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Culturally and socially speaking, what should we do to make popular non-asian comics a thing again outside of killing capeshit?
Force western artists to stop drawing masculine women with chiseled jaws and teach them about the existence of cute girls
Hear me out: vermis, but a comic
Forget the 6 gajilions.
this but also you'd have to change how the process of comics get made and put it more into the creators hand instead of it being a company IP thing with multiple writers. Comics would also have to become cheaper
There's also something to be said about how western animation "adapts" comics but that's a different problem
Make good comics. Ideally comics where the writer and artist are one person. There’s also the bit where an accurate animated adaptation is proven to sell tons of comics, like it did with invincible.
The simple answer is simply making good comics, but the longer trickier answer is the distribution; I feel like webtoons, despite being the big player, is a dead end for a comic. It isn't a matter of webtoon's format, it's a matter of their entire site - you wouldn't put an action story in a compilation of romance stories, so you can't really put anything other than sloppy teenage romance schlock on webtoon.
There needs to be a proper western webcomic alternative.

Either that, or a new publication like heavy metal, or action comic, or even mad magazine needs to be released. I know many say 'print is dead', but I think that's just cope from the casualties. Make a comic magazine, and put it in a place where kids go, for a price that kids can feasibly afford, with a cover that grabs their attention, and I think it'd almost certainly sell.
Hell, you could probably make an e-mag version as well, for easy subscriptions.

But once a comic is in the customer's hands, if it's good, it'll earn a return customer.
Make it happen
You don't even need to draw good, just learn to make filters
I know it’s niche, but Newgrounds really should implement a comics section for the site.
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>make popular non-asian comics a thing again
Go indie and do what you want like Kirkman did with The Walking Dead and Invincible.
>outside of killing capeshit?
You can do capeshit but at least do something different with it, something fresh where being a superhero isn't important or relevant.
>You can do capeshit but at least do something different with it
I like superheroes in manga more than I like them in capeshit comics...
>you wouldn't put an action story in a compilation of romance stories
They do this in the Korean side of Webtoons.
>so you can't really put anything other than sloppy teenage romance schlock on webtoon
That's because English webtoons are read mostly by teen girls and young women while in Korea it's 50/50 so you get a lot of action there.
A lot of things, but one is changing the distribution system to sell at more places than just your local comic shop and book stores.
I rarely see comics sold at a grocery store and 0 at gas stations like they used to.
Only comics from DC and Marvel would be sold at your gas station chains and super market chains because the content has to be sanitized for general audiences. If some indie comic creator started selling his at the local grocery store, it wouldn't be long before some nut case of a mom comes in saying "What filth are you selling to my kids?!" They might not even give a shit about their kids, just some dumb bitch who wants to throw a fit.
Anyway, comics should still be sold at more places besides comic book shops.
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There's really nowhere to go if you don't write romance or porn, except maybe western manga? I think it's pretty hard to see or be seen. My country does not value the arts or have a thriving comic community so no one cares either, and this is where I find myself being jealous of the french and the koreans. I don't even have a problem with romance desu, and I'd like to make a romance comic some day. But when the only thing in the medium you can fucking see is hawt androgynous omegaverse korean turboslop it's a little difficult and even past the fujos the koreans flood the whole market so no one cares. I myself am not willing to dig through vast amounts of shit to get through to the gold.

