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Why do people overdesign their characters with all sorts of retarded props, outfits and crazy color palettes? Simple but grounded and down to earth designs regardless of the setting will always be more memorable to the masses
man I hate this faggot's crap art
like a unique rage every time I see one of his fucked up faces
Cope. He's the successful one here while you range behind a computer screen. Instead of raging you should humble yourself.
I watched the first couple episodes of his slop and couldn't believe how trash it was. Actually that cliche as fuck talk scene where the faggot protag explains his motivations for joining Hogwarts to the director after fighting his stuffed animals, that's when I dropped it. This is the thing the zoomers are going ga-ga for? Guess I'm getting old. I did watch Naruto back in the day. Chainsaw Man wasn't this shit, though, in my defense.
You need to actually finish season 1 at least. It gets somewhat better. Granted I watch specific anime (shounen slop) dubbed so I'm a little more engaged so idk.
Although yeah I get it about the age thing. To be fair I do run into some shows that even I would roll my eyes at and say "oh boy, this shit again?". Some things just aren't for us late 20 early 30 boomers.
There's over designed and then there's just booooooooring

That """"""design""""" does not showcase personality, background info, or even age and social role.
Just a fucking civilian clothing

Just look at this design. Just 1 look and you already know that he is an explorer and suave old man. Yes, he is rip off of Indiana but that doesn't deny him the capacity to be his own charater
jjk came at the right time when people were looking for a naruto replacement with just a hint of originality and also hot men
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Different goals I guess. Vtubers are now over designed to shit but you'll only ever draw them once for the Live2D rig or model them for 3D ones even if it takes two months, twitter comic characters are a bitch to draw but you'll do one page a week even if they weren't anyway, and there's all sorts of OCs people do fuck all with except putting them out there for randos like me to draw porn of. None of those require thinking "wait, I'll draw this motherfucker sixty times a day, does it really need to be this hard" like you would for a published series or animation.
Why are you always making JJK threads? Its always you, and it's always JJK. Do you ever talk about anything else?
Post work incel crab
>Why do people overdesign their characters with all sorts of retarded props, outfits and crazy color palettes?

Because alot of "OCs" have no other context they exist for like a story or a game. So the only way for them to stand out or be memorable is by being garish.
Chainsawman > Ju Ju Gay simply because of Makima
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He's just late to the party.

The fact you think chainsawmans writing is better says everything about you and your puny brain.

I literally almost turned it off when the protagonist was literal making retard noises saying he wanted boobas but I remembered I'm not a caveman and I can sit through an autistic writers dialog unlike you subhuman
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I'm guessing you're probably young, recently a teenager. A lot of this stuff is probably still new and exciting to you. I'm not about to defend CSM as great art but I appreciated it for being relatively different. Jujutsu Kaisen is a horrific, mentally challenged chimera of the dullest shounen cliche crammed into just the first episode (didn't read the manga, doubt it's any better). In just episode one you get a high school club of loser nerd stereotypes, a dying grandparent's last wish, an MC who must protect his nakama at all costs, meaningless relationships, and a playful sexyman who's super duper strong. It's all delivered in the most predictable fashion.
Denji being an idiot poorfag horndog with simple teenage motivations was, ironically, refreshing in comparison. I shouldn't need to say the art is better, and the panel composition felt very filmic, which helped keep interest.
I don't care what u wrote, nobody cares about your ugly animes
I dont like JJK because it's a fujoshit show. As shrimple as that
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Why are the characters in something like Soul Eater significantly more visually memorable than everyone in JJK despite both being people in urban clothing?
this is the second time you made a thread praising this faggot's art

here is the answer:
His designs are simple because he can't draw and he has to draw 20 pages of this shit weekly

You think this garbage is the peak of character design because you are underage and this is the first manga you followed weekly
little baby is in his phase that he thinks his chink cartoons need to be mature

Don't worry little fella, one day you will grow up, watch new things and realize chainsaw man is heavily inspired by tarantino
>I literally almost turned it off when the protagonist was literal making retard noises saying he wanted boobas

I haven't watched or read JJK, so I have no beef, but I did drop chainsaw man because of this. That was peak retardation.

