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I thought it was just some trolling, but it was true. Adobe is capturing your private work in Photoshop, everything you do in the software. And they have been doing this for more than a year in secret.
Alright. Then recommend me actual alternatives. I'm not talking about clip studio or krita. I want legitimate alternatives that offer the versaility of PS.
But you can sue them for that, right? Idk
>t.csp user
LOL, oh sure, some bitch ass Adobe damage control minion will dictate what an "actual alternative" is... yeah well.. FUCK YOU.
The guy lists alternatives to all adobe software in the end of the video.
For us, right out of the door there is KRITA wich is FREE. So if an alternative of that quality is available for FREE then you can imagine how fast we will be dropping that malware phishing Photoshop steamy pile of shit. CSP will be another good option, anything but Adobe PS (Pile of Shit).
always remember, it is morally correct to
I didn't even watch the video. I've used both Krita and CSP. They're nice, but I've gone back to PS time and time again. I'm asking in good faith to people who are also in the same boat as me who want to leave this morally bankrupt company but are struggling to find alternatives.
>Adobe is capturing your private work in Photoshop
even if I'm using a 2021 pirated photoshop?
>watch this 16 minute literal who video
I've heard it's as simple as routing some specific traffic to your loopback address. Anybody know more?
>worried/half serious/shocked face on thumbnail
>Adobe situation is insane
>Adobe has to be stopped
>Adobe is evil
>Adobe has to go
>blahblahblah they are bad, blah blah criticism, but not too much to be still monetizeable, and youtube doesn't strike me.

I caa guarantee you none of them talks about the real issues in any of these.
Here is the reality: A shitton of indians, low skilled, underqualified diversity hires work there, because of the anti-white campaigns and the only reason they kept afloat because they still scrape the remnants of of the Knolls, aka the high IQ white guys.
However thank God you can look at gay, pansexual blacks when you start the program.
Here you have a different 10 minute video reviewing the criminality of Adobe:

The more you Adobe bitch ass criminals kick and shout about it, the worse it gets. Here, do you want a 3 minutes version?:

Here, do you want Linus Tech ripping a new one on adobe?:

Do you want Adam Duff LUCIDPIXUL ravaging Adobe's ass for half an hour, there you have it:

Do you want some real literal who riding Adobe's ass for 20 more minutes? Here it is:

However you want it Adobe faggot, left, right, up, down, sideways, get fucked as much as you want. Have at it.
(verification not required)
>It's Adover
I'm convinced you're the one being paid to drum up attention with your schizo ass comments. How much is the agency you work at paying you to farm engagement on that video you stinky pajeetus?
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I'd say I'm surprised, but some things never change.
Right back at ya "Shitanu"

It's so ADOVER for you lil Pajie

Your actions are transparent I hope your thread dies.
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>can't steal my work anymore
if the program don't run offline, you cucked yourself from the beginning
I'm thinking this thread will reach reply limit in no time. It's a freaking hot topic in the art community. The fall of Adobe is quite the happening. It's all over the place, everyone is doing a review of it:

This is INSANE. But with a disgusting pajeet running adobe's shady shit we shouldn't be surprised about this colossal debacle.
This is good stuff. Listening while drawing.
>16 minute literal who video
Would you have preferred if it was a video by jacksepticeye?
Or would you preferred a tiktok video of the topic?
Either way, try the bleach drinking challenge, zoomer.
I'd have watched it if it was Saito Naoki
> but I've gone back to PS time and time again
Stockholm syndrome and sunk cost, you been and spending money on ps for so many years that it's hard for you to permanently use any other alternatives. Even if an exact "perfect" alternative was created, you still wouldn't use it.
>Krita schizo is forever butthurt some random didnt like his software
This is funny. You're going to be up there with wacumguzzler and resident AI schizo.
It's mostly the fact that I have many keybinds and actions I use regularly. For example, I draw the outline of my drawing with a brush, magic wand the inside, then use a shortcut to expand selection, then another to fill selection, then i create a clipping mask, or I just use alpha lock, it's gpu accelerated, liquify is good. It's mostly comfort and being used to the workflow, but I really don't mind switching, I'll pirate it and do what that other anon was saying about loopback addresses if I absolutely must keep it. I'm probably going to end up going with CSP since it seems the most versatile, but I was wondering those are truly the only options.
this was the obvious end point the moment they switched to a subscription model
if paying isn't owning....
I use photoshop, but I'm a hobbyist, it's not doing anything that will affect my livelihood.
The only thing I can think of that those programs lack is that they aren't as good at stuff like warp, liquify etc. ie processor heavy image editing. But for drawing and painting they're perfectly adequate. You can always use photoshop CS6 with plugins like coolorus and lazy nezumi.
based seething FOSS autist
Oh no Adobe knows about my shitty coom drawings
>wasting time watching normie ragebait dramatubers
Just draw.
People say this alot, but this actually might be the end of adobe.

