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just how, it literally makes 0 sense. There are hundreds of artists on his level and are almost all around 100k followers, but this faggot who draws extremely rough sketches that are colored and completely unremarkable gets to have half a million followers.
Because he spent 10 thousand dollars on buying an army of pajeet slaves who spend all their day creating new accounts and follow him from their little prison cubicles where they live
How are you just now realizing that the art world isn't a meritocracy?
Yeah but what is it that makes him get away with such lazy art? Can it really be all due to insane algorhitmic luck?
He draws coom
i agree but I feel a lot of anons don't understand marketing is a skill and it's a big reason why things are popular. you almost get the impression most people here think god or RNG is why people got noticed and not because they knew when to shill what where.
>A friend of mine, a highly successful and very well known painter, calls to say hello and to invite me to an opening.

>I get a great kick out of this guy because, unlike some artists I’ve met, he’s totally unpretentious.

>A few months back he invited me to come to his studio. We were standing around talking, when all of a sudden he said to me, “Do you want to see me earn twenty-five thousand dollars before lunch?” “Sure,” I said, having no idea what he meant. He picked up a large open bucket of paint and splashed some on a piece of canvas stretched on the floor.

>Then he picked up another bucket, containing a different color, and splashed some of that on the canvas. He did this four times, and it took him perhaps two minutes. When he was done, he turned to me and said, “Well, that’s it. I’ve just earned twenty-five thousand dollars. Let’s go to lunch.”

>He was smiling, but he was also absolutely serious. His point was that plenty of collectors wouldn’t know the difference between his two-minute art and the paintings he really cares about. They were just interested in buying his name.

>I’ve always felt that a lot of modern art is a con, and that the most successful painters are often better salesmen and promoters than they are artists. I sometimes wonder what would happen if collectors knew what I knew about my friend’s work that afternoon.

>The art world is so ridiculous that the revelation might even make his paintings more valuable! Not that my friend is about to risk finding out.
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His art is appealing to others.
Technical skills only matter till a certain point then it's diminishing returns in terms of popularity.
Speedoru art is the proof of that, he's far from the best artist but he's got 440k followers on Xitter and 1.3M on YouTube.
>anons don't understand marketing is a skill
Marketing is the main reason why movies flop or become hits and artists somehow think being skilled (being a good movie) is important in 2024, that is just a bonus.
Modern art is a scam, but we already knew that.
I've seen worse
Pic rel has over 630k followers and makes 10k a month on patreon
Dumb take, many draw coom and have much lower numbers
What do you mean? Everyone simply shills on twitter and Reddit, where the fuck else are you supposed to “market” lol it’s not like he could have done anything better than what everyone else does, correct me if I’m wrong.
>meme art
“Marketing”? What does that even mean? How is he marketing himself differently from anyone else?
Actually this art looks much better: his lie art is clean, his colors are more polished and the pose is much more gestural and interesting.
>Posts often
>Posts fotm
>Posts coom

It's not rocket science
Post Twitter profile faggot
>b-but it's bad
What a shock!
But except for the ultra rich using random people for their name, this doesn't mean anything to the average artist.

YOU could not pull this off because your name has no weight to it. Any given random artist could not pull this off.
You have to already be buddy buddy with the ultra rich scam artists in order to make your name worth being a "collectible"

