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compositional exercise.

pls rate.
Depends on how you will color it could be 10/10 could be ass.
left handed?
way too clutter, there is nothing guiding my gaze, but it look like triangle on top of a rectangle. I would leave a single flower and use the stems and ferns to guide the eye towards said flower.
0 already for asking a rate on something without values, colors, or weighted lines
reminds me of this guy I used to know, forgot his name, crims? crips? crispy? chrysanthemum?
The lines are way to same-y, I don't mean the thickness, but the way you drew then they all are wobbly; long ; disconnected on the same exact way. Also too many tangents. It could look pretty with colors and values, but don't always rely on just that.
Try to use higher levels of detail as dark space and lower levels of detail as white space. The eye is led towards whatever creates contrast
what are some composition exercises? how can I grind composition like you'd grind perspective or anatomy?
read grid systems for graphic design, breaking the grid and read something about the rules of ornamentation.

also reverse engineering beauty, design for hackers, has chapters on composition.
Go to https://film-grab.com/
Pick out scenes you like.
Create thumbnail sketches.

Refer to this playlist if confused about how to thumbnail.


This is a good video on composition basics
The people on /ic/ filter out every 6 months, don't they? This guy has been posting the same image and thread multiple times over the past decade, as a meme

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