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File: Edgar Degas.jpg (48 KB, 501x600)
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Why ballerinas?
Well, Degas also liked painting women in everyday situations, like taking a bath or working. And ballerinas, in a way, symbolize beauty. He often paints them stretching, or just getting ready. Maybe he was interested in that duality - beautiful ballerinas being quite mundane. That's just my theory.
It's the most advanced of all the cunnyseur fixations
>Be Degas or Sorolla
>Paint scenes from life where you find beauty in the natural occurrences in the society you exist in and said scenes happen to have children involved.

>Internet pedophiles 100 years later: WHAT DID HE MEAN BY THIS??
Why not ballerinas?
based and pedo pilled


That was a legal opportunity to watch at minors, before the internet and terabytes of child porn
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>paints them stretching

young pussies
I have no interest in the subject matter, but his compositions are second to none.
Esta sexo muy muy bueno
>try to study the life of artists
>gay pedo

Why are they like this?
This is going to sound a bit pretentious, but I think that to be a good artist, a person has to think and be different than others. And often, that difference manifests in weird ways. If someone's brain is weird in one way, it's likely it will be different on other ways too
Artists often have their own strong inner sense of beauty, separated from societal stances on beauty which is more based on status signaling.
Younger looks are naturally desired, you see this in products like makeup, hair restoration products etc.
So many artists are just following their natural instincts of beauty when creating content such as that.
Why paint anything? Did you ever think of that!?
Creative people have abnormal brains. No clue why so many are deviants. I think part of it has to do with seeking novelty.
Lots of female artists are sluts.
breasts break the flow of a torso
Weren't they considered prostitutes or used for prostitution back in those days? As pointed out here: >>7219121

Sometimes, people who have complexes or obsessions with things like that end up hyperfousing on it or having their art surround it. For example, there are plenty of men who fight for the rights of children and end up being pedos and child molesters. Egon Schiele was infamous for hiring teens to pose nude for him and known to have had a thing for underaged girls.

It's really fucking obvious, but then you have clueless dingbats like >>7219155 who seem to be unable to see past the surface and too naive to understand human nature.

Also, there's some rumors that Degas may have been some kind of serial killer.
easiest pussy
you know why
Why do you fags have to see evil in everything? Because ballerinas do dynamic poses, and for artists like Degas it's a gold mine.
>Because ballerinas do dynamic poses
it's not the main reason

>see evil in everything

sex and libido
So he kinda liked to see how miserable they are?

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