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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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Previous thread >>7196361

Welcome to /sex/, your general thread dedicated to sexual artworks ranging from simple pinups with exaggerated proportions to explicit pornography. Please feel free to pick your best works in progress, or finished work, and post them here.

>General Rules & Guidelines
1) All forms of art styles are welcome and encouraged; submit your work and receive feedback from others.
2) Please resize your images below 1000x1000 pixels before posting.
3) Share whatever knowledge you can. Please provide references whenever possible.
4) Do not be afraid of asking for critique, be specific on what help you need.
5) Remember all GB3 related content such as LOLICON, SHOTACON, FURRY and FURRY PORNOGRAPHY along with BESTIALITY are banned on ALL boards, including red boards, except for /b/ and /trash/. DO NOT post that content here.
6) DO NOT reply to AI bait posts. Report and hide, then let the janitors and moderators deal with the problem.

>Community Resources

>NSFW image resources

>Timed drawing gallery
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Sex hihihi
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>Fuck, I wish I could draw dicks like the one in the OP. Are there any decent "how to draw dicks" art guides out there, or am I just stuck trudging through porn stills until I find a good one without some skank blocking it?
I'm flattered! My advice would be to find futa artists you like and do studies of them. As for reference, you can look for "solo" stuff
>find real mouths sexy
>Always asked to draw the david cronenberg anime slitr called a mouth

I'm going to draw what I want and pollute the airwaves with it.
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I miss you guys :')
alien suit sketch
>guy asks me to do a parody of an ecchi anime
>shows me a scene from an ecchi where some girls nipples get hard after getting btfo basically
>normal convo discuss specifics, prices and sutff.
>his final question was if i liked the scene and what i thought about her nipples getting hard haha
lmaoo rip
just ignore the question desu
Artists still don't get it. When a coomer approaches an artists to commission some coom shit, "the final product" is not the main reason, or motivation. Otherwise they would go and use AI or find an alternative version of their fantasy in already existing media imagery out there.
What they are looking for is an experience, to share their idea. To have a mental sexual intercourse with a willing creative person. You will both create this fantasy "together", and also enjoy it "together". They are paying for that, to access (You). They are paying for the human service experience and exchange feedback. You're no different from a whore in their view.
the fuck
drop me some more redpills on this
I'm sure many artists will tel you about that "weird feeling" when someone pays you some amount of money for something that you don't understand why is so valuable to that person. You understand that much later. It will happen to you too.

That explains a lot of things discussed in this board, like "why some lame beg-tier artists get so much clout and success", that's because of the human factor. Humans are, more than anything, just humans. Being a simple human comes first than being an "art connoisseur". Human needs, emotions and feelings overshadow any other "technical criteria", emotions clouds our minds. "Being a friend" comes first than being a technically apt individual.
Why don't we ever hear people complaining about shitty commissioned art? Like "I commissioned this artist and he did this piece of crap, look". You never see that. They are looking for something else. A friendship, a positive relationship experience to buy.
Anyways, I'm not saying nothing new, surely not new for Think tanks experts on political campaigns and global advertising.
You can expose yourself to your clients just as much as you allow yourself to. If your art is good, they won't drop you, just because you don't want to engage in convos you deem to personal.
The amount of actual out of touch autists is very small.
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Drew Yae from Genshin
Thank you for the suggestions! I've got some yaoi/bara artists whose work I enjoy, but I never really considered looking into futa artists. Mind if I ask for some recommendations? If not, no worries.
The full sketch is nice too, thanks for posting it
need a link to that scene my good man
That's hot... Now i want to whore myself with my art.
I do that sometimes. Except it's mostly for (you)'s. I'm an art attentionwhore.
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kakugari kyoudai my GOAT but it's gonna depend on what appeals to you personally. You can sort the futa tag by popularity on nhentai and browse for appealing dicks.
>making pervert commissions without being a pervert yourself

You are not here to be some lifeless tool to clinically produce art. if you want that go get hired at some media corpo or something

People come to porn artists because they are living and breathing worlds of deviancy. They are windows through which people can escape the cruelty and confines of the real world to connect with repressed parts of their souls.

