeal to an audience. There are a million female knights drawn out there, but not as many moe anime girls dressed in Song Dynasty heavy infantry armor pulling silly poses.

Of course, you don't need to use anime girls, but you should have a concept that people can only get from you. Give the audience a reason to follow you and not the other million artists out there who draw armored female knights. A clever concept trumps art quality.

I've looked at your gallery and I can't seem to find a theme. It seems rather random and unfocused. What can I expect to see regularly when if I decide to follow you? Pick your niche, your genre, a clever concept, and stick to it.
Use DeviantArt and Pixiv. When you post your shit, tag the characters and game/series they are from. Use tags for specific niche: does it feature blowjob? Tag blowjob. Does it feature lesbians? Tag it. Does it feature ryona? Tag it. Get your head out of your ass and make sure people who might be interested in your art and its subject can find you if they search those things.
Thanks for the tips.

It’s Monday morning and I got to get to work soon. Going to take a power nap and get ready for work. Will go through the posts and respond tonight.
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It's just kinda generic and average through and through, OP. I don't want to be a bully, that's just my honest feelings. For me to even throw a like at anime these days, it needs to tickle the pp or meet a minimum of quality/creativity, preferably both. I just scrolled through my eclectic xitter likes tab for my most recent unambiguous anime-style like - it was this. This is the minimum for me personally to like a typical anime drawing more or less, skill wise and creativity wise.
Recap, you need to either:
a. get dick hard (ez/soulless mode)
b. be original/stylish (on some level)
c. be a technical monster
Obviously if you can do multiple, people are more likely to pay attention to that
I'm not sure to what extent a person can consciously change their art in any case, but I'm just being real about it because you asked
Been reading through. Realistically, I can’t see myself drawing naked characters or characters of sexual nature.

I would need to go back through the comments again and take notes on the solutions offered.
Your OP pic and >>7216992 and >>7217002 say otherwise.
One thing I've learned is that once you understand how things, such as hands, are supposed to be shaped then you can reduce the detail in these areas if they aren't your focus. That way you have more time to focus on something you do have a problem with - in this case, appeal or themes.
I do think your work could use a lot more expression in the subjects, on top of my prev. statement regarding combo-themes and the like.
Just make sure you're experimenting as a habit until you understand what hits and what doesn't. Also, share among your friendgroups in places like Discord as well. If they like it, they'd probably share more than your senpaitachi. The work you've done now isn't in vain, as they could eventually get traction when you find something that brings people in. Do not give up
Idk what are you aiming for OP.

But I know fanbases are a BIG contributor to my subs. You are more skilled than me so let me tell you, all you need to do is choose something to make fanart of, and people will recognize you and follow you since you make good art of the characters they like

It's much harder to gain an audience drawing OC. You need to be either super good, or funny.
Just make a manga. You'll pick up all the skills you're currently lacking in
Seems to me like you need two things. Better taste and a stronger grasp on design fundamentals.Your drawing is decent but the content is fairly bland and the composition is really haphazard.

Taste issues tend to happen when you limit what you're exposing yourself to. I'm guessing you consume a lot of anime and manga? There's nothing wrong with that, but you need more variety in your creative diet. Problems with composition is just a typical issue with your fundamentals and can be resolved in the typical way.
I mean you're already drawing busty anime babes with underboob windows and exposed midriffs. I respect you for having some standards, but there's sex appeal there intended or not.
You're also doing fan art, another advantage.
If that's what you're already doing, you just have to it a lot better in some way. Either be more creative with it, be more skillful, pander to a fanbase/niche, or cheat your way to the top. Something.
Not him but drawing PG13 is way different than drawing porn. I feel comfortable drawing clothed sexy girls but naked is a different beast
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Sorry for responding again. I meant to go to sleep, but I guess this conversation got me thinking about a lot of things.

I have to sort through my thoughts and all the information here before able to respond coherently.

As for the part about what I am aiming for, this is more direct and easier to answer.

My day job is an Unity programmer at a game company. But because I am able to speak English, most of the times I am relegated to translation work instead.

I’m not really enjoying the games my company makes, so I started to draw again and have been coding an auto-chess game with my characters and animating it frame by frame.

The goal is to finish a game of my own. Even though it is intended to be a free game, I have been unable to reach any audience aside from my own family members. Am trying to figure out what designs would appeal more to the general public.

Here is a gif file of a walking animation of the rogue on the chess board.

It was supposed to a mix of ragtag team of adventurers deployed on a quest, with typical knights, rogues, mages, witches, healers, and brewers and such.