It's funny to me that ever so pc social platforms vehemently praised this very thing. NGL was kinda wild.
>the protagonist was literal making retard noises saying he wanted boobas
Yes, he is a flawed character. That is why CSM is so much more interesting than Jujutsu Midsen, the characters feel like people. Wicked fucked up people for sure, but not boring standard shonen palette characters like JJK. Their flaws and how they overcome them (or die because of them) is what makes it actually engaging to watch. I could search up all the fight scenes of JJK on youtube and come out more satisfied than if I watched the show on its own. That is how little I am made to care about the characters.
>showcase personality, background info, or even age and social role.
you got any tips regarding this anon?
Brother. It's almost universally agreed upon CSM has a better story than JJK. You're describing how the characters have more complex motivations than JJK which is simply the truth, but that has nothing to do with the art style which is what this thread is about. I personally think CSM has some cool moments visually (I fucking love the Aki fox devil) but the mangaka of JJK has cooler visual moments. I really wish he wasn't so fucking autistic with his explanation of powers or had such a convoluted story. Some people say it's great writing, I think it's just really fleshed out retarded world building with no meaningful story to really hook onto. CSM has such a good story that I'm willing to overlook the use of laggy 3d models in kind of mid fights because I'm invested in the characters and the overarching plot.
>like simple character designs
>like complex character designs
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I get what you mean anon. Not only are his designs and drawings extremely sloppy and boring but it also comes across as pretentious. As if there is anything profound or deep about the characters and their world. It's shallow as hell and the fanbase gobbles it up every time.

It's also hilarious to see when people praise Gege's art and then show pages with beautifully detailed backgrounds clearly drawn by his assistants while Gege's actual drawings stick out like a sore thumb.
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>It's also hilarious to see when people praise Gege's art and then show pages with beautifully detailed backgrounds clearly drawn by his assistants while Gege's actual drawings stick out like a sore thumb.
This gets even funnier when you look at the chapters Gege drew when he was sick. Everything looks like dogshit but the backgrounds are clean and detailed. I even saw some retards call it a stylistic choice and that it makes the fight look more 'raw' and 'intense'. What a load of bullshit lmao. The manga art standards have really fallen.

How do you let yourself get mogged so hard by your assistants? Does he have no pride? Is his manga just a product he wants to push out as soon and fast as possible? What a hack.
>How do you let yourself get mogged so hard by your assistants?
Ask Fujimoto himself lmao
I think it's clear between the quality of his linework and long periods between the latest chapters he's burnt out. I mean his last chapter was like 7 panels and took a month long vacay. JJK is looking like it's going to prematurely end or go on hiatus due to medical reasons. I'm not gonna shit on him or other mangakas though. It's hard work. Much harder than anybody here is willing to put in. That's why we're here. If you wanna get good you need to learn and go if you want to grow. Talk is cheap. Always has been always will be.
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Literally just fucking draw them in the attire that they use to do their job/hobby.
Then draw their hair, hair color, and accessories for the personality that they should have

Just look at this design.
It's just a common student attire but you know on the spot that he is a hot headed rebel. All because he wore his clothes the exact way a rebel would.

Do you want a warrior student character who fights with his fists?
Draw them with an emphasis on arm injuries, , ragged clothing, bandages, and hair that will not get in the way of melee. Give them chainmail underneath their clothes too

Do you want to draw a samurai girl who is stuck up on dehumanizing rules but has a soft side?
Do the opposite. Have her wear appropriate clothing for a personal who wanted to wear protection, showcase no skin, armed and armored. But at the same time, give her sword accessories reminiscent of the decals on phones and even flower hair pin.
Small things that say a lot in just 1 look
It was in the facial expression (particularly the eyes) and their poses.
It's always very full of soul
Appreciate the detailed answer anon, I'll keep these in mind. I think the challenge is you have to know people well.
I love your last example, when you said samurai girl stuck up on dehumanizing rules but has a soft side, I understand the concept but can't picture in my mind what she's supposed to look like.
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The best character designer right now is Oda and it is not even close
Why should I watch One Piece? I liked it when I was a kid but now it's so mainstream and regurgitated by everyone INCLUDING this asshole of a kid who said he hated anime. Now it just feels like it's the equivalent of what marvel has become for normies.
I read they're making a remake of One Piece. Like seriously....that was the oddest news I've seen so far this year in the anime industry. So you can wait for the remake if you want.