Tech companies can spend 10 more years burning billions of dollars and destroying the infrastructure and they won't make any algorithm based misery that comes even close to that deeply human connection

Also next time you can just write "yeah, kinda hot, lol" and move on with your day
>without being a pervert yourself
>some lifeless tool
So there are just these two options? Are you completely insane, or just another 4chan extremist baiting for responses, by making outrageous claims?
We aren't lifeless, nor we are perverts.
I can speak only for myself, but making somebody happy by drawing something they enjoy is the most rewarding thing there is.
I'm doing this for the money, but the reception of my fans is the thing that makes it one of the best jobs I ever had.
>those thighs
Imagine the chaffing.

Looking good man.
Yes! Big mommy kill me!
Imagine the inability to walk.
Coom really rots simpleton brains.
Why do retards come to the coom thread to complain about coom?
kek thank you

Dis is cute
Lovely painting, especially the ears. I dig the linework as well. Her face might be a touch bright, unless her shirt is supposed to be super reflective
I'm not complaining about coom, I'm complaining about degenerates that are here for the coom instead of the art.
No wonder you can't improve if your IQ is that of a fucking monkey.
the coom IS the art you fucking chimp
This is how I know you are a beglet.
There is a HUGE difference between subject matter and technical ability.

>fucking chimp
This coming from a low IQ individual that reacts to porn like an animal, is fucking priceless.
>t. no draw retard
you know the rules, post your work you fucking idiot
Nice deflection.
Focus on this
>There is a HUGE difference between subject matter and technical ability.
you fucking mindless dumbass
he pointed out that the thighs overlapped too much (critique) ("imagine the chafing") and then encouraged him with a light compliment
this sent you into a soi rage because I guess you never get positive feedback on your art or something
I love how delusional monkeys that get their neuron activation by shitty art make up narratives to feel better about themselves.
If you seriously believe that guy was making a genuine critique, then you are a complete utter idiot.
and you still haven't posted any work (I know you won't it's OK)
Of course I won't. That's not a matter of who has the better art, which wouldn't solve anything in the 1st place, because usually after I post my art the opposition somehow gets silent.
The point is quite clear. There's horny monkeys in the thread, no amount of PYW will change that. In fact raging with "PYW" only proves that the nerve was struck pretty accurately.
Weird how no one in the thread agrees with you, the no draw that's doing nothing but bringing down the quality of the thread with every post they make. You'll never learn
>no draw
Keep deflecting from the fact that monkey replies like those are just as detrimental to the thread as any toxicity from me.
How can you be so fucking stupid. This is insane.
Do you feel called out, or you are the actual OP monkey that thinks with his dick instead of his head?

Also, I love how you call me no draw when I'm the one that is expressing concerns about people's inability to keep your primitive brain at bay in order to analize actual art.

But sure, keep screaming, you absolute dickbrain.
Any ways to grow my twitter account with nsfw art? My pixiv is doing fine. I assume X suppress nsfw art more
What's your handle? I can give a retweet
That’s a nice cock
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getting molested by your clients? more likely thank you think
>usually after I post my art the opposition somehow gets silent.
Maybe people think you're retarded and feel bad for you
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does this count as furry porn?
>does this count as furry porn?
what kind?
It counts as Furry, not as porn.
If anything it's NSFW.
In this life, you either talk big, or you are not saying anything at all.

My retarded take made you write out your thoughts and reaffirm your own true values. Thus, we all are brought closer to truth.
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I have a few questions, help with any of them or other critiques is welcome please.
-Earlier in the year I posted something for critique and was told it had this "uncertain beg-like feel," and I was/am in agreement, but I still can't really figure out what it is. is it really just needing to up mileage a huge amount because there's so many aspects to take into consideration? These are my most recent ones, after doing the left one I noted that you can't really understand anything about the character, so I tried to be more mindful of that with the next one, and I think there's a depth issue for both so I tried to darken parts and blur some but I don't think it did a lot.
-I tried to get everything onto as few layers as I could for the left one early, and I was wondering if the more paint like approach was more appealing than the right, and if I should pursue that
-I think I have a big issue with grasping/interacting form like the hands and the pillow on the second one, and I was curious if anyone had any good practice suggestions for things like this. I was thinking hand studies and maybe just poses with multiple figures interacting.
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Sharing tonight's sketch
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The biggest things that gives your art a more "amateur" feel is that your brush strokes don't follow your forms and your shapes are really unappealing.
When painting shadow and light you want your brush strokes to follow the cross contours of whatever you're painting to accentuate the form, what you're doing now completely flattens the form and ruins any illusion of three dimensionality.
So when you paint, follow the form and create large pleasing shapes of light and shadow before you start blending or adding a bunch of midtones.