I know I’m not an artist and can’t draw like artists, but I don’t have the funds to hire artists and it’s a solo dev project, so I decided to try and draw the animations and design the characters myself.
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I think your technical skill is good enough. But your characters can't be just "Blank slate fox girl that looks kinda sexy" because users will have a hard time relating to that. What makes her special? You could maybe release some comics or lore explaining what does she do. How does she live, who are her friends among the cast. That's how you make people relate to your characters and start appealing to them

Take Dungeon Meshi for example. I think these character designs are not very appealing and kinda generic, but since we spend time with the characters and see their dynamics and reacting to different situations, you start to relate to them and understand them.

I think your skill is good, and your girls are sexy, which is a good thing and will get some eyes to take a first look at your work, but making an universe of characters that works well together, enough to make people interested in your cast and setting, and ultimately your videogame, should be your next step. Have you seen Valve's TF2 and Dota comics? You could aim for something like that too
You are an artist but you have some cognitive problems when you can't grasp what makes people find and pick up new artists to follow
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I haven't read the other replies yet and this is just my opinion >Picrel is a quick rough redraw sketch I did so you can decide if I'm worth listening to

but basically my feeling is your art style feels a little like you're stuck in between adding lots of details and making things more realistic vs trying to be anime/stylized so you end up in this weird uncanny valley where you're kinda not doing either well by doing both half way.

I would recommend going all in, in one direction, either stylize and simplify, or go harder on accurate anatomy and realistic clothing folds/faces to match.

Even if you go the more realistic style, try using line weight to imply things, sometimes less is more even if things are realistic you don't need to add 5-10 lines where 2-3 would do the job just as well to inform the viewer and they can fill in the blank. Good luck I feel like you're skilled you just need to keep going to find what you like and breakthrough.

I would also try to take in inspirations from real life and carry them into your pieces. Might take +20 finished works to figure it out but good luck and hope this helps.
I think your art has appeal. I would just say it looks a little flat and your hands are good but too Manish for a female character. Try adding some more detail or lighting to these colored images to give them some depth. I'm speaking more as a consumer than an artist.
Aside from what the other anons said, you have a problem with monotony/ lack of dynamism. I mean this across the board; lineart, composition, folds, figures. Along with gesture drawing, I recommend you read the book Drawn to Life. Monotony is just the default state that has to be constantly tackled until it’s drilled out of us.
OP can you post some works that you think has appeal, so we know what you are trying to target?
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Sorry, it’s almost 8 am and I have to get to work. I can’t respond right now, but I will read through everything and respond after work today.

The style that I enjoy and have been learning from is Fire Emblem.
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This character with armor originally looks like this in combat.
I don't think quality or lack of "appeal" is a problem in your case.
The thing is that growing an audience with original characters is an uphill battle. It doesn't matter how technically impressive your art is if people does not connect emotionally with the characters or the story.That's why usually the recommendation to grind numbers in social media is to draw popular characters fanart or trends. After you get enough exposition you can gradually start introducing your own creations to the people who follows you. Many will leave because they were only interested in the subjet you did fan art of, but many others will stay just because they liked your takes and style.
That’s it.. everything else are midwits conspiracy theories
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Here is my feedback for you OP
-Blank expression
-Washed out colors
-Generic mobile game costume
-Generic walk cycle

Your technical drawing skill is more than enough to do your game. Your colors, composition and character design suck ass.

Here is a rogue/thief character by a master. The clothing is even simpler, the character is just a human but compare it to your own. It was designed for a game that uses shitty sprites.
>Somebody that never finishes anything and only relies on sketches, trying to give advice to somebody that finishes his drawings.
The absolute state of ic.
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hows this?
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What kind of artists do you even follow? I suggest watching draw streams of gooks like eo58, leviathan etc. I noticed most of them have this very distinct sexy appeal deeply rooted to Destiny Child artist Kim Hyung Tae. He's been drawing for as long as Feng Zhu or KJG.
Well, can your thief walk? Much less run, that ain't no thief, that's a statue!
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I see many valuable responses and critiques. I will be taking notes of all this.

I’ve just read everything and haven’t had a chance to respond yet.

I won’t deny feeling conflicted that it’s clear from most people’s responses that I have no fundamentals or understanding of style or much skills, which I admit is all true, but all the examples shown posts and expectations being compared to are artists who probably work professionally. I’m not sure whether to feel flattered or overwhelmed that people are expecting artist-level quality work out of me.