Or get busy and watch it now before the spoilers spread the ending on the internet.
>right now
>designs from 20 years ago
I don't give a fuck about you nigga i've been following one piece for 16 years, I don't care if you watch it or read it or not
I associate all marvel watchers with retarded plebs. I associate you with those plebs who only hopped on the bandwagon. It's nothing personal. Thems just the facts.
Doll is from the current arc, Yamato and King are from 3 or 4 years ago
I was reading one piece when you were sucking on your mom's tits kid
True. Though I don't know why you're taking this so personally. If you don't believe me just tell anybody else my age you watch One Piece and you'll get sperged on. OH YOU WATCH ANIME? ME TOO DUDE. I'VE BEEN WATCHING IT FOR A YEAR NOW SO GOOD. https://youtu.be/gcjdXMfYIe4?si=9E2HGWiAySoyg28P&t=30 WE ARE!

You know what? I change my mind ima start watching it then tell you I know more about the show than you do. Kek.
This was for you. I'm retard and will soon be joining you One Piece brother!
>give her sword accessories reminiscent of the decals on phones and even flower hair pin
This cliché was already trite and lame since the first time it was done
>you already know that he is an explorer
I wouldn't have known if you didn't tell me. I might have guessed but only because of the passing similarity to Indy, which means it's piggybacking on the familiarity of a far better known character.
That said, Indy is actually a great example, because so much about him runs counter to usual character design advice.
He's just a guy in a tan short-sleeved shirt and a fedora. If, somehow, you didn't know who he is, you couldn't guess anything about him based on his appearance alone. His choice of clothing suggests he spends time in the sun. That's it. Worse yet, him carrying a bullwhip around suggests he works with beasts of burden. Or maybe he's a slaver? Errr...
But it's a great example because it tells us there's no reason to overthink "character design". It's rarely the visual design that makes a character popular or iconic.
That was just a simple example, it's up to us to come up with something new.
Art is good but story is boring shonen slop. He's great at fight choreography though.
Once you get older you'll be able to comprehend satire and destructuring like the rest of us, but for now, don't go writing retarded comments on the horsetaming forums
>have to release a chapter a week, 20 or so pages
>is contractually obligated to do this
and then the retard asks
>Is his manga just a product he wants to push out as soon and fast as possible?
how does this happen? how does one become this fucking braindead?
Not like I used an uncliched character in the first place

The easiest way to depict a hard character's soft side is by giving them a "lovely item". And anime itself is aware of it

And I honestly can't think of any other way to depict that. If you can think of any other way to depict a soft side other than using small icons, let me know
>If you can think of any other way to depict a soft side other than using small icons, let me know
A very warm smile that is rarely shown.
Making the soft side constantly visible defeats the purpose and ruins the surprise.
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How does this image make you feel, sir?
it's really hard to tell the characters apart in the manga
this magaka's character design is really bad
I like CSM because some scenes like that half split bodies of astronauts lined up with a prayer is so ridiculously over the top
Yeah if you're going to do sameface you have to make up for it, literally, with fashion, hair etc. Think any Clamp series, or stuff like Sailor Moon, Inuyasha, Yuru Yuri... women have the advantage at this but it can be learned.
To sell toys, retard.
I hope you're not implying this is a good example of "simple but grounded", OP.

some people like more elaborate designs. others like more simple things. you get this in fashion too. like for example, gothic lolita outfits are very fancy and frilly.
Nobody over the age of 18 likes elaborate designs. If you do, it was a immature taste you picked up as a child and still haven’t outgrown
Botan is my waifu
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Nothing wrong with being in touched with your inner child
Exaggeration and over the top scenes are the core foundations of franchises like 40k, Monster Hunter, and One Piece
draw and write a manga with 20 pages a week and then complain you faggot niggers
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>Clutter piece has the best character design rn
I would agree with you if it was Pre TS purely due to it's charm, but for the past decade OP has been a parody of itself.
>Name a better character designer
Togashi and Araki
>Name a better character designer
Atsushi Ohkubo
Kazuki Takahashi
Hiroyuki Takei
I’m still amused that Gojo’s power is based on the observably false part of the Achilles-Tortoise paradox rather than the part that is observable true
Also amused that Gojo’s Infinity is portrayed several times as a force-field rather then space-time fuckery. It should be portrayed like one of those Non-Euclidean spaces I think

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