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what is this artstyle called?
2000s VN
Anime, blur, ai,maybe maid, loli gothic
Pedophile art

Ask any normal person who isn't a social retard
2000 era visual novel moeblob.
File: capsule_616x353.jpg (89 KB, 616x353)
89 KB
it's anime but the name of the specific sub-style I'm not sure
you'll find tons of games and shows with very similar styles in the early-mid 2000s where characters are so cute they're basically dolls
now people use it post-ironically like everything on the internet
The Bane of my existence.
this is called the two nukes were not enogh

When I was a kid, the thing was everyone would say "but, did you know X is from a porn game O____O". Good times. The industry needs to shift back to making adaptions of porn games now that Japan mastered digital. It'll also forcefully make all the fake fans fuck off to western comics.
It's a portmanteau of garbage and moe.
one time in college in a deep depression haze I watched all of Acchi Kocchi in one night and I didn't even like it

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