The post I do appreciate a lot is the analysis using numerical values showing the difference in color that makes it easy to digest and understand, giving me an opportunity to explore a wider range of colors.

I just feel slightly overwhelmed that I started out looking a wider reach of perhaps 10 or so audience, and this posts got more feedback than probably I ever gotten ever, which is amazing, but at the same time startling since my goal was to make a solo dev indie game with roughly the size of “Our Adventurer’s Guild” type of game on Steam. Suddenly, I’m thrown with expectations of drawing like a popular artist who probably draws every day whereas I can realistically maybe draw 2 to 3 weekend afternoons in a month.

There’s a very limited window to what I can achieve and I feel stressed now that there is such expectations.

That said, I will take notes of everything said and try to capitalize my time better and hopefully not to disappoint people.

For a better time frame, the line art sketch in OP was roughly 20 min to sketch and 2 hours to clean up. A full colored piece takes anywhere between 8~15 hours depending on the type of coloring, which is 2 to 3 afternoons.

The OP drawing was 2.5 hours and the sketch was roughly the first 20 min. I try to capitalize my limited time between two jobs to go through various iteration of sketches and designs before committing to line art.
Pick a subject you like to draw, draw it, tag it and post it. People into the subject and characters find you and pick you up. No matter how much you try to iron your art out won't help if people who might be interested in your art can't find you. Your problem is not your art quality but simply the fact you are posting into the void without people having means or interest to find you
Try draw something that you can't show to your cousin and mother, they probably limited your creativity.
Who are these characters? it seems like they are adventurers in an isekai world, what does the world look like? are they strong? is the wolf girl a bandit? is the waiter their friend? do they have any backstory?
I would just skip this if I saw it on Twitter because it feels like an art piece for fans not for me.

If you want to create a drawing with environmental storytelling to attract new audience, you have to make more information inferable in the drawing.
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i remember you, you were the guy who translated the Krenz vids on YouTube right ?
cool drawings, keep at it
>"What am I missing?"
>Anons answer him
>"Woah hey, I can't be expected to have quality and be held to a standard I don't even have time to draw much this is too much"

Azalea... stop namefagging and just work on your game now, there will never be a magic point where you're suddenly good enough or you suddenly have time to work on it. You're jobs mean you'll be a hobbyist. Just accept your limitations and start with what you have, you'll improve while trying to make the game anyway. No one expects anything of you, except the work you're paid for do everything else you do in the world is a bonus.
based on his replies, I think this guy is new to 4chan and probably doesn't even know what namefagging is
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Speaking of appeal, what do you guys think I could do to improve my art?
Your art is fine, your first step toward "appeal" is to either network aggressively or at minimum follow and retweet work over time slowly and keep putting out work consistently and you'll get dedicated mutuals over time willing to like and sometimes retweet your work. That is all. Don't be like all the other Twitter newbies who only follow the gigantic art accounts and never follow smaller ones. Smaller artists are your life and blood on social media, the really big accounts will just never do anything for you.
You draw way better than me so I can't give you drawing advice but given your current situation I'd just narrow your scope and make a game a la Helltaker. Something that looks nice and is free, with each character being quirky, good looking girls.

Everything. You already have a thread in the catalog, and on top of that, are trying to hijack someone else's thread with the same terrible smut. Stop being an attention whore and go draw, fag.
i think your assessment seems correct. You have good enough technical ability, you lack appeal.

the most obvious first step, is to start learning what you can about what makes something appealing, do a lot of observation.

In my personal experience, appeal comes from using specific techniques, doing specific things that look good, and I find not focusing on soulless precision and putting everything on charm helps. The more proper a thing is, the more soulless, and soul is a good source of appeal. If you prefer precision and technique to charm, then you have to go a different route I never learned, so I can't recommend much. I mean, outside of just figuring out how to do things in a really stylish and good way. They usually build things out of really good shapes.
oh and forgot to mention. Are armored female knights, rogues, and sorceresses appealing? Do you actually try to do them the appealing way?
>but all the examples shown posts and expectations being compared to are artists who probably work professionally. I’m not sure whether to feel flattered or overwhelmed that people are expecting artist-level quality work out of me.
There is no reason to be trying to reach for mediocrity. Or study it. Learn from the best and if you grow to be even half as good as them it would already be a great success.