It's not in the sense that
>hur they're stealing my porn
but actual companies have NDAs and private work they absolutely do not want being sucked up by adobe.
it's one thing to steal from consumers, it's another to steal from the companies making those products.
Maybe, but it'd be trivial to circumvent that for adobe.
There's definitely more complex ways of doing it, but I assume most people are just talking about adding a host file entry or a firewall rule to drop the connection.

If adobe is serious they could just do some very jewish things or require the active connection and it won't run otherwise (which is what games do)
more likely, how much is Adobe paying you for this flimsy attempt at damage control?
Traditional wins again. Also you can't tell me that clip studio doesn't do or wont ever do something similar. Trust no tech company
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>hello, FBI?
>Yeah so I checked federal and local laws concerning certain types of artwork and I'd like to report unholy amounts of child porn on a server somewhere in California
SAIchads...we won....
I paid a couple of dollars for the whole Adobe suite so until someone else offers regional pricing, meh. I'll pirate it otherwise when the subscription ends if they don't retract.
This is what most people don't understand when they say I'm switching to affinity, a company owned by canva.
Just use Krita.
As long as the "subscription" model stays put, they legally own whatever you do on 'THEIR' software. That's the catch, since you're just "leasing" the tool you don't totally "own" whatever you do with it. Evil fucked up shit.
I've used pirated cs6 for the last decade so i've just been chewing popcorn this whole time.
The American government is suing them for shitty commercial practices.
What do you think will happen when they're forced to admit they have been keeping copies of sensible government-owned data files that pass through Adobe software like security footage, contracts, engineering plans, medical doccuments, etc?
Pirate CS3.
If you've actually used PS for real and aren't a shill, you know they haven't updated the software in over a fucking decade.
Naoki uses CSP.
Oh shit, I didn't even think about that. True. Nobody cares about these fuckers spying on your futa furry private doodles/art. That Adobe pajeet has been spying on feds and private sector documents for years. Like some episode from 'Billions'.
Thoughvertheless, he uses Photoshop too.
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ProcreateSCHOLARS win again
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I didn't watch the video but it's obviously something to do with AI.
Laws to fuck AI's asshole should be here soon.
i use a pirated copy of CS6
adobe's practices have been shitty for a long time but this feels like an extra layer of disgusting. I'm glad I jumped ship way back when the subscription model was introduced.
Japan is so slow at adopting foreign tech they'd be trying this in 2035.
My pirated version of 2022 got flagged and shut down. The weird part is that my pirated version of After Effects 2022 has not been flagged
What's that about subscription based programs being good?
>mfw I still use the abandoned version of CS2 they had on their website for a while
Never the case. Expirated Psy-op. The matrix is crumbling down.
Based. Still be careful with that potential malware carrier.
You guys know it's a thing you had to opt into, right?
> $200
Guys take a look at this faggot