Take that as you will from someone of my skill level and keep it up
I wonder why don't you follow your own advice.
Do you guys separate your sfw and nsfw accounts with different names?
I want to publish my vtuber fan art for the first time and I have a thought about this, because in the future I might draw some hardcore hentai, and my oshi dislikes hentai.
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it's so funny bc this is happening to me right now (he's red i'm blue) i just drew a friend's nsfw oc as a warmup and i activated the hornybrain. i love him but you give some people an inch and they take ten miles
I do, I'm just not good yet. This helps anon decide whether they think my advice is worth much. It's like saying
>take this advice with a grain of salt
My power level is 5 is that good what is the max?
I once 3D modeled a shark version of gardevoir with 2 dicks for a guy. He was very conversational about a lot of things but it never felt weird he just wanted this thing to make more porn of for his discord. On the other hand I had a guy who wanted she hulk in a Jessica rabbit dress and everything he talked about with the model felt very sexual even though it was a sfw model.
ironically this actually makes it sound respectable, like the prostitute as therapist view.
Is she (or you) Korean?
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photo study
you blurred everything, just blur the names pls
No. Why do you ask?
can i ask a question, do you guys masturbate to your artworks too?
(honest answers only)
Sometimes, never cummed to one of them tho
i've tried over the years. i just can't, no matter how hard i want to
yes. once, as a teen, when I drew a naked version of a girl from my class.
really nice, what's your process?
thank you. but i am afraid there's no process, other than aimlessly pushing pixels around. I am still trying to get the hang out of it.
Thank you very much, I can see what you're saying and I hadn't really even considered it towards these, only early on when trying to paint apples and things. I'll revisit it
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Someone has tips or tutorials of how to draw asses and by extention the lower back/hip? I think Im failing at the definition, proportions and landmarks of the Ilium, or how the glutes extends and contracts.
of course, it would be gay not to
I honestly dont even get a boner from them, but i do from other people's art. Its a weird feeling.

Its almost like you wouldnt get a boner from looking at your daughter or sister
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My latest artwork
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Shit man... This is like your second best piece ever. Well done bud.
Really good!
Tablet: Kamvas 13
Software: Sai2
This is amazing anon. I want to inject that retro style in my veins.
Interesting, not that sensual of a composition.., but you're very good anon.
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>hyped myself up into doing a 6 page porn comic
>realize just how trash I am at everything as I make it
>2 weeks of work to make something below mid, still not even done yet

live and learn I suppose.
once I'm done with this, I will serve my time in the fundie study jail, for all my crimes. and only one page porns only from now on
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same, but I intend to make it at least 10
I wish you the strength to go on my friend! Looks nice, i love the face expressions in the top panels
Only thing making me continue is that it will be the first original doujin in my language
I find it funny of people searching up doujin in x language not expecting anything and instead finding this
hah, that's awesome. making hentai history here
It's the only thing I masturbate to at this point
That's quite BASED m8.
If any of cool /sex/ artists here wanna chat about their work or just vent about life, feel free to add me on discord! : )

(gonna be real with ya all, I'm just lonely and looking for friends who are fellow pervert artists. If you are the same way, shoot me a message, see if we click)

vavilonica on discord
is that your work
yeah! still have so much to learn. like, an ocean of things to learn, lol
I don't trust discord. I only trust 4ch.
>I don't trust discord.
Extremely based. Discord is mostly for abusers to find victims anyway.
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>adding blackedtroon in discord
Erm...yeah, I'll pass
I'm lonely too, but i only talk to girls, feels awkward that my dude bro's don't take me seriously with my nsfw
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Today's round of sketches.
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Third one
May I see your NSFW drawings? I really want to see what kind of stuff you do. You sound like a nice chap
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god I hate using reference, its so boring
Fuck DAMN anon, nice work. I was just searching for ass references so this could help me
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Thank you! This one is not mine and I dont know who made it but I've been using it as inspiration for my figure drawings. It doesnt require a lot knowledge of anatomy, just the basic shapes, but it requires a lot of knowledge of how to handle the pencil or brush, if youre using digital brushes.
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This one also helps, its for the muscle and fat shapes. Once you get a good grasp at the anatomy of glute muscles, you can use any reference you want. Even those with very exaggerated proportions. Have fun!
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what's my best if i may ask?
Shit... well done.
fantastic! what materials are you using? the shading reminds me of Steve Huston's method
Only the pics that have dicks in them
I draw some really nice dicks and the action of self-inserting is specially strong since I am the one who created them
it depends, I normally don't but when I'm high sometimes it's like someone made something custom for me. lol
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I don't draw nsfw very often, but I want to more. What do you all think of this attempt
Also, nice.
Thank you!
Nipples need to be bigger. But overall it seems good. Breasts could use a little more sag.
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panel 2 out of 4
Thank you! I use an HB pencil for gesture lines and construction and a 2B to darken the whole thing. I wrap it up with a 4B that helps me with the lines I want to be the main focus of the shape. All of my pencils are sharpened Atelier style (1.5 cm point with a flat side so that I can make thin lines with one side and Thick, broader lines with the other)