You don't use beg drawings to study anatomy. You use proper photos or live models.
The same way if you want to study character design you don't study from retards who slap fifty different accessory pieces on a character with not a single one of them having any purpose. You study the masters, best in their field, ideally those that you personally like more.
Why not? You don't even need boobplate - you just need to make the waist a little thinner to get the hourglass figure and raise the ridge on the chest piece to the level of breasts. That would be more than enough to show a proper female figure even if you use a close helmet.
how long does it take manga artists to do something like this? Just one of those little chibis would take me 5 hours because I'd have to spend so much time finding references for poses, thumbnailing, figuring out what brush, etc. But they look like fast doodles he didn't put any effort in.
>I'd have to spend so much time finding references for poses, thumbnailing, figuring out what brush, etc.
He's already figured all that out. And yeah the chibis are probably fast and easy, they're basically little Gumbys, 10-20 min each. I'm not him but I do a similar thing in my drawings - create a focal point where most of the time goes (the most detailed, often the largest figure, i.e. the giant slut in that one). I can't speculate in any more detail than that.
Murata draws 2-3 OPM pages per day if they are not very complex. You can check out his streams. Though he does leave some soft shading and background to assistants.

Colour pages that he did for say "Metal Knight Arrives" chapter took around 12-13 hours each.
This image is saying nothing. You drew a picture with nothing in it.

Think about coomer drawings, people who draw coomer shit hyper focus on certain aspects of the human body and in turn coomers look at the drawing and goes "wow, nice tits/ass/armpits/feet/etc"
Think about shitposter artists who makes jokes, they are drawing shit specifically to make you laugh.
Think about horror artists, they draw shit specifically to shock you.
Now look back at your drawing, what the fuck is it trying to say? It's not saying fucking anything. There's nothing grabbing my attention, there isn't even fucking any cleavage or tits or jokes or storytelling of anything it's literally just a nothingburger of a drawing
>like he didn't put any effort into them

Anon.. you realize that it took years of drawing way more than you to be able to "put little effort" into good looking quick sketches.
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Sorry for the late response.

I noticed I’ve broken a social rule here and wasn’t supposed to write my name here and I’m sorry for upsetting someone to the point of calling me a fag.

I will refrain from doing that anymore and this will be the last message as I feel that I owe a response due to promising to respond days ago.

A lot has happened recently and I currently don’t have the emotional capability to think or analyze on art and respond about art at the moment, for that I am deeply sorry to the people who have provided wonderful advices.

I’ve very recently lost my job (this morning) and needed time to process. I hope every fares well and I am sorry for not being able to respond properly to the time and effort that each of you have kindly provided in your advices.
it's not a literal fag lol Google what namefag 4chan means
sucks that you lost your job, take it easy man
>"What's a namefag?"
>Heheh 'LURK MOAR!!'
Namfriends are usually obnoxious self-absorbed losers with no skills. Unlike those users, at least you have skills
More importantly, you actually post your craft, something most namefriends are too squeamish to do themselves
In your case, you are using your official alias and posting in accordance
That's fine, you should keep using your name if you're posting your portfolio here
What you do need is a tripcode so people don't impersonate you in other threads
The board culture strictly adheres to critics, commentators, and shitposters. They don't deserve recognition.
Also, names lets threads be easier to read for spectators if 20+ artists post and argue at once

My condolences your company cut you loose, but you should definitely rebound

Looking at your works here and on X/DeviantArt, I really do like the ones with the pretty and deeper colors. In Pixiv, you had a burst of likes from your Medusa drawing 5 years back
Auditing your social media, you really don't have that much of a footprint compared to other artists, at least in the West
It's a hobby for you right now, but you won't be able to hook anyone if you don't cast enough works
If you're going to be an artist, you should really do more fanart of other prominent video game or anime characters. That's the fastest way to market and garner attention

If you're going to be a gamedev, you should definitely seek a studio or publisher with a like-minded vision
Do you have a build of your game assembled or at least a concept book?
I've seen solodevs throw their arms up and abandon their project because they didn't have the money or grit to see it through
It's tragic seeing them burnout

The board /vg/ has a dedicated amateur game development thread /agdg/
For you, it's probably toxic compared to the rest of social media, but they can help direct you or fulfill technical questions if you're dedicated to your passion
The last thing this world needs is more crabby people
Fag means person on 4chan. It's retarded but it is what it is.

