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>you will search for nature scenes outside for hours
>you will set up an easel and draw the nature scenes in public even though this is a level 1 book and it is pretentious
>and YOU WILL draw the tree during three different times of day in strong light even though there are more productive uses for your time
>what use a picture? you cant do that because you wont learn anything
>you cant just skip this shitty lesson
Stop procrastinating and go draw lil'bro
I mostly used pictures anyway KEK. Just finishing up the shadow chapter
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meme book
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>Loomis is a meme
>Bridgeman is a meme
>Dodson is a meme
>Vilppu is a meme
>Morpho is a meme
>Hogarth is a meme
>Hampton is a meme
Why even try to learn from anyone else? They're all hacks apparently. Just draw, let your instincts be your guide, I'm sure it'll all work out.
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What I never got is why beggies act like these books are holding them at gunpoint to do their "exercises" in a specific order, in a specific way. Don't like an exercise? Do it your way. Like the Loomis heads. Obviously the goal isn't to literally draw ugly potato heads (Loomy was a shit cartoonist), and so you can take the *concept* of that what it's worth to you, or leave it. I mean, most GMIs intuitively understand the concept and are already doing it without a book explaining it to them, but some need a little extra help. But no, begs will just copy the potato heads and then complain about it. It's like an inability to abstract and use executive function.
If you just took the parts of these books you like, doing things in a way you like, and you kept doing that for a year, then 2 years, then 3, imagine how far you'd get, and how enjoyable art would be.
Drawing, for me, is the most unintuitive skill in existence. I can't take the concept behind a particular exercise and apply it to something fun because I never understand the underlying concept, and can only hope that following the instructions will eventually allow me to piece things together or otherwise prove helpful. It's a terrible way to learn, but I can't find an alternative approach that doesn't rely on finding drawing to be at least slightly intutive. It doesn't help that most resources don't even attempt to explain the purpose behind their exercises beyond that they are supposed to help the reader get better at drawing in some unspecified fashion, or that it seems like artists would all rather die than to define the terms they use.

If I had at least a slight handle on how to approach drawing things, then I would just draw and look up ways to overcome the specific hurdles I encountered. Unfortunately, I don't have that, and I'm not really clear on how to develop it out of nothing. If this was any other skill, a bit of research would quickly clear up all my problems, but drawing is weird and really poorly explained.
Exactly. You would improve 100 times faster if you actually put pen to paper instead of downloading books and shitposting on 4chan.
It's not that artists refuse to define their "terms", it's that drawing is really basically simple. Kids can draw. Cave people drew. Kids and cave people can't do arithmetic or write - these are systems that follow right-and-wrong rules.
You can retort, "Kids and cave people can't draw well." But that's adding an irrelevant condition.
You're supposed to want to just draw(tm), and to be creative. Nothing happens without the initial drive of the creative impetus. Art is about abstracting the subjective, the internal self; math is about abstracting the objective, external constants. That's why no one can offer advice beyond generalities and overarching high-concept principles - everyone arrives at art in their own way.
For example, there isn't actually any rules to constructing a face. Drawings are not beholden to the any external system or objective reality. You can draw a face like this. Whether you like this face or think it's complete crap is not the point. The point is, because this is an artistically valid representation of a face, a large part of art is necessarily is individualistic and highly subjective, and can't be rationally explained according to rules and systems.
You literally need to just be creative. Your own taste is your north star.
Yeah, it's not like you can come up with easier/cheaper alternatives by you own.
Like drawing on a sketchbook instead of an easel like everyone else?

>>"and YOU WILL draw the tree during three different times of day in strong light even though there are more productive uses for your time"
>>"there are more productive uses for your time"
Then why the fuck are you drawing in the first place?
I didn't cared and used photos. tried drawing from life like suggested, but it was annoying.
people constantly walking pass obscuring your view, saw a bird you wanted to sketch? too bad something scared it and now it flew off. was bitten by mosquitos.
can someone explain why drawing from life will be better from drawing from photos. drawing from life in my experience is just drawing from photo but with more trouble.
some meme shit about seeing in 3d vs 2d that gets regurgitated by atelier fags
Drawing from life is more exciting
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Something something lens distortion
they need to make a book for permabegs that are burnt out and already tried drawing for years with no progress
why isn't that in the op? Why isn't there a disclaimer saying WARNING YOU MUST BE BORN CREATIVE TO DRAW? It would save millions of wasted hours
How come there's not a warning saying that you need enough parts of the legs to run! Imagine considering even for a second that you need to be creative to do a creative activity such as drawing, real dystopic reality vibes.
the book literally starts with a monologue about how everyone can draw, that's literally false advertising
But it's true anon, the most common used fact to support it is how even kids do it. There's absolutely nothing keeping you from doing it other than the fear of drawing something so horrendous, you'll want to head shoot yourself in front of the nearest art school, a fear you didn't have 50 years ago. You can either beat that fear and just do it, or quit. There's no other way out. Most adults don't improve not for lack of talent or anything else, by the way, their issue is with hesitation and the paradox of choice. If you just chill and stick to something for long enough without being so worried of it working or not, you will get somewhere, even if that means only being a mediocre artist. That's why having fun is so important, just chill and have fun with a pencil, anon. Do whatever you like and feel it works, as long as you keep drawing, you're good to go. gmi.
thanks, I know you're right so I'll try to just draw

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