You were right about Huston. He is my main source of inspiration. I watch his weekly streams on youtube, they are INCREDIBLY helpful.

The way I shade is the same way he shades. Give the form two values, light and dark. Darken the edge between them to get ambient light. I keep the details on my dark part simpler. Sometimes I dont put anything at all. I keep my details on the light side of the shape.

All of this is done on regular printing copypaper, then scanned and digitally enhanced with photoshop or FireAlpaca (a great alternative to photoshop, its free btw)

I dont have any drawings with me to post, sorry about that.
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how does this look?
toes seem a little long but maybe that's your thing
>toes seem a little long but maybe that's your thing
kinda but I will fix it a little bit later on
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Hey guys is there a market for wholesome nsfw featuring anthropomorphic genitalia?
>Hey guys is there a market for
Yes. Yes, always yes.
A movie was literally made out of it so yes.
I love the classic anime lewd pose with exposed armpits and chest so i tried to draw it.

Idk the arms are really hard to make it look good.
Ant tips?
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Did some pp studies today. Was inspired by the way the artist jab would sometimes draw lines across the shaft. Happiest with 2&5
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>Ant tips?
browse the arms_up tag on the boorus
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I recognize #2
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Finished this today
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MtF vibe.
Verdict, NOT A MAN.
Born to fetishise pregnant women, cursed to render round forms.

10min. End of day.
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New to NSFW, hello everyone
Fucking hot. Be welcomed anon.
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I need suggestions on what to put on the top. Also
I'm trying to figure out how to do the translucent part behind her, should I draw it or "erase" it into the 2 bright blue parts?
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Commission in progress
Legs look a bit short anon but that's the only bit of crit I have. Good job.
God I love that spread leg pose, so nice fucking hot.
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Even if it is piss don’t make the liquid yellow
Eyes seem a bit close together but very nice
Teach me your ways anon
I need to draw giant breasts, any tips?
Same as always: use the relevant tags on booru/doujin sites, find artists you like, do studies of them, profit
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girl penis
no I changed my mind maybe actually no it doesnt
You’re all perverts Jesus will send you to hell!
If they are perverts, the real punishment should be to send them to heaven... amirite?
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working on this one
any tutorial for cum
Fuck you, you godless heathen!
Thankfully your delusions can't hurt anyone except yourself. Keep believing in fairy tales as much as you want, but, please, never have kids.
based logic user
Any tips for drawing good looking torsos?
Genuine question: have you guys made friends through drawing R18?
Reason I ask is because I realize that if I'm to make the switch, I would not be able to post my stuff in any if the places I currently frequent or any of the people I talk to. It'd be like self-ostracizing myself.
I bnecame good friends with some of my clients and some other artists.
Love the idea, needs a better execution though
>Love the idea
What's the idea? I'm probably missing some context.
I like how he implemented the "Guajolote" (axolotl) design into that apron/dress/whatever. The more I look at it, the more I appreciate how good it is. Maybe he took the design from some other place?
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Isn't futa supposed to be without testicles.
Of course. Xitter if full of posta with ideas to draw clothes.
Both variants exist. Most people call even trans women (female body with male genitals) futa, even tho they aren't actual hermaphrodites.
>(axolotl) design
The context I was missing. Thx.
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why aren't you fucking your hot as fuck barely legal work rival, anon?
Shit, please tell me you did that. That's fucking ACE anon. Good job.
Yeah, i did, thanks. I'll post it eventually when i finish
Because I have a brain and am not driven by my dick?
Natural selection works. Filtered by willing Extinction.
I don't care about producing as many children as possible. If anything I'd rather not have kids, because I would just feel bad for them.
Meanwhile you will propagate idiocracy totally fine anon. Go get them, hairless monkey.