There's probably a lot western artists right now with unique NON CAPESHIT ideas who are talented artist/writer combos (no shitty webtoon tumblr styles only appealing to retarded millennials who grew up on tumblr) so publish them and let them do their thing and get them good accurate animated adaptations. Put the power in the creator's hand. Why not copy most of the beats from the manga industry? Not that the manga industry is this shining reliable beacon of functionality but if that alone is driving western comics to a limp crawl it's a horrible sign. There's tons of things to be done to fix things but it doesn't involve a corpo's cock being sucked so it likely won't happen
>"What filth are you selling to my kids?!" They might not even give a shit about their kids, just some dumb bitch who wants to throw a fit.
I agree with everything you said and I hate this. Is there anything more worthless than this type of faggot "parent" that openly neglects their kids and then gets mad that someone sold something inappropriate to their kid that they should've watched out for in the first place? Maybe we as a society needs to start slapping these parents and the type of parents who let children have unrestricted internet access with child neglect charges
>romance or porn
Romance is porn
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>Culturally and socially speaking, what should we do to make popular non-asian comics a thing again outside of killing capeshit?
heres a crazy idea. you could make good comics.
>I know it’s niche, but Newgrounds really should implement a comics section for the site.
Newgrounds is really the patrician's website. I agree that a navigational feature in their art gallery so that you could have a "next" and "previous" chapter button would be great, and perhaps allow for vertical comics to load all at once and be scrollable when clicked on.
I don't think newgrounds submissions can be really monetised either, so if that's a consideration, newgrounds is completely out of the picture, and a custom site would likely be best.

>That's because English webtoons are read mostly by teen girls and young women while in Korea it's 50/50 so you get a lot of action there.
And that's a massive cultural and marketing blunder. They haven't adapted their product for english speakers, and are losing half the possible market.
comics have been crap lately. it's also very hard to find a reasonable artist when it comes to paying them. I wish I could make one unfortunately getting into the business is impossible for me
Based Vermis enjoyer, though I think the fictional strategy guide format feels fresh compared to traditional comic book and manga storytelling.
>I agree with everything you said and I hate this. Is there anything more worthless than this type of faggot "parent" that openly neglects their kids and then gets mad that someone sold something inappropriate to their kid that they should've watched out for in the first place? Maybe we as a society needs to start slapping these parents and the type of parents who let children have unrestricted internet access with child neglect charges

This is a tale as old as, i guess print. This argument has been around forever and TV was one of the things too where parents just left it to babysit their kids.

Another conspiracy theory. Those "moms" might have been plants from industry giants to weed out their indie competition.

True or not, the core truth here is that indie comic creators are in a very vulnerable position.
One of the problems is that new western comics properties can't really have long running stories like Japanese comics do. Graphic novels simply don't have the length to them that seems to be required to tell a more complex story, or at least the length to really exploit the popularity of a property. Sure an author can try making a series of graphic novels, but unless they're guaranteed success to continue all the way to the end, you may well end up with a shitty cliffhanger ending. Whereas Weekly or Monthly comics, whether as a single release or part of a larger magazine, allows an author and publication to gauge the success of a series, make changes based on feedback, and continue to fuel the flames of interest which are lost over longer periods of time waiting for the next release.

>Only comics from DC and Marvel would be sold at your gas station chains and super market chains because the content has to be sanitized for general audiences.
I wouldn't even call their comics kid friendly either, and that's probably a good portion of why their suffering so much - who wants to give their kids a batman comic where The joker has cut off his own face, is now wearing said face (as it's decaying) as a mask, and has cut off the faces of the rest of the batman gang and serving it to them as food?
These are comics about people running around in tights and fighting crimes, when did these retards think it was such a smart idea to pivot ALL THEIR SERIES to be read by more "mature" audiences? Now they wonder why the kids who didn't read their comics (because of the aforementioned problems) aren't reading their comics as adults; it's because they didn't form the habit or an appreciation of comics, BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T SELL THEM COMICS DUMB ASSES!

Fuck I hate Marvel and DC! Only those two bum fuck companies could somehow screw up and lose practically everything during the superhero boom based on their properties. It's unreal how incompetent they are, on every level.
wasnt gwenpole like this but somehow floped? At least the first issues were fun
You are right on how Big 2 comics aren’t written for kids, but it’s not because of the violence thing you’re talking about. The issue with modern comics is that they’re written for people who are 40-60 years old. Pick up a comic and odds are it’s people taking in a room about bullshit. That is boring for kids. You read early Claremont x-men and sure, there may be a bunch of words, but there’s crazy action all the time. The action gets you in, and the writing gets you interested in the story. That 80s era of Marvel was written in a “every comic is someone’s first comic” meaning you had to write a story that was engaging for both fans and newcomers. Arcs were also super fast paced. Days of Future past is one of the most beloved X-Men stories, and it’s like 2 issues long. Comepare that to Krakoa which is a years long meandering mess.
Gwenpool was good, but the primary consumer of comics is Gen x- and boomers. Good luck getting them to like cute art.
Big Western comic companies don't want original IPs where the authors have full control over them. They are desperately clinging to their big names, even though they are slowly dying because of it.

