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File: just-draw.jpg (670 KB, 900x1200)
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No reference, no ideas, no problem. Just draw, doesn't have to be polished, doesn't have to be conceptual, doesn't have to make it. Just Draw, post result.
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It was fun!
are those bullets lol
Yeah,lol thought they would be cool.
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Thanks man! You OP?
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No, but I'm.

Very nice
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Bro why are your lines so seductive.
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Trying traditional, looks a bit wonky and boring but heh
Just draw is a beg trap. The best way to improve is to not draw at all.
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top figure is pretty good but damn check them eyes on bottom
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Ooops thx anon !
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Fixed a bit
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because they just draw

Very artistic, are you an awarding wining artist?
Hahaha, did you make that yourself? If you have more ideas like that you could make a lil website and unironically mog all the /int/ artists here and watch them seethe as /beg/ skills but good story telling and comedy wins again.
Thank for complimenting my doodles

Sadly i'm not a awarding wining artist because i am a /beg/ since 2 years ago
just eat
no cooking, no chewing. just put random things in your mouth and force it down your throat.
Thanks. I've got dorky little ideas of this sort every now and then, I might start making those and posting it somewhere outside of 4chin anonymous posts one day, but definitely not yet. I want to develop some kind of basic style first - there's no need for it to be advanced or elaborate, could be oversimplified like many webcomic artists, but it has to be somewhat developed. As it stands now, even in this one, i gave up early on the roughest sketch because I felt like it's completely not like I imagined it, honestly I'm surprised anyone saw the idea I wanted to show through (or despite) the execution. Many other little ideas are simply out of my reach, sometimes I can't even put a roughest sketch that would fit what I want to do.

Thanks again though, really happy someone got to appreciate the idea.
Very good, I seen works like yours winning award. It's silly but it can win awards.
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Random Doodles
Good doodle could use some effort
i love your style please post blog
Yeah I just doodled quickly without much thought or effort lol. Maybe i'll post something with actual effort later
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Yes draw.
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Doodle can be of effort and without thought
Throwing fist at me woman? Violent rape assured
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I drew a skank

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