Relax. It's just ace attorney, guys
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Here a reference of size boobs that I picked on X.
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wtf... It's like my girls came true

Is this from a book?
I'm going to try googling it now, but Google Images rarely returns anything accurate or useful these days.
top tier stuff
do you have socials?
Impressive figures anon, where do you get the refs from? I'd like to try my hand at some of these

Well, I'll be. Got it in one.
Nevermind anon, I found it!
no, sorry, and i don't plan on making any soon
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these are my own figs, when I use ref I get them from Pinterest like picrel
but if you like voluminous figures look for an artist called Trylsc, I try to draw in his style
Damn, I think you just opened my eyes to how how deeply personal and human sexual desires are, even the weird ones. I always thought of coomers as mindless beasts but turns out they're just humans yearning for a connection just like you and me. Thanks anon, you gave me an empathy boost. I will treat my costumers with a little bit more respect from now on.
This thing is fake because is CGI.
Where, I want it as well
What does it feel to think with your dick? Is that why your art sucks?
Yours as in traced/copied from another artist?
I could recognize that style with my eyes closed. Can't remember the name of the jap artist tho.
>I could recognize that style with my eyes closed
so post the prove or gtfo
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Pic related is the artist I was talking about. The folder I had them in is named Try, but it's impossible to find anything by using that term in google.
Oh no, how will you ever recover...
Anon, every coom brain here has been shown to be clearly more technically skilled than the majority of sfw artists in this board. And that's a known fact.
If my art sucks, that's because of my reluctance to take the coom pill and unleash that artistic inner unhinged beast.
Take it as you may, but that is a fact, wich we discuss on this board all the time. Why coomers are so skilled? And above coomers, why furry fags and loli fags are even more skilled?. We are still trying to explain why that is, but it seems to be the opposite to your affirmation. Actually those who draw riding on their dicks gets better and better. The problem to solve there, could be how to get that coom-brain back to normal after achieving those demonic artistic over-powers.
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That's really good inspiration and reference material, but claiming that is YOURS is a stretch.
I literally mentioned this artist's name here >>7233995
and that I'm trying to replicate his style, now show me where the copy and tracing is from or you are just another crab schizo
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And one more from TRY.
I've been working as a NSFW artist for more than a decade now.
Drawing porn doesn't mean you have to think with your fucking dick and be a compulsive monkey.
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Yeah, you've been copying another artist to the letter and thinking you are actually good.
You go as far as saying that those girls are YOURS.
You are just a hack. A good hack... Until you have to invent your own stuff, then suddenly stuff starts breakiong apart like in pic related.
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picrel is what I used for top right schizo
the rest was from imagination