What any given artist can do however is git gud and have their art speak for itself, not as a scam but as art.
If you goal is just making money, there's easier ways of doing it than trying to become part of the money laundering business.
Nta but that isnt relevant. Even as a consumer you can see that theres nothing special to it.
Post your work faggot.
100% guarantee you're just a jealous crab who can't draw.
Not really. But you do seem really pressed about it though.
Keep seething.
popularity =/= talent
Then how do I get popularity?
I know you are lrping because you've never taken a course in marketing in your whole life.
>pretend to be female
>make coom art
It's literally that easy.
If you're feeling extra savvy you can shave your legs wear stockings then post it in between drawings. Sell the stocking to coomers. Why? Because coomers don't care if you're lying. They care about the illusion you're selling.
I would say
>He draws porn and his art style isn't generally revolting
but then you have "artists" like this >>7217708 who draw porn and whose art styles are indeed revolting, so I think it just has to do with drawing porn.
consistent posting and luck, that's all you need. He has 2k+ post in media of artwork. Focus more on posting than bitching about followers on the basket weaving forum.
For artist, it's shilling and posting your work more. If you can post 3-6 decently rendered artwork in under 1 week, then your follower grows even more. It's all about consistent posting. Those who are inconsistent won't be pushed as much in the algo.
How does one learn this "marketing"?
By being friends with other big assholes in their private discord group.
I don't know when coomers and coom peddlers are going to accept they're playing the game on easy mode but it needs to happen soon. Literal AI accounts with thousands of followers now, the illusion (the delusion) has been annihilated into a million tiny pieces.
Why does everyone draw cuckold people?
>Join my server, we have bald chicks in leather wrappings, Anakin.
>cuckold people

What does this even mean?
People like sexy characters and he draws that.
>But hes one of thousan-
He got lucky with the algorithm. Sometimes it really comes down to that.
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did you post 2k+ artwork? I doubt you did, now fuck off, retard. The fucker posted 140+ decently rendered artwork a fucking year for almost a decade. It's almost like >>7217721
is the fucking key, you lazy shit.
I read all of it with a Trump voice in my head...
Dedication, luck and then some more dedication.
I dont know why but that face is really annoying for some reason.
>pretend to be female
what if I actually am a female? hypothetically speaking. anyways, are there any really popular female coomer artists? the only ones I know are sakimichan and maybe nat the lich
>Speedoru art is the proof of that, he's far from the best artist but he's got 440k followers on Xitter and 1.3M on YouTube.
People forget that if your art was character or tells a story, it goes a long way. I honestly think part of the reason pornographic art is so popular is because it almost always naturally tells something of a story - two characters from a series fucking? How did they get there? Did they like each other? Is it rough or romantic passionate sex? So on and so forth.

Meanwhile most art posted is just a character in a fairly generic pose in a void; what's being said with this art? Apparently less than what most porn says.
you are right but when you say marketing, autists on /ic/ will take it literally and think you expect them to go door to door showing their art to random boomers in the suburbs.

Getting popular with art is like getting popular in anything else, you have to do things that people will like you for. You have to look like a likeable human being. That is asking too much of some people.

If you want girls, you get girls by being sexy and hot, and you can't just learn that if you're an autist. People always look for the secret password to say to any woman to make them fall for them because they dont naturally and intuitively understand how to interact with people.
If you want a job, you have to look like a good person to work with, just being capable isn't enough. You need to fit in with society in some way, you can't just be a floating camera observing everything.
If you want twitter followers, your art needs to be appealing to people, that's the bottom line. Being good at art is only half the equation, you need to be good AND appealing, and that's assuming that appeal isn't a part of being good.

People here think that means you have to do statistical mathematics to calculate exactly what to draw and when to post it to maximize throughput of clicks. They want a scientific answer because drawing appealing things is so unnatural to them that they need to boil it down to a set of repeatable steps.
Mainstream appeal mixed with good (enough) drawing skills and excellent work habits.

t.Speaking from personal experience.
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Actually, they just do things like this to manipulate audiences and fake networking.
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The model was also not asked to have their cosplay pretty much plagiarized.
nah, it's being consistent, the guy posted 2k+ artwork. if you actually posted more, you wouldn't be stuck with a few thousand followers
ive been suspended 5 times, not that i give a shit. i dont like fake faggots like him.
>their cosplay pretty much plagiarized.
Did the cosplayer contact the studio who owns the copyright of the character she cosplayed as and get permission? This is very important for judging how outraged I should feel, and how stupid you should feel.
i dont care about copyright damages, retard. i dont like hacks
Calling me a retard when you miss the point this hard makes it extra insulting. Are you autistic by chance?
you have the typical AIfaggot-esque response of trying to implicate hypocrisy by demanding consistency down to the root subject even if the circumstances or relationships between those things are completely different
i hope you can someday understand that the pajeet mindset that enables machiavellian plagiarism is a distinct subject from copyright damages, but i think the more expedient route would be just to hang yourself
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mfw I still know him as Speedo Sausage
>Shit.... I've gotta insult this guy, what do I say? WHAT DO I SAY!?
>Oh I know!
>Y-y-you probably use AI
You didn't even need to answer me, you're almost certainly autistic. No, just because I'm a 'bad guy' to you, doesn't make me an AI user, just because they're also 'bad guys' to you.

