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Figure drawing is a fun and good way to get better at drawing humans.

Some free resources


Might as well check archives and active /ic/ threads for references.


Previous >>7217406
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Here's to a new thread.
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Doing Brent Eviston's figure drawing course. Legs are kicking my ass.
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Yay, a new thread!
For a moment I even liked studying Bridgman\Hampton and other artists, although I lack practice from photos.
Work and lack of sleep are sucking all the life and energy out of me, I haven't done a still life in a month, at least figure drawing was kind of fun.

It looks like a character from a nineties' cartoon. Nice.
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And another

Feels like it's another iteration of Vilppu or some old masters to be honest or is also an old course?
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And another.
I don’t know when the course came out. Got it on Brent’s website.
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No ref, just doodling. This is pointing out an issue I think I will find that I have moving forward..looks like my nonexistent model is fat.

I think you should slow down on your Bridgman studies Anon. It looks to me like you’re trying to pump them out as opposed to trying to get in all of the small details, forms, and making it appear accurate. Try to spend a fair amount of time on each
I don't do them as quickly as I can just to get them done and move on to the next one, to be honest. I try to draw each picture 2-3 times, using different approaches, like something I "learnt" from Bridgman himself or Hampton or Finch as best I can, with some exceptions like things I find boring or overly symmetrical, I can't help it, I hate symmetrical things.
I try to understand as much as I can about the things I draw from Bridgman, Hampton and other artists, but there are things I still can't understand, like sometimes the logic behind Bridgman's crosshatching doesn't make sense to me, I "get" that it follows form\shadows, and yet I can't put my finger on it to make sense of what I'm seeing to replicate it.
I just hope it's better to move on and hope that things will make sense later.

Does it look like I'm rushing or that I'm not getting anything out of it? I still don't feel confident with the human body and especially with gestures, but I don't know, at least I'm trying, even if it's not my best.

Thank you for your criticism.
I wouldn’t say you’re not getting anything out of it, but that you aren’t being meticulous enough with each drawing to get out of it as much as you potentially can, because every single drawing has a lot of information you just have to take the time to find it

If you’re struggling with crosshatching go draw some basic forms and render them with crosshatching so that you get a better understanding of how to replicate form in a drawing where the shapes aren’t explicitly drawn

First let’s start with this drawing right here. Not too long ago, I did a study of the same page you drew in >>7217800. There are a lot of basic shapes like spheres predominantly, and you have to train your brain to see those and cross hatch them according to that form like I already said. In my study in the second image notice that I consistently try to mimic bridgman’s lines that follow the spherical and circular forms of the head

The biggest problem with the studies is that a lot of the lines have no meaning, and you seem to not understand *why* Bridgman used those lines. For example at the back of the head Bridgman is following the spherical shape of the head, with the light source coming from the right. You just draw the shafow shape and added lines in there, not taking into account why those lines are moving the direction they are, how they’re following the form, and the relationship those lines have with the light source/shading. Your values are pretty solid at face value in terms of being able to glance at it and identify darks and mid tones, but you’re not really blending, there isn’t much intentional line weight (especially on the outlines), and you’re not shading where there’s strong forms (most notably the ears and the upper jaw) .

I think to get the most out of this, try making your drawings look more complete.
god damnit I'm never gonna be good at this

75 minutes
love this model
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Legs can suck my ass
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I can't figure out what's making these look so out of proportion. Lower leg shorter than upper leg, upper leg shorter than torso. Still looks fucky. Can I get a redline/redraw?
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Took a break and I wasn't able to do as many figures as I wanted but for some reason these ref figures look a lot better compared to my previous tries. Guess the break helped or something.
Should probably also watch the analytical figure drawing video course when I get the chance.
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Nice knees, I should really make a good study of them
Very pretty, golds on dark skin is amazing
I did Eviston first, so biased, but his simplifications served me very well.
Good volume and volume
Pretty true, it's easy to rush for a finish line before finding out it's arbitrary and not the point at all.
This is fine, did you see the critique you got from the last thread about the shadows/lines? Keep it up though
Eviston again? If you want a fix, it helps to post a ref as well, but yeah your proportions for that model, being mostly standing straight, would be crotch at midway, but you have the crotch at almost 3/4ths (including the head) Did you take his Measuring and Proportions unit too?
>would be crotch at midway
I don't know what this means. I also think one of my main problems is my curves are too prominent. I have a real problem with drawing subtle curves.
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Thank you for making a new thread
can u post the ref by itself?
And the source and/or the pack please
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Good job on the angles of the hips and torso!
Something that might help here is to check your negative spaces too.
am >>7218848
Here's the ref and the source is www.deviantart.com/mjranum-stock. There are 4 photos of this set named Pulp Cover 1-4.
Thanks man!
Weird that he only did 4 pictures.
>I wrote my first HTML page(s) in 1996, using vi. Since then, web pages have ballooned to become gigantic globs of javascript, rotating ad bullshit, and overengineered code that tries (and fails) to make everyone have a pleasant browsing experience on virtually any device.

>Somewhere in there, security became a suppurating chest wound and put us all on the treadmill of infinite patches and massive downloads. I fought in those trenches for 30 years – as often against my customers (“no you should not put a fork in a light socket. Oh, ow, that looks painful. Here, let me put some boo boo cream on it so you can do it again as soon as I leave.”) as for them. It was interesting and lucrative and I hope I helped a little bit, but I’m afraid I accomplished relatively nothing.

>These days I am making knives and doing hot metal arts, mostly damascus steel poky stabby things. I am not interested in commercializing my work because then I’d have customers to listen to, again. My intent is to make whatever I can, as well as I can make it, and auction pieces off for charities. All my hard work in internet security paid off, in the form of my not having to worry about making a profit.

>If you want something badly enough, talk to me.

He seems to be living the life now though, good for him
It just came up on quickposes.com for me, but looks like someone else has you squared away.

Thanks. I'm going through Brent Eviston's figure course and I'm really getting filtered. Not even done with the gesture module yet.
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Did some timed figures before these. The right one really kicked my ass.

That top left one turned out really well.
I like your flatties.
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Thanks bro. I see you're doing well.
Very nice.
>Figure drawing is a fun

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