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Permabeg,..they really exist...
>bad at drawing
that's not real, Anon
What is a permabeg, really? A state of mind?
they still draw more than you, crazy how that works
How do I prevent this from happening to me?
Practice WHAT?
>practice what
this is a really silly thing to say
practice drawing and fundamentals guy what else
Like...keep drawing for 3 years?
No, I don't want that! I want to draw boxes for ten years at least!
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Not everyone can figure out the basics by themselves, anon. That's why drawing books exist.
I’m so glad I started drawing as a kid I could never wait so much for so little his dedication is his true talent
>draw something
>if you hit a roadblock or realize you're really struggling with something
>do studies to fix it
>rinse and repeat
i went to this guy's channel and he makes like two 5-minute drawings a day doing the same shit over and over again and he's still visibly improved from where he started

stupid faggot ic retarded dumbass stupid brainrotted permaretards
look at his channel
he does one drawing a day.
one drawing a day is more than most lol for the first like 2 years i drew a couple pictures a month and still progressed
i think it has more to do with how you practice and maybe learning ability
also is he just younger? it would make sense if he was just really young so he was progressing slower
Can someone explain what this guys end goal is? What the fuck is he trying to do?
>draws for 10 mins a day
>why am I not improving?
thats exactly what he's saying
someone who's only drawing a few times a day isn't someone to compare yourself to if you really plan on building good habits
People who draw like that are just like Blacks Without Soul
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They do and I know why. They browse /ic/ everyday and complain about a lack of talent, say they're too old, talk about Asian genes, mention that AI art is good now and in 2 more weeks it'll replace artists.
They would rather insult anons and pretend they're mature and a real adult than actually draw for 8+ hours every fucking day and force their way to improvement by putting theory to practice.
20 years can go by but if you only draw for 5 minutes every other day, that's barely enough time to get out of /beg/
I already want to kill myself and my drawing ability is the only thing keeping on this mortal coil. I cannot even imagine what it would be like to be bad at art, but this guy doesn't look bad. He's drawing what he wants and it looks like he's having fun.
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fuxk you nigga you’re not supposed to be having fun it’s a long hard grind of drawing accurately
drop the fun and embrace boringness
If he really buckled down and dedicated some time to developing better line quality I think his artwork would be pretty cute.
Based, OP will never be a real japanese mid-class citizen desu
Don't draw.
He is the epitome of permabegness. Draws one drawing a day, draws the same thing, never try anything new or learn from it. That's literally the definition of insanity.

"Oh, this didnt work. Maybe if I do it 1000 times..."
A lot of permabegs are people who refused to look at references when they're drawing.
You seem upset.
>do studies
but I don't know how
I know, maybe picking a book isn't for retards like you.
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>he does one drawing a day.
Isn't that essentially what pewdiepie did? He apparently made quite a leap in skill.
I can draw anime faces but I've never needed to do it like this, I swear to God most artists don't even know how to teach.
Just copying anime like Krenz's way is more than enough.
permabeg mind: "I draw for fun"
They do exist....
I'm a permabeg.

It gets me down sometimes but I really do try. I think I'm just legitimately stupid.
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Casuals don't care at all. If you don't care you will not make any real improvements period. All the good artists gave a damn at some point, made the time and put in the effort. Lack of resources and tools isn't a major factor anymore, it's mainly on the individual now.
You can lead a horse to the water but you can't make them drink. You could provide every opportunity, every resource and it would never be enough. Some people simply never take the initiative. Thems the facts that people want to pretend aren't a reality.
I'm sick of Pewdiepie getting quoted here. He was drawing 2D pictures every day.
No reference models or objects, not drawing from imagination. I'd like to see him draw a person from imagination, rather than see his photocopies of an anime panel.
Even at my /beg/iest, my anime photocopies were still easy as fuck to do
I didn't get the hype pewdiepie got over drawing anime heads in a floating void, I know normies are retarded but I didn't expect so many to cream themselves over that shit
Many normies dreamed they could even draw floating anime girl heads in a void
pyw beg
like lets be real here, if you were good at drawing you'd be having fun
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Just follow the certified Natural Manga Drawing Method™ approved by every single Japanese mangaka ever.
Dude in OP clearly never got the memo and thus wasn't able to achieve his full Japanese drawing potential.
>A hobby that auto filters people
what the fuck is this?
even a monkey can draw manga
Congrats you now know the minimum amount of effort it takes to impress young people. What are you going to do with that? Bitch and moan about it? Well that's gonna get you nowhere. If the market is so easy to impress why haven't you captured some of that market for yourself? Makes you think about if it's not just about the art you produce huh?
>"virtually all postwar narrative manga were one way or another rip-offs of Osamu Tezuka"
Yeah, no surprises Tezuka never got angry at the people ripping him off. He was a communist who believed plagiarism was alright because "art belongs to the people" or other such nonsense.
No wonder he became irrelevant after Astro Boy.
These esoteric diagrams explaining how to sketch a basic anime face always make me laugh.
He regressed
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>those fucking toys
>one drawing a day
That's a lot more than some people can do.
he cute
uh SANTA???
He should consider trying to copy someone else's artwork for a change instead of drawing from imagination.
You people are picking on some 13 year old kid.
>not .jfif
you had one job
How do I stop being a permabeg? Asking for a friend.
most professional artists take at least 5-10 years from when they first begin to even start being really good, what is the problem here?
once you get the hang of drawing something like what's on the left you're going to improve much, much faster than before.
You don't. That's why it's called PERMAbeg. But the good news is that you can embrace it and draw more SOVL than the fundie grinders.
>this racist thinks art skills are genetic


LMAO even
Draw upside down
It's great bait for /ic/ whenever he makes a video
For a lot of people, making even 50% accurate copies of anime lineart is hard to do. Hell, a lot of people struggle to even grasp HOW you copy, without flat-out tracing. And even once they understand and start to make headway with freehand, no trace, no grid copies, they might never truly gitgud at it. I've been drawing for around 15 years and regularly sell commissions, yet I still struggle with making good off-the-cuff copies.
You can't.
As everything in life, artistic potential is determined by luck, genetics.
There are so many anons on /ic/ in full batshit cope mode about this. It would be sad if they weren't so annoying
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Good advice

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