Secondly, since it needs to be stated to you, because you missed the point because you're so autistic; I don't give a shit about the copyright, or even really the consistency between the two parties. She can cosplay because she's part of that fandom ecosystem, and he can draw fan art of the character with her as reference because that's also part of the accepted norm for that fan ecosystem.
You being autistic and slapping the keyboard in a rage over how you don't like it, doesn't make it wrong.
Oh, you don't like the fact that he's trying to suck up to other to gain popularity? Who gives a fuck? Half the posts on this board, probably some made by you, are looking for ways to become e-famous; at least this guy is actually proactive and giving it his best.
>point out how someone manipulates other creators to build false connections while exploiting others work
>ummmm ur just jealous and that doesnt matter at all
youre too stupid to humor any longer, it's pitiful you wasted all of that time typing just to gymnastic through everything said directly to you. i guess hanging is the best solution
also, check'em.
Yeah yeah, sure, make sure to look people in the eyes when you speak to them.

Oh well I take everything back then. No way this guy can be wrong now. Definitely still autistic though.
>Mainstream appeal mixed with good (enough) drawing skills and excellent work habits.
Only good reply in this thread.
Well he checks the 'appealing art style' box. I'm guessing he posts pretty regularly and he draws popular characters. I've personally found that you can't really draw high quality stuff all the time if you aim to post several times a week. You have to make a compromise.
Why do people like OP want a lot of followers anyways? Unless you want to make a living off art, I don't see the point
I wish I had the mental energy to draw every day. I just can't spend hours constructing and building composition from scratch.
Yet, I find it less appealing
Yeah I just checked this guy's profile
>porn animation loops
There's your answer. This is a straight up cheat code for making money with art (provided you milk popular IPs and post often)
yet he was able to achieve more than 600k followers and understands appeal more than you. you have shit taste, anon.
art skills is not enough if you wanna make big bucks, you need marketing skills and people skills and develop a cult like persona
Yup, his stuff is still less appealing though
Your personal opinion doesn't matter at all. The only thing that matters is the opinion of the mainstream.
Easy there little queer. Nobody wants to hurt you in here.
Cheat code. Lmao. 99% of the niggers in here can’t even draw at a low int level like the guy in op. Let alone doing that fast. And imagine doing it for a game or animation. That shit requires tons and tons of work
>This is a straight up cheat code for making money with art
This tells me you never made a dime out of your art.
Damn I have never seen seething this fierce before. he draws concepts people like, sorry but it's genetic that some people have better taste
He's a good person. Doesn't make threads based on. Vendettas. Lives a simple life. Talks nice. Stays off 4chan.

I'm sorry for you. You just want it all. Don't you?
That has nothing to do with coom you tard
Story is universal, sex has nothing to do with it ffs. This is like the only reason people like fire is because food taste good. You're crediting things backwards.
Follower count, at least 70% of the time doesn’t reflect skill
His rak.
It's amazing how many garbage porn animations are rated very highly just because they're animated. Just "sort:score" in any booru.
post your animations.
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see pic related
Reminder this guy is drawing a comic for a Comicsgate-affiliated publisher
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you have no excuse.
>getting payed to animate porn

Absolutely. Fuck it.
I used to be a seething retard like you about low skilled coom artist getting all the followers, but the red pill is having a very good work ethic and post art everyday or post 5-6 times a week. especially with animations, stop being a lazy cuck and post more.
5-6 images in a week is doable. even though being prolific in this day and age is a great way to get fed into AI machine, but my question is: how can you produce 5-6 animations in a week? Who does that? Examples? I just want to see what kind of animation they are doing.
People on Internet are dumb. They are allergic to effort and can't notice real talent even if its in front of their face.

