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now that i think about it why arent cities built on the walls ofcannyons
some are, but until pretty recently cities were built near water since it is the most valuable resource there is
gold is more valuable than water
t. Midas
oy i would agree!
Sometimes rivers flow at the bottom of canyons.
I think the bigger issue is that vertical movement is laborious and not natural for humans. Imagine living at the bottom of a canyon and having to commute to the top and back every day. Especially in pre-industrial times without elevators or useful vehicles of any kind.
Shit can also fall from the top parts of the wall and destroy shit, and how would you defend against attackers who set up at the cliff tops?
Damages from any form of accident or natural disaster is exponential due to gravity. Imagine any means of transportation from the top level failing, and how it affects everything down below. Imagine any minute lateral shift in any ground layer resulting from earthquake, the damage is tremendous. Flash Floods during heavy rain, etc.
Goldfingaaaaa! He's the man, the man with the Midas touch.
is not old, it is obsolete. Also, does this have to do with IC? POST ENVIRONMENTS NOW!
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Here's the real answer, OP

Contrary to popular belief, high lands are NOT stable places. In fact, they are the single most active and dangerous places you can go to.

Imagine this:
The highest wind speeds are blowing upon its entire summit
The winds are carrying torrential amounts of rain and hail that weather the rocks
Gravity is acting upon the boulders

These 3 factors act upon the entire elevation 24/7 non-stop. A small chip that you saw 1 month ago can suddenly grow into a large crack and it will grow at an ever-increasing rate until the pressure finally gives in and it causes a rock slide

And you want to live at the bottom of it?
because thats a retarded idea if you have any knowledge of modern civil engineering
not that its not doable
far from it
it would be so much more expensive and a pain in the ass to live in such a thing

basically the saudi Line, but the outer walls are natural
Funnily enough, nope. Water = easy trade, way more valuable than any local natural resource. Except maybe oil. People didn't build the majority of their cities by major rivers or seas for fun, it's because the settlements by major rivers or seas grow into major cities by being centers of trade. Trade facilitated by those water features. Transporting cargo by water is by far the cheapest method. Why do you think it's still the primary method of transporting goods?
this anon is correct >>7221674, gold might have more value on paper but its ability to support every step required to get to that gold ultimately makes it more valuable
something something about selling shovel in a gold rush, or in this case selling water

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