That's the whole point behind the scandal, they are forcing you to accept those terms of service with out an "opt out". Are you not following any of this Adobe disaster?
Oh, right, of course you are.. don't you, you little Adobe damage control pajeet RAT?
> Guys, stop being mean to the corporation!
That's not the issue at all. Now we're unable to opt OUT of that, meaning we can't use our .psds.
Wouldn't this be the equivalent of using like gmail to e-mail government emails? Who would do that?
define the versatility of ps
affinity does more than you could possibly need for painting
Or installing windows in your government buildings and office's devices, right? Who would do that?
if your work is in any way on the internet, you've accomplished nothing at all
if there's a picture on etsy or ebay or twitter or facebook of the guy that bought it, it's been scraped anyway, and if it isn't you're just doodling in the basement
I'm pretty sure those guys would have to change their ToS to do that.
Do what, have bots scrape their publicly displayed jpegs? Are you stupid? How do you think the billions of images in base datasets were obtained?
You artfags are honestly so paranoid. It's kind of funny really.
Hey Pajeet bro, do you guys have fun looking at what people secretly draw in your adobe phishing malware line of products? It must be fun, isn't?
This is about having your entire digital process recorded and scraped not a singular image.
Yeh, I love jacking off to your furry art.
semantics, you are not in any way less damaged because someone "only" replicates your painting, your actual product, and not the process
techie cocksucker
Cool /g/aslighting, faggot.
Soulless nigga
I could never imagine what it's like to trust or white knight a corporation.
same person
You will never be promoted.
It is an innate quality all pajeets have, it is like a "servant gen" in their dna. Anglojews must have planted some genetic trait during the colony times. The "Gunga Din Saaar Gen". Only they know that feeling. Not even niggers have that master-slave loving acceptance in them like jeets have.
they do it for free, unfathomable I know
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Finally. Better late than never
By that time it will be too late.
I guess an older version of Photoshop they can't actually sue you.

Alternatively just firewall it's ability to connect to any outside servers and/or only use it on a device not connected to the Internet.
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With literally every piece of software up to and including the OS spying on you and then trying to claim your life and actions as their intellectual property I wonder how long before these mega corps start using each other accusing each other of stealing from them?
Don't take this the wrong way but have you thought about just learning to draw?
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the end for whom?

the vast majority of creatives are bolsheviks, they have no honor or ethics, sure, they will complain but they will continue to pay their subs to adobe

adobe has shifted their tools to be easier to us by the managerial class who hate creatives

in the long run adobe will win, because evil corporations cater to the unethical
you are the one drawing the line at the processs instead of any sampling whatsoever, he's literally less tolerant of ai than you, retard
I think we're not being aware of the batshit crazy level of HAPPENING right now with this whole Adobe catastrophe. This is Photoshop going down in flames, screeching like some AI demonic monstrosity, while falling down to the abyss of hell.
What a time to be alive
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I do just draw you dingus. I use multiple mediums.
Calling out a the-whole-world-is-Adobe-pajeets-samefagging-nigger is indeed free yes. The thing is by engaging in their obvious baits they're hitting their quotas for getting anons to engage with the videos they've repeatedly linked. The best way to engage people on the internet is to make aggressively incorrect or presumptuous statements that beg people to correct them or respond in outrage of being attacked. It's a classic strategy that's very prevalent in our society, directly feeding the ever-growing brainrot that is the internet supersocial organism.
Only adobe can harvest your process of whatever you do in the software. Having images scraped that you upload to the internet can be done by literally anyone so there's a big difference. I don't like either but a company definitely shouldn't be allowed to do this. I also don't like retards trying to play devil's advocate for no reason it's just annoying
if you actually read the discussion, it was about digital vs trad, not adobe
It goes beyond pajeets. I know some faggot who took Snoy's side on the Helldivers shitshow and he's White.
E-even the males t-too?
why are you people like this?
>corporation does unholy greedy shit
>you prompt a race war
are you people braindead or multimillionaires?
CEO sempai doesn't acknowledge your existence.
Not a problem for piratechads, it's not worth giving Adobe your money and hasn't been for YEARS.
You can try out Procreate, Rebelle, Corel Painter and Paint Tool Sai.

But if you're comfortable with Photoshop just use an older version of it.
ive seen a bit of anti adobe fuss in a few places now, i guess the regular youtube mob are pumping out vids on it for the algo.
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Sure, 1 out of 1000 lions will not rip you to shreds if you go near them, but it's not unreasonable to stay the fuck away from them.