They are braindead, only care that something looks appealing enough and to jerk off. Just look at Marvel movie fans.
>successful artists are... le bad
This board is unfathomably stupid. No wonder people cheer for "artists" replacement by way of ai.
>but marvel movies are peak kino, they define this era and culture, just like greek and roman sculptures defined Greece and Roman Empire.

There was this guy who wrote an essay on this on twt couple months ago, got lots of engagement.
And the correlation being? Button pushers don't have drama or something?
Once again proving my point on everyone these days being stupid.

Society has collapsed
if you think speedo art is mediocre you're fucking insane. Punch Punch forever is better than stuff networks put out

>he doesn't make everything alone!
doesn't matter, he is fantastic, if you want to mention someone who is mediocre but has a big follow, post psychipebbles
That's not the point. We have these threads all the time, and it's insane to look at successful artists and bitch about how they don't deserve their success.
Literal crabs in bucket mentality that only serves to provoke. With the advent of ai, the last thing other artists should be doing is trying to drag their fellow colleges down.
Hey speedo
Speeds also has time on his side and has been on the internet making animations/drawings for almost two decades now. The fucking guy worked with egorapter during his prime. It's literally a household name on Newgrounds, the guy built his "empire", it didn't just pop out of existence.
People like to bitch. Do you think Michelangelo's contemporary didn't bitch about how much of a hack he was? At least one got his nose broken, allegedly.

Artist are capable of bitching about both ai and fellow artists, the bitching battery won't run out.

If anything, artist need to bring the art police back and start being snobs again so that the delusional Aibros stop thinking that spitting a pretty picture out of tracing slot machine is "making art".

There was a time on interwebs when drawing in someone else's style was taboo, taking someone else's color pallet and blandly using it in your own work was frown at, tracing and paint over a photo was enough of an offense to get driven out from art community. Now all that matter is clout, it's fine to be someone else's clone. If you are concern about AI in this way, someone bitching on 4chan about someone else, isn't something that will hurt art community, it's the complete disregard of ethics and craft in favor of clout that does.
I've seen way worse done using the normiest meme who have thousands of followers.
Like you could unironically hurt anyone kek.
>even though being prolific in this day and age is a great way to get fed into AI machine
Excuses on top of excuses on top of excuses on top of excuses.
You are pathetic.
Seethe some more, envious bitch.
Just another point of evidence that he's doing things right.
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I don't think that's fair. Sure most of his fame comes from his haha funnyman animations on YT, but Speedo's art is *really* good and stands on its own. Highly expressive, a unique style that's a really pleasing blend of western cartoons, anime, and Newgrounds sensibilities, and polished to a mirror sheen. The fact that he got multiple gigs animating MVs for Japanese audiences who had zero idea of who he is is a testament to how strong his art is on its own merits.
I always liked his art but it was pretty janky before. Dude has made significant gainz over the last four years, Punch Punch Forever is fantastic and I've probably watched both episodes about a dozen times or so.
Kill yourself
Get a fucking education, paranoid rightoid.
They was always used for cases where you don't know the sex of the person you are talking about.
It's not a woke leftard invention, you absolute moron.
For animations, telepeturtle. He’s taking a break right now, but he used to post animation everyday for almost a decade and became known for posting so many in a short amount of time.
it's funny because he's a shit animator and furthered bad habits with this practice, but normalfags don't care
t.draws bottom-of-the-barell memes and still seethes at coom artists
Just say he, so retarded schizos like that wouldn’t seethe and sperg out. That anon is too retarded to use filters
Then you shouldn’t have any excuses right? Instead of seething on a basket weaving forum about having no followers, get to posting and stop being fucking lazy, shitter
who are you talking about? are you mad because some coom fag draws better than you?
I have more respect for coom that follows drawings principle than meme drawers.
Oh great now you gone full schizo and can’t even make coherent point anymore. Not like you were able to in the first place
Quit having imaginary arguments in your head, maybe?

