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How detailed do you reckon should concept art be? Especially for character specific conceptual art.
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3d artists are babies who need to be handheld, the majority are math geeks with no aesthetics.

On a more serious note when you are drawing concept art you are basically drawing instructions on how to build that thing, so obviously it should be comprehensible enough for others who do not live in your head to reproduce it.
You need to make what you draw comprehensible so that when you come back you can finish the drawing even if you forgot what you were going to do
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What you're doing is more like gesture drawing. >>7220945 Is a little better but there's still not really a clear understanding of form. Also it looks like IG-88 from Star Wars.
Concept is an idea. Ideas can be manifested with not much detail
I can't even tell what this one is supposed to be. A spaceport? A weird gun? A dildo?
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