As a Western artist, the only realistic choice is going indie in my opinion. Post your chapters for free on as many platforms as possible. Accessibility is key. I'm talking Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Webtoon, Pixiv, and even Mangadex if your comic looks animu enough.
If your comic has appeal it will find an audience. Maybe it'll get meme'd like "Dog Nigga" was or it'll attract coomers like with "Ramia-Yana". Anyway, once you're semi-successful, open up a Patreon and offer early chapters and other goodies on it. Maybe even host your own website that has your chapters in better quality and run ads on it. Sell your physical volumes through Amazon's print-on-demand and now you should have a steady stream of income.
marvel and dc make sanitized dentist office readers digest versions of their comics all the time. Thats what i mean by sanitized. they would sell those versions. tailor made for selling in those shops.
an indie dev could do the same, but one little edgey joke and its over.
10 or more comic artists as good or better than McFarlane.
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I had a decade long run of a webcomic, and I long to recreate it through my own Photoshop legerdermain technique and in full color,because they are Sunday Newspaper sized strips,perfect for tablets. But...it needs lots of time I no longer have presently. 180+ strips and the story is only two thirds told.
how much does an indie comic costs to produce? 25 pages takes a while to make, up to a month. 2000 a month is how much many americans live off of, i doubt any one wants to pay a creator 2000 to gamble on a comic selling in a dead market.this isnt the 90s.
Ban anglos from art, culture and entertainment jobs.
Romance language comics are great, be them from France, Italy or even Mexico and Chile.
no Commando? no John Ridgeway?
No Ian Gibson?
Distribution, comics are only sold in specialty stores. and aren't a thing that people will come across everyday
publication, in japan so much is published that its kind of a battleground of ideas to get sold. you don't have that in America. publishers have been catering to 40 year old super fans and scalpers that editors don't actually know what a good story is. its no wonder when ever they try to make things "inclusive" it falls on it face to create that environment it would take publishers to be willing to give a chance to everything and not give a shit about censorship until something sticks. Just find any artist who can keep a schedule and will work for cheap and that'll be enough.
Thats gonna take a huge pool of talented people who are willing to work for cheap and I don't think America has that until we change art education from the ground up.
And lastly, go back in time and change American culture. Even if all the above are met, good luck getting your regular joe to buy a comic book every week. Japan has a more transient lifestyle so kids and adults will read manga on the train or pick one up after walking from school. The best you have for Americans is them going to the gas station once every week. On top of that smartphones have spoiled consumers, why would anyone buy a comic when they can have all the entertainment on their phone for free. No one even buys movies and music anymore. Japan has been able to survive because how ingrained manga is into their culture

tl;dr - its to late, just try to make a popular webcomic on instagram instead
>Distribution, comics are only sold in specialty stores. and aren't a thing that people will come across everyday
I agree with all your points, but this is the big one. The direct market was a drug that reaped big short term benefits for long term dire consequences. It basically made speciality stores for the mega fans of comics ti congregate and spend big, and it was great for them, but it kept comics away from potential mega fans, and basically regular people.
Western Comics also have terrible digital distribution; worse than Japan's! And the Japanese are shockingly shit at these types of things, so it's a massive indictment of how botched the west's comic distribution is. The fact that Marvel and DC have been making content for webtoons is shameful.

That said, I don't think it's too late for a comic publication to make waves and be successful, people still buy physical magazines and books, and I think the kind of audience who are or would be interested in comics would have a greater appreciation for some physical than digital; zine fares exist after all.
Hell, why does it even need to be physical? It could be a paid newsletter style distribution, though I've yet to see any publication be truly successful with that (though substack is apparently successful, so it can't be a truly bad business model).

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