ok, I can see how.
I do that and I'm stuck at 2k... Though I post every other month kek
These people with large followings have 800-1000+ post, your under 100 post is nothing
LOL hey speed sausage. your ego's really gotten you good huh
>Quit having imaginary arguments in your head, maybe?
Cry some more, you delusional shithead, or maybe are my imaginary arguments hindering you as an artist as well?
What's the next excuse for your shotcomings gonna be?
The guy has all the right in the world to have a big ego. Something seething evious beglets will never understand.
Or maybe you are a huge dunning kruger and you have a big ego even tho your art doesn't follow?

People like you are pathetic to the bone lol.
That's exactly why you are having an imaginary argument over something I never said.
> There was a time on interwebs
it's still like that in a bunch of communities
>but this faggot who draws extremely rough sketches that are colored and completely unremarkable
clearly that's where you're wrong.
but really, it doesn't matte. do your thing, that is just noise.
you're conflating popularity and artistry/technical level
>He thinks a successful artist who made it and is on his way to become a millionaire who fucking even just have a subconscious thought for 1 millisecond of coming to 4chan to pass his time.
Sigh. NGMI fourcel, rot in here.
It doesn't make the people who bitch any less of a faggot. Other artists being popular is a complete non-issue, and should only serve as encouragement for those starting out, because it shows people are still willing to be fans of the more "traditional", non-ai works.
Artists have never stopped being snobs, and that is the very reason people cheer for their replacement.
I never mentioned either of those. You either misquoted the proper post or are a complete moron. Which is it?
Oh my god, I just asked a question with an aggressive tone to bait retarded midwits like you and you actually started replying in mass and even insulting one another and someone even started to talk to himself it seems. You guys are fucking pathetic degenerate asylum needing subhumans… it’s always fun to poke with a stick a drooling retarded shit-throwing group of talentless MONKEYS though. Ahahah.
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This is how you look like anon. Lmao. Never mind.
he's a chud
I wasn't expecting rocket science from somebody that makes a thread like this, but c'mon, that's kindergarten level.
His art has a lot of punch. He clearly has a lot of talent.
Shut the fuck up unaware cringelord. Thanks for the (you) btw
>unaware cringelord
This coming from somebody that makes crybaby threads like this one is quite ironic.
Honestly you're right, the average /ic/ poster sucks at drawing and most people who make it end up either lurking or straight up leaving this place. Kyle, Borvar, etc.
Brother I made $250 off a single animated YCH auction last week. Not my fault not even furries like your work lol
>It doesn't make the people who bitch any less of a faggot.

>should only serve as encouragement for those starting out, because it shows people are still willing to be fans of the more "traditional", non-ai works.

Highly doubt that a beg who saw an artist being dragged because they are popular, immediately though, "well that sucks, better start using AI, everyone loves those, no one ever said a bad thing about Ai bros".

>Artists have never stopped being snobs, and that is the very reason people cheer for their replacement.

Being inclusive and accepting of everything and everyone is what lead to everyone and their mother calling themselves an artist at this point, so no, artist are not the snobs they used to be. And those who cheer for their replacement never were on the artist side to begin with, at the very least they always wanted in on a secret club (that only exists in their head) or never saw value in art in general, it's pointless to worry about them.