Whiteknighting or shilling or being subservient for or to a corporation is usually underage brown skin low iq behavior.

It's the same as with porn artists or pronouns in bio; sure 1 out of 10.000 will not groom kids and spam porn everywhere, but it isn't that "illogical" to assume they're trannies and have a discord server full of underage kids.
I mean, fuck, it's gotten so bad even normies are aware of this.
Or just go ahead and get Krita once and for all.
You fucks shill Krita but when somebody hops onto your thread with problems you tell them to suck dicks. Here's a reminder to anybody considering Krita. It's not plug and play and needs to be carried by multiple community made plug-ins. If you thought it'd be as simple as download and draw oh no no you're wrong. That's why you'll find software needs defending it like they do Linux. They think themselves elite for spending more time fucking around with the software than actually painting.
Krita is ready to go as soon as you install it. What are you talking about?
You Adobe fucks are in some deep shit, ain't ya? LOL.
People are dropping that steamy Photo-poop like a dead cold NFT toxic garbage. No one wants a phishing malware running in your system, and much more than that, a bunch of pajeets looking and capturing what you draw in private. It's insane what Adobe did. Absolutely and total criminal insanity.
You're legitimately a schizo who derails every conversation with the same bullshit. No wonder you spend your time on 4chan, people irl wouldn't be able to stand you for more than 5 minutes.
LMAO!!! I wonder if it is coming down on you all already... if you're starting to feel that cold sweat, the realization, of what you did. You fucked up, REAL BAD. Incredibly bad. You felt so powerful, don't you? Untouchable, like you can do whatever the fuck you want, shit on whoever you want, no accountability, total impunity.
How does it feel that your world is crumbling down right fucking now?
I told you in the other thread, didn't I? I warned you.... The word was out that Photopoop was a phishing malware about to blow up, and now the whole internet is on fire, Adobe is on fire LOL.
Have a nice day Pajeet. Keep prompting in your poop vacuum.
Seek help. This is the last (You) you're getting from me.
Ok if Adobe sucks which alternative do I have if I need Generative Fill?

Honest to god question.
You know who needs to seek help...?
Yeah, you guessed it:
>It's not plug and play
i adjust the brush so it isnt opacity by pressure, and then i draw away.
adobe are extremely scum, but you know, they got generative fill, so i guess i can give them a pass and let them ass rape my bank account and work.
He's just desperate. Don't mind him. Adobe shills are in panic mode. Throwing punches in the void, and talking nonsense. They need all the cope they can get right now.
That's why I'm asking for an alternative if anyone knows any.
Genuinely curious, why would you need generative fill?
I do some stuff for my phone and some images require better stretching than Shift + F5
A gun in your mouth,
I kneel FOSS autist-kun
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>The best way to engage people on the internet is to make aggressively incorrect or presumptuous statements that beg people to correct them or respond in outrage of being attacked. It's a classic strategy that's very prevalent in our society, directly feeding the ever-growing brainrot that is the internet supersocial organism.
i am genuinely so tired of this shit i simply stopped caring and block every single retard doing this shit.

What's even the point of wasting one's own time like this? The 15 minutes of fame?
If retards want to make people heckin mad and copingseething malding over the internet, they should tell a truth, not make up schizo scenarios in their own heads and trying to """epic troll""" by being retarded.

Like my nigga just say that porn isn't healthy and you'll get all the porn addicted homosexuals dm'ing you a puritan albino jew and that you're just jelly because the nth xir drawing fotm anime slop in a nude is getting mad money on patreon from kids with their moms paypal accounts.
> t. pic related
yeah look at the example above

a honest question and you get this
>ass rape my bank account
It's 10bucks a month, you don't just tag that to your comm price?
Kek. Sadly most of these big companies can only profit from mass data collection. Their response would be "we simply steal too much to monitor what all we steal," and it would work. But if you're Peewee Herman or some random schmuck who downloads TBs of porn en masse and accidentally wind up with CP? You bet your ass you're getting fucked. Laws are designed to favor companies.
Bros I'm scared to open my Photoshop session... Should I disconnect the internet before starting PS?
have you heard about firewall you toddler zoomer?

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