cope and deal with it
LMAO! What are you on about anon? You as an alleged disgusting coomer pretends to be judging other people about having a dick stuck in their brain, when you have yours full of jizz? I don't get you.
Also you could be earning your money sucking cock all day instead of being a professional coomer, and it would be impossible to prove anyways. GTFOH man! LOL!
That's my whole point. The stuff you do from imagination (not the faces and boobs kek) looks much worse than what you lift from TRY.
The only good parts are the ones you copyed, or maybe even internalized.
No worries, keep copying others ASGfag, but keep in mind the moment you put your evidence on the internet people are going to expose you for what you really are.
If anything you can accuse me of exploiting people that think with their dicks like you do. In that regard I can't judge anyone.
When it comes to drawing porn I'm cold as a fucking iglu. Only monkeys get horny like you're claiming.
>That's my whole point
no it isn't, you took from your ass the acusation of tracing and now you are moving goal
>The stuff you do from imagination looks much worse
How about you post your work from imagination then?
>wtf... It's like my girls came true
>my girls
oh no no no no no no noooo
>no it isn't, you took from your ass the acusation of tracing and now you are moving goal
I said you might have just copied stuff. Making your style the exact same as another artist by copying or tracing them is the exact same shit.
I'm not moving any goalpoasts. I'm exposing you for being a copycat and those pics are proof of that.
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and also I regularly talk to TRY and show him my work and this was his response
You're funny anon. I'm not even gonna ask you to PYW. You're just a larping clown. But I guess I was right on one thing, You suck cock for a living, if you just wrote this >you can accuse me of exploiting people that think with their dicks
You quoted the wrong post, but I found what you meant. I completely missed that.
In that case I take everything back. You are still a copycat, but at least you are a honest one.
My bad for accusing you of plagiarism.
You are a moron. That's the OP who posted "HIS" girls.
For the love of god anon, don't even dare to give a second of your time to that fucking faggot seething loser piece of crab.
Your work is outstanding, IMO, better than TRY. You have a different figure language. Your style also reminds me of Seura Isago wich for me is a fucking untouchable GOD up there. You keep doing your stuff anon.
We all know who the seether loser is here.
>IMO, better than TRY.
This is the level of delusion going on in these threads. Outstanding.
It's okay anon. Everoyne can make a mistake, especially bad artists kek.
No worries, TRY is one of the nicest people I've ever met in art and is always willing to answer questions and teach, I started drawing because of him. If my work reminded him of his then maybe I'm in the right direction, even if I end up as a clone of him I draw for myself
nta but what's wrong with elbow and feet, with my anatomy knowledge I would draw like that too, I don't think it's a style and can be monopolized by a single artist
unironically nothing
Nothing, just a crab attempting to cope
Fair. I got carried away because I like that art a lot too. I'm not familiar with this artist at all, but his stuff made an impression and I saved it.
You are doing a hell of a good job in mimicking his style. As I said before even tho you are copying his style, you have to be a good "hack" for that. I take back the hack thing tho, you aren't pretending and I completely failed at profiling you.
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what yall think
Got laid and then dumped
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The arm is drawn way worse than the rest of the body. The eyes don't follow the same perspective as the rest of the face. The foot is simply broken.
I was sure he was mindlesly copying his poses and what he changed wasn't up to par with the rest of the copied artwork.
The mistakes are still there tho.
damn, those are some PUFFY nips, kinda cute
This is cute as heck. Love the style. The fetish nipples aren't my thing, but that's subjective, so it's a me problem. Keep it up.
because i'm a neet
And you didn’t post your work, you petty faggot crabcel
Get extinct faggot
Dios mio so fucking cringe, please go fuck your self and die running krueger nigger. I know you are very low iq so you ar probably going to forget what I’m telling you but know that all fucking artists copy from other artists to learn. Thinking he is a “copycat” makes absolutely 0 sense. Now fuck off to a gaming/anime board. NIGGER.
all you did was trace over his work but did it worse
stop coping and learn how to draw without tracing
This nigga must be high int. impressive redraw of an already good artist. I wonder how many drawings you have to make to gain such a fine intuition on how the body should look like in such delicate detail
I'm known around. I'm not going to risk becoming a target for 4chan autists.
If you arent a beginner, you can get enough out of the redline I did.

Nah. If the lines that go over his lines are like that, because I thought there was nothing wrong with those areas. I specifically outlined the parts that were problematic. If you don't see any changes, then you are either blind or dishonest.
how do you gain this kind of insight? the hidden hand in particular is really impressive
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only one i got sadly
tl;dr By drawing a lot.

The more times you draw stuff, the more your brain internalizes anatomy, perspective, etc.
Build a good visual library by using references, but don't neglect drawing from memory. Imagination drawing helps you get out of the comfort zone of having a reference to rely on, so you have to invent stuff and make your brain do heavy lifting. I think this builds better neuron connections when it comes to perspective and its internalization.
thank you, drawing from imagination was something I figured out recently as something I need to implement a lot more. It was like my brain was shutting down trying to remember how, but the more Ive done it the easier and better it gets
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My friend asked me to draw Namine from KH2 as a rocket so just dumping this
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Your toes look like ass bro
cherry picking makes you feel like a big boy? beglet midwit? so cute.
other anon's foot was better and more expressive, you've still got work to do before you're good enough to justify being such a bitchass crab
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fuck, these lines are crispy clean, guys.

what brush setting you use? I work on basic bitch simple linear pressure-to-size curve with brush diameter about 10x the desired line weight.
I think i get more control when I use settings that require more pressure, but I'm afraid my hands will get tired even faster

also, what zoom are you working on and do you rotate canvas for more controlled arcs