I don't see it, but good if so.
You're missing the point. It's bizarre to see so much defense for crabs in the bucket mentality. Artists are absolutely snobs of the highest degree, especially today, that has never changed.
The people who cheer for their replacements never needed to be artists themselves, you actually need a base for your own commission and following. Someone acting like an envied faggot will only serve to drive that base away, ie:
>why should anyone bother interacting with snob artists who only give others hard times over frivolous shit
You can simply look outside /ic/ and witness the opinions others have about artists today. People dragging others down because they're successful only proves them right.
>Artists are absolutely snobs of the highest degree, especially today, that has never changed.
No. I'm kind of tired of rehashing why over and over again, so no is all you will get this time around.

> Someone acting like an envied faggot will only serve to drive that base away
That's his problem, stop acting like every artist or the majority is like this.

> who only give others hard times over frivolous shit
Yes, being against cheaters and hacks is a frivolous thing now, that's exactly it. Apparently, having the bare minimum as a standard is now considered to be snob of the highest degree.

>You can simply look outside /ic/ and witness the opinions others have about artists.
If it's not about how art is useless, could it be about how artists nowadays are hacks? Why would I argue with that?
Just take the L and stop trying so much, sperg.
The person in OP didn't "cheat" to get where he is. These threads about artists not deserving their reputation is insane, especially if you're an actual artist yourself.
>No artists aren't snobs
Absolutely sheltered. These threads indicate otherwise.
>Only followed by 2 people you're following
Has to be botted right?
Even 10k follower artists that I follow have at least 20 people I know following them. Anyone over 100k will have followed by 200 people you know
pfff, again, interact with customers. You're a snob for people who don't buy art. The average artist is a decent marketer bending over to please his customers. That's the same on Etsy and everywhere. Skeb was a horrid idea because artists just shit something out and call it a day.
Before that you'd beg clients for crumbs and say thank you until you got enough commissions you can start being picky. That's where the reputation comes for, you are trying to make a semi-decent LIVING. You don't have time to coddle and make 100 corrections for half a day for an 80$ job where you're getting 20$ per hour and need to justify doing it when you have bills to pay. People think you're a snob for saying no to 50$ for something that take you all day and not responding to dozens of emails like that. Artists are the opposite of primadonnas. Those are just california money launderers. Every artist i know is simply trying to justify investing 10+ years into their art and make a third of the living an equivalently trained profession does. The dirty truth is that clients think art takes you no time at all so they don't get all the fuss you make over shit as you struggle to make a shred of a career, or sit in a lucky niche that can disappear any day.
Never said he did, what I said is that bitching about anons won't stop AI and won't stop anons from bitching either.

What I said is that instead of worrying about anons on 4chan, you should worry about the standards and rules in art communities being too low, but sure pretend you don't get it and call me sheltered.
Maybe the usual accounts you follow have a unique taste
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>check account

>appealing art style
>colored and rendered
>posts very frequently

Is it really so hard to believe? Like, sure this isn't top tier industry character designer level but this stuff is better than my own work and probably better than half of this board. Not mediocre by any means
A lot of us do know each other, its all just normie tier vanilla shit.
People bitching about others success is a problem. We've had these threads ad nauseum.
>don't worry about bad threads on /ic/
>bad threads on /ic/ continue to be made
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different taste and demographic. I follow some very popular youtubers and they woudl have 300k-500k+ followers and only 2 people I follow would follow them as well, sometimes none. You would espeically see that in meme accounts with very large followings like kira 1.7m followers and no one i follow follow that account.
>Brother I made $250 off a single animated YCH auction last week. Not my fault not even furries like your work lol
Nobody that works as an artist would write stuff like this
You are just a beglet full of shit.

>bad threads on /ic/ continue to be made
>bitch about anons on /ic/ bitching about others success
>anons on /ic/ stop bitching about others success
>since everyone visit /ic/, people, unlike before, now think artists are angels
>AI is defeated

