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File: HimbaDance.png (92 KB, 400x400)
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Alright anatomyfags, care to explain this?
Black magic
Porn artists need to draw better breast physics.
Here's a (You). Now kys.
Biblically accurate booba
Someone needs to draw and animate this.
>person in motion
negative iq
You’d need the video
Your mother will die in her sleep tonight, OP. No, there is nothing you can post to stop this.
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Funny replies

I probably can't post the link because that may trigger the spam filters, but if you search for "Himba women dance boobs" on Google Images, you will find the page with the video.


There actually is something I can do (picrel)
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They're soft and don't really have a form besides what gravity forces on them. Almost like water they adapt into whatever container you put them in. Different kinds of bras make them look different. Remove gravity and they'll sail around and point in random directions.
I unironically love this type of niggress so much more than the trash monsters we have in the west. Legit makes me want to knock her up and go live in a hut
Thanks Shawn!
anatomy only apply to creatures
the only good thing to come out of this thread
I can think of over a dozen scenes in kevin spencer with a fat old chicks tits fully out and flopping around as horrifying as possible
So sad to see that the greatest and bestest thread on this entire board is all the way down on page 9.
Bump! :D
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She got slapped by 3 men.
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Just her dancing with no bra and due to the shape of her breasts. It's not that serious.
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Anatomically accurate breasts are disgusting. I refuse to draw them.
What is there to explain? Drawing guides to breasts has always been comparing it to water balloons, exactly like what you're seeing here
t. homosexual
post it on that subreddit about men drawing women and let's see them saying that the author has never seen a boob in his life
Pretty good, it actually looks natural
Bro, what the fuck? All I get is men having sex with each other.
No need to sign your posts.
ty anon
now red line it
Take off your shirt and jump around in front of a mirror, you'll see you too can do that
These tribal customs are kinda hot tbdesu
Christianity was a mistake. Imagine, we could have white aryan women basically walk around naked 24/7 and shaking their udders like this to express joy and happiness, but noooo. The faggy prudes and conservatives in power arbitrarily declared that it's "immodest"
If you saw ugly boobs 24/7 you'd quickly get tired of them. The crusty Christian men knew what they were doing.
Anyone who knows anatomy wouldn't say that.
the people on that subreddit don't care about anatomy, they only care about calling men who draw naked women incels
That's not completely true, but it doesn't matter, because some of the art they complain about on there has some of the shittiest anatomy anyways.
OP is a faggot as always doesn't even know how fat works
I can fap to this
>He gets phased by looking at ugly tits
Don't bother calling yourself a man.
that subreddit makes my blood boil unironically
how would you draw her left breast with only lines and no shadow? This always gives me trouble since breasts are round and dont have defined edges.
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Her left tit is waving hello to the camera?
Explain what?
Like this >>7219522
tl;dr thicker and heavier lineweight towards the bottom to better convey volume
You kniggers act like no one knows what "motion" looks like.
It's a real life example of an inbetween
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