>I’ve very recently lost my job (this morning) and needed time to process.
Hey if you have savings this is a chance to go pedal to the metal regarding your art objectives. Write a good CV, send like 3 applications per day, then dedicate all the rest of the day to drawing and making your game. Something something life lemons lemonade.
I wish you good luck
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>fag means person
>/fag/ distinctly draws not-very-people
funny how it works
Please for the love of god don't do this:
>Hey if you have savings this is a chance to go pedal to the metal regarding your art objectives. Write a good CV, send like 3 applications per day, then dedicate all the rest of the day to drawing and making your game.
That anon is saying that with all the good intentions, but please don't even attempt to do that. You will be digging a whole that will become your own grave. Get a new job or income as fast as you can, put ALL your effort on that task. forget about art till you find a new real gig. If you neglect that, even if you think that you have enough savings to take it easy for a while, you will be doomed in no time. And it's going to be so hard to get out of that situation that, your only hope will be the direct help of your own family (if you're lucky to have it). Avoid that at all cost anon. Keep yourself in a position of strength, this is your life on the table. Forget about art, that's secondary. Focus in your immediate situation. Good luck anon. Stay strong and awake.
>Imagine apologizing to people you have no connection to.
Lmao, you are too nice proabably why you got fired in the first place. The world only cares how much dick you are willing to suck.
>muh appeal
pseudo nonsense
just get better at composition and framing
Talk to more people.

Some art advice: it's tempting to draw lines on the knuckles because you see them on your actual hands but it's distracting in stylized works. Learn how fabrics work, vacuum sealed clothes look dumb on things that aren't latex or spandex.
Face is fucked up which is what creates 90% of the appeal so start there.
Too many thick lines in the fabrics which should all be very thin or not there at all just done in rendering. Work on your line weights.
Fix that neck anatomy.
too much detail, especially using lines for everything will make an artwork look too uncanny, rough, and less appealing.
Others are right OP, your stuff is a bit...like...kinda akin to emotion/soul, unfortunately. I'd hate to say this, but I would argue the images that AI spits out seem to be a bit more human than your pieces are and I don't say that lightly, AT ALL. Like, yes the characters are drawn in a sexy manner, but...they lack sexiness? They also lack personality, too. I can't tell or know who they are.

For example, >>7216904 why are these characters in there eating? Were they coming from a long day of walking, fighting, what? Also, the waiter what is her deal? They all have this sameish expression and they feel like mannequins. Also, the background...this restaurant looks so generic, no personality whatsoever. What's their specialty? It's just all...yellow.

The folds in the clothing are really busy which takes away from her face also all the line weights are the same just like in most of your pieces.

All of these are also lacking in values. They are really similar as >>7217350 pointed out. You need to turn your pics into greyscale to make sure that you have enough variation in your values. Also, you might want to figure out WHERE your area of focus is. Like the fire from that sword gets lost despite the fact that it's fucking FIRE. Then you have those busy ass stockings that are competing with it and then the top of her gets lost. You don't really give a sense of what kind of fabric or material anything is either.

Even here...she's just...walking...she lacks anything that could make her seem human or relatable. I want to liken it to an alien who learned how to draw humans, but the problem is that even AI learned how to make art and that shit is really soulless.

I am not sure what is going on through that head of yours..., but I have seen literal scribbles from kids that have more life than your art. I mean I applaud you for being able to draw well, but there's a human element missing.
>lacking emotion/soul
not trying to be mean-spirited here, but I read through the thread and basically every post just says that OP is...a generic NPC.
2 cents: You said armored female knights, but when I entered the thread I didn't see any. They are not armored enough. Not noble enough. Not unique enough.
This one for instance >>7217000 just seems like a generic anime girl you just put a sword on.
I'm no artist, but I think you can apply a beginner tip manga creators use: Make your main character the BIGGEST (characteristic).
World's happiest cop. Most fervent farmer. Biggest fashonista.
Make your knights the knightliest.
Your drawing layer is fine but the colors lack punch. You really need to start shading, a small amount of rendering should help quite a bit.
this is really cute, it's my favorite thing posted. I do think it's a little washed out and need's stronger colors. Consider adding a frame where she looks at the audience or strikes a little pose though. It's almost too clean and professional.
OP, just give the girls in the picture distinctive personalities and make your illustrations about their interactions.
>Apologizes for namefagging
>uses name in post

anon.. you're retarded also hope you can find a new job. don't take people on the internet or words too seriously
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Today i saw clip when i draw something like 7 years ago, it was the time when i draw for a whole 2 years, so its like a 8 or 9 years.I actualy dont care how its is,i care about how ultimate sexy and beuty or unique my 2d wifes can be.btw there huge dif between 4 yers ago and now
Appeal isnt your issue, it's little inconsistencies here and there in perspective and anatomy that all add up to make the image unpleasant to look at overall. In this case it's very much not your style, it's a lack of knowledge.
pro-tip: u won't
hit a nerve huh?

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