I like this version better.
Dude, 90% of the people in this thread is mocking you for opening a dumb thread where you cry and vent like a loser.
I don't think I'm the one that should take the L here.
>still seething
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You must learn to appreciate little numbers before getting big ones. Do a little of what you love daily, and you will make it.
this is the attitude you should have if you actually want to have a following, but most anons here and the sperging retard in this thread don't have. gl anon
You are right, people in here call mid ints begs because they are envious
Not him but that guy started living in your head rent free it seems
There’s another one
>sex has nothing to do with it ffs
Reread my post, and then hang your head in shame because you clearly didn't understand it.
I said people like having stories in their images, then I THEORISED that porn images usually have a good bit of story to it, due to a variety of factors, and that's part of the reason they're so popular, and then topped it off by saying most non-pornographic images no zero plot or story to them because they're characters in a void.
How you thought I said "sex=story" is beyond me.
Were you following trends and doing fan art or just posting regularly?
The second. I mostly draw OCs.
You do your own art and OC while at the same trend hopping by drawing memes/fanart. For example, if you paint 5 art of yours, one or two of them are fanarts. it's not that you need to love the fanart characters but it's a marketing strategy to beat the computer's algorithm.
Bots, anon. Bots. Also after you get to a certain threshold in terms of followers, other big artist retweet you constantly. You'll see that all the 2-300k+ people on twitter exclusively retweet each other, especially the nip artist that draw moeblob bullshit.
that's more because he makes short and long form animations that are actually arousing and/or funny. Also hes been around since the early 2000 on all the smut sites and has been working with the old vanguard of letsplay youtubers like egoraptor and gamegrumps. His youtube anime series is miles and miles ahead of anything made in the idie space and much better then most of the slop coming out now.
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People need to understand that art is not a meritocracy and even less when it comes to social media followers. It's mostly marketing, consistant work and a lot of luck. The drawing you posted looks like a WIP that you could find any day on a /beg/ thread. And not something that is worth 500k followers. But talking about worth in social media is kinda pointless. There are thousands of artist that draw cute anime girls like this. Why did this specific dude got to have this kind of success unlike the others? Who knows. Maybe he was at the right place at the right time. And I'm not knocking him down he's living the dream good for him.
Quality of numbers > Quantity of numbers

Around 600 people that follow me on Instagram but really care about my work >>> niggers, subhumans, shitskins doing it for clout
it's easier to dunk on others than work onyurself
>muh porn
>muh animu style
Is this projection? lol pyw or stfu
there isn't a week without a fag crying about porn or anime
Soooo. I've just posted my first commission sheet on discord, but got called out because the I included my NSFW pictures in the offers and pixelated.
What did I do wrong?
>What did I do wrong?
posting on discord
Where should I post it then, anon? I normally use Xitter to post art, but I first posted it on Discord and now I'm with a low mood u.u
stick with posting on discord, it's way better posting there for commissions than shitholes like reddit.
What about DeviantArt? I have an account but haven't posted in months because the interface is obnoxious
>due to insane algorithmic luck
No. You have to have skill, like you won't see a prebeg reach that number of followers, but there's a lot of other factors at play.
>herd mentality
The more followers you get/the more likes and views your art gets, the more likely other people are to follow you.
>luck of the draw
Posting the right thing at the right time, and the right people see it, the right people repost it, and the algorithm on your site of choice decides to favor it. I've had a piece of my art, which had a middling response to my initial post, go viral via some repost shit a long time after my initial upload, and remains a popular piece to this day, sometimes going viral again on somebody else's repost. I'm almost never credited and oftentimes the reposts have my sig removed. I've had no benefits from this.
Twitter is overwhelmed with bots. Seriously. I have a throwaway account which basically posted nothing, certainly no art, and for whatever reason it was regularly getting new bot followers. If that can happen to a donothing account, I'd have to imagine that accounts with 6 figure follower accounts are regularly inundated with bot followers and bot likes.
DA was OK. Now there's so much AIslop that it's hardly worth bothering as your work is likely to get lost in the sea of bullshit, bullshit which DA actively encourages. As for commissions, it's fine and there are people who will pay you decently, but there's a lot of cheapskates who will balk at paying anything over $50, and lower skilled artists who just want to do art trades.
I'll also add that yes, DA's interface is absolute shit. Looks awful, awkward, and their notifications are a mess (no, DeviantArt, I don't need 5 different notifications because one person favorited a piece and then added it into 4 of their "collections")
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>No. You have to have skill, like you won't see a prebeg reach that number of followers
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stack overflow logic
>post a well-written question
>get no answer
>use a burner account to answer the most asinine way
>suddenly flooded with replies
engagement puts you on the radar on xitter, this includes people telling you how much of a retard you are. I've seen some bad artists who are obnoxious little bitches get followers thanks to that. a few of them are on this very board no doubt
The pure truth.
I don't do commissions regularly, but this time I want to raise 40 bucks to buy a videogame on steam in the summer sales. Only 6 days to go :(
So? Why am I supposed to care?
is it possible to get that big without rendering/coloring? I don't want to spend hours shading shit
yeah, but you gotta have solid inking skills. https://x.com/ireading62/media
that's still rendering and coloring
you just want to post only sketches or what???
Why do you want to get big if you don't want to finish anything?
Do you have any idea how difficult animation is? Yeah his might not be very good but go try making a porn animation loop right now and tell me it's a cheat code
Keep brute forcing it and grinding until you clear certain thresholds of likes and/or followers. People do NOT like to follow accounts with low follower counts. The more followers you get, the more likely others are to follow you.
do people like these artists ever sketch? Do they ever draw turds? Or are they only capable of drawing good things? How much of their drawings are they actually putting online? If I could see their sketches and process then I'd have an idea of what to do, but if they are just BeInG ThEmSeLvEs and drawing things without construction or planning, then its fucking over for uncreative people.
Or he buys bots
He posts his works.
>the art world isn't a meritocracy
It should be tho
idk. i don't usually watch porn for the story. there is one video in particular that has an entertaining story to go with the coom material though.
i mainly watch porn for that coom material
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The algorithm hasn't work the way they said it did in years.