I tried cleaning up a quick proportion estimation exercise (it took me waay too long because I'm trash @ anatomy and bump into simplest of things)
I am not, I was pointing out if you talk shit, at least draw better than who you are picking on.
The guy arguing with >>7233832 should post his work as well just saying
Yeah he is a bitch but honestly this is bitchville, you are all bit he’s bitching each other.
You are all bitches bitching against each other*
How do i Into shoulders?
They either look too plain or bi dimensional.
Yah. You literally just traced over him and then claimed to have "fixed" it.
Learn how to make your own art before you try critiquing others, it just makes you come across as a loser.
>i'm known around
Yeah youre just a nodraw who doesnt want to get exposed. Pick up a pencil and practice.
It seems like bitchville since it is anonymous, 90% of my posts are very friendly and positive
Funny you say that while he is literally the best artist on the board, on any other place on the internet or real ife you would be kissing his ass to get some advice from him or something
i'd recommend using the pressure settings that you think give you more control, and slowly adjust the curve to reduce the amount of pressure you need to make thick/opaque lines.
you can have your cake and eat it too if you don't jump into it too fast. it's what i did when i had the same issue when i first started drawing digitally
>dumb redline faggot draws top figure fingering the cyst hole in her asscheek instead of her jamming her fingers in her ass
don't ever redline anything here again, nigger
>dumb faggot praising cyst hole redline nigger while drawing Seinfeld man hands
learn to draw, dipshit
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Made a quick reference for how I usually go about it, hope this helps! Usually just depends on understanding the shape of/how much cum, after figuring that out it all sorta comes together
As annoying as the argument is, this draw-over is actually pretty informative and interesting. The added volumes, perspective fixes, and tweaked anatomy/placement are helpful to study
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I wanna dump all my art on here cause they're all nudes but here's an old one at least
Not a promising start, but, let's see the rest of it...
Perfect. Now this is the right one.
How do I know if something is sexual
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thanks, I appreciate it
I used a soft brush to erase it a little and added the highlights and it looks much better
I made the figures in black, I used one of CSP's default pens called mapping pen
px size between 12-17 and b5 350dpi for canvas
I rotate the canvas as it is more comfortable for me to make lines in c
If you want a tip to have better lines, trace hd manga/doujin pages, a well regarded artist told me this and it helped me a lot
Take a guess
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I have about 50 that are like this. Not posting them all, too much work. They're 2.5x2.5 inch paintings.
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Almost all are in different styles, it's been fun. Whether you like them on not.
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actually this is much easier
Nice colors and nipples
I also really like this

Are these pieces heavily referenced or original?
NTA but they look 100% copied from many different artists, the styles vary.
the one with green skin kinda gives it away for me.
does anyone else watch porn just to find screenshots to use as references?
I disagree about his foot looking better, but I know what you mean. His pose for the lower body is better, as in more dynamic and natural. I tried to fix the issue that both legs are the same length while one foot is standing on tip toes, while the other seem planted.
I was trying to address this and since I didn't redraw the whole thing, the pose is now stiffer.
I was talking shit because I wrongly thought he was copying another artist and pretending this was his art.
I even pointed out in my first post to him, that he's good.
I apologized after I realized I fucked up.
I wasn't sure about that part either. Fixing this kind of stuff while trying to retain the initial pose is not easy.
You talk big. Can you please fix my redline?
>troll's remorse
Your redline wasn't as good as you thought it was and looking on it with fresh eyes you see a bunch of mistakes so now you're playing fake humble. Next time don't be so bent on talking shit so hard and it won't happen.
>Almost all are in different styles
Aren't these all copies of different artists' artworks?
I did the redline after apologizing. I'm not apologizing because of the reception lol.
Around here even if Michelangelo did a redline, there would be people like you that would call him out for being trash at it. I couldn't care less about this kind of emotion fueled "critique".
If the OP can get anything good out of them, that's all that matters.
>You talk big. Can you please fix my redline?
You should fix your faces bro, the anatomy fixes are alright but your faces are considerably worse than his. There’s not enough spaces between the eyes and the facial features are misaligned compared to the cranium. I would redline it but I’m banned from posting images atm.
You can post links.
I know you won't, don't worry.
Working on it right now, I’ll post it on catbox in an hour or two then. Though to be honest, I’m not sure why you’re being awfully defensive when you were the one that went all gung-ho on that anon to begin with.
I'm not sure why you think all of 4chan is the same person.
I'm the redliner and I'm curious about your fix. I don't think the faces are bad in general. The only recurring thing I see as a possible mistake is the position of the ears. They are all drawn a bit too low imo.
>I’m not sure why you think all of 4chan is one person
>I’m the redliner
Do you struggle with reading comprehension or is this a typo? I was talking to you.
>I don’t think the face are bad in general
I explained the biggest, most notable issues here >>7235655 , though redrawing over it- I sense the heads are also too small compared to the size of the body on the arms up redline, and the craniums for the other two are majorly disformed. If you’re the redliner, honestly putting more room between the eyes makes it would make it much more appealing, as well as leaving more space near the ear on your 3/4s. Not easy to explain in text, hopefully my redraw will convey my words better.
>Do you struggle with reading comprehension or is this a typo? I was talking to you.
I didn't write that post.


