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File: file.png (75 KB, 351x319)
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>coffee addiction
>no AC
>cannot concentrate
>no commitment
>dont understand how to learn
>think sticky is shizo nonsense
>norwood 5
where do i go from here? I dont understand how drawing squiggly lines like in keys to drawing is supposed to help. Loomies did help a little but i am just tired and can only shit out things like this.
kys useless schizophrenic faggot
dude came back from the dead
"norwood 5" randomly at the end made me chuckle thanks for brightening my day anonanaonaonna
Ur image is easily high /int/. U gotta grind minoxidil twice while lathering bridgeman on your loomis. Also make sure to draw a lot of boxes and grind ur fundies. Easily /pro/ EoY. Blog?
The sticky is a spook
Adhd is a spook
Drawing is a spook
Everything is a spook
Simply stroke the canine
not into dogs
Embrace the AI prompting. Commit the inevitable future. Accept your fate.
unironically go outside and practice drawing random things

i drew this arianna from a poster i saw
>unironically go outside and practice drawing random things
you know what? I think i will actually go outside and do something instead of sitting in front of the computer all the time. We'll make it, everybody will.

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