I'm a complete nobody with mediocre skills but every now and then some guy will ask me who an absurdly famous person in the same niche is because for some reason they've heard of some rando with 200 followers before a pro artist with 200k who draws the exact same shit I do except way better than I ever will.

Maybe they fucked with it on purpose so the other guy doesn't end up with 400k and me 60 but everything is fragmented to some extent on twitter.
Nah, I'm not talking about a story like you would find in a comic or text, but I mean like subtle story you would get from the singular image;
Such as the environment: are they at work, School, Public, At home on the bed?
What are they wearing: Something comfortable? something sophisticated? Completely Naked? Fetish gear?
What does their relationship looks like: Is this love? A fling, or just friend with benefits?
What kind of sex is it: Rough? Gentle? Passionate?

All these things (and more) come together and tell a quick story that you wouldn't even really think about, but it's there.
Of course non-sexual pictures do all this as well, but the issue is that so many artists just draw pictures of their characters in a void that it becomes void of any of the character that even porn has.
I was just theorising that all this, on top of the fact that porn is obviously attention grabbing, is why we're in such a deluge of pornographic images now - they're just more engaging than the average regular picture.

This guy makes animations. Completely different ball game.
you are a woman.
What i noticed with these artists is that they draw in one style with no variance or experimentation while people here practice every fundamental to be well rounded.
>draw coom of the most normie anime characters possible
i wonder why he got so popular. desu this guy took my greed for big numbers in social media, if someone that draws like this can reach these numbers it means you just have to appeal the right audience.

also i have this theory that he started to trace AI art because he used to draw even worst than this
Perhaps that should serve as an example. Studies are good and beneficial, but you'll likely never become the artist you want to be if every drawing session is just you immersing yourself in a studyhole or rough sketching session, with no "this is the kind of thing I want to draw, drawn to completion" pieces.
Maybe fifteen years ago. People who were regulars left a long time ago and migrated to Twitter. Same thing happened with Tumblr.
Rendering is time consuming cancer.
You wish, faggot.
Coom artist
>Rendering is time consuming cancer.
Nigga so is sketching. Might as well make yourself more marketable

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