Here comes my delivery as promised, though I may have gotten a bit over myself and changed too much stuff. I got lazy on hoodie girl- but I think the most important figure to analyze anyways is the arms up lady. Her torso is too short and the pose lacks dynamism, if you look at real life women doing it, the way the spine arches is much more pronounced. It seems her upper and lower body are also in different perspectives, so practice simplifying the body into simple shapes projected at different angles.

I thought I’d also change the laying lady to use a dildo instead of her fingers since she wouldn’t be able to reach her butthole like this anyways. And, I redrew the faces so they’d look a bit more erotic to my taste, though I’m a bara artist so idk about sexy ladies much. To make up for that, I’ve decided to slightly edit your faces as well, to show you what I meant with my original comment, and how little details can change a lot. Admittedly you draw hands and feet way better than I do though.
Redliner here. I'm in bed rn, so I'll take more time to reply to you tomorrow, but your stuff is great anon. The faces you drew are top notch.
If I use another artists work as reference color is almost always changed. For instance the green one was originally skin tone. The variability is my personal changes. Green skin reference attached.
I'll let you be the judge of that. I'd say i just use them as reference. But the one you replied to imo are completely different. If I was more skilled maybe they would be idk
This whole board fucking hates AI stuff anon (for whatever reason). Just warning 'ya.
Yeah i only use them as reference for my actual paint on canvas paintings
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Oh about that, I forgot, I was the one who told you that first one bukkake painting was not promising. At the end it was the most interesting to me. You are doing something great with those little paintings, amazing project.
I think you should use real reference, from real scenes and photos. Like those from pic related. Real stuff, with dramatic lighting and hot warm skin tones and light reflections, that would be amazing to have as a real little painting like those you do. also easy to have and display in a discreet way, lol. Are you using acrylics?
Well, that's what I meant. You copy refs. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, it just seems funny to me that you meniton them being in different styles. That came across as if you were skilled in different styles, where in reality you are just skilled at drawing from reference.
All good.
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Because getting a following is pretty hard when painting nudes I will sometimes paint real references such as attached. You can see this one in the little collection. OF influencers, posting it on their post. Two birds one stone when I do it like that. I paint daily now so I think this will help in general with improving over all. And yes all acrylic. And I take commissions if you wanna discreet little painting lol
I get ya
Oh Damn, that's a hot piece of woman right there, thanks for the Qtsnack!
I see you're developing your process, I hope you keep posting your stuff anon, maybe I'll go crazy about some piece, though I'm very picky with stuff I like. Best of luck anon!
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Ellen joe wip
the alcohol bottles are placeholder shapes and will draw properly for now, just wanna get a nice ass pose going before tomorrow
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are you not going to share?
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What I get from this is that you changed the style of the faces. I personally prefer the previous ones. All the rest that you addressed didnt really fix anything. You changed the body types and the expressions. The initial redline was already a nitpick, yours is an even bigger one.
While you are right abou the length of the torso, your version is out of balance and the proportions seem wrong. Ribcage and arms are too big, the pelvis is too small and you completely changed the body type. The toes are stumpy too.

You said you wanted to adress the faces especially but I really don't see any objective improvement in that regard.
been trying some stuff. rendering goop is hard.
some more.
Thanks brodi I post daily on my IG, not stopping any time soon brother
Terrifyingly based
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Just finished this one
new bread >>7237743
how many thousands of floating loomis heads and boxes do I need to grind to get to this level?

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