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How much time am I supposed to dedicate to drawing to notice progress? I've practicing for 1 hour 3 (sometimes 4) times a week for a while but can barely notice my drawings getting better.
If I chop a tree using a spoon and I whack at it consistently daily without rest for 16 hours a day, for the next 6 months of my life, the question you should be asking isn't "How long is left before my spoon can cut this tree?" but instead "Why the fuck am I using a spoon instead of an axe".

My point being: It's not only the quantity of the time you spend studying and drawing, it's the quality. There's no point if you're not deliberately drawing and actively studying the right things to effectively learn and get good. So stop thinking about the time and start thinking more on how you're using that time.
Two weeks. A month max.
These questions are dumb. You know why? The answer is already well known to everyone and it’s not pretty. It takes years to get to low int with the amount of time you are spending. Maybe 2, maybe 5
In about 30 days of practice you can definitely get good enough to get 1000 likes per image. Just buy my course "30 Days to Artistic MASTERY" For the low price of $29.99 a month. Buy the one year subscription and you only pay $249.99
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Why can you only spend 1 hour 3 times a week? C'mon, anon. We know your life isn't so busy that you can't put in at least an hour a day on this. Put down the anime figures and the onaholes and pick up your pencil.
>How much time
If you put in 8 hours per day, and you do it for 365 days then you can become as good as an anime in-betweener rookie if you follow a structured course like the curriculum of most art schools.
Feel like low int (from recently reaching it) is a solid 750-1250 hours of drawing from prebeg. Maybe you can minmax that down to 500 but as a beg you don't know what that curriculum is
Well, what's the curriculum?
Subjective probably just master copies with some imagination work on the side.
If only you knew how bad things really are
You will never get better because you treat learning as some kind of World of Warcraft XP bar that fills up and eventually you get to the next level
It’s mainly HOW you practice, not the amount of time. You can draw for a million hours and if you’re not analyzing your own drawings for mistakes and figuring out how to correct them then you’ll never improve.
That being said even if you’re practicing the correct way, 3 hours a week is nothing and you’ll never see improvement with that tiny amount.
That is how it is, there's just multiple sub proficiencies and a global xp bar
what about 2 hours daily?
>just draw bro
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you should notice a decent amount of progress around 100-120 hours if you're not retarded about how you practice. that's around the time when things started clicking and I saw a lot of improvement

I started early April and my advice as a fellow /beg/ would be to prioritize drawing daily over drawing long amounts of time in one day. good luck
Those who worry about time usually never improve. Try to have fun.
practice for skill, study for knowledge
you can only improve by doing both together
congratulations, you figured out the secret to mastering art.
That's expected. You should spend 2-3 hours a day, but instead of spending all of it on studies, just dedicate 1 hour for studies and the rest is draw whatever you want. I'll give you a hint: try something new once in a while (like every few weeks)
It's kind of like losing weight, you'll notice little things like your clothes fitting better before you're able to look in the mirror and feel good about what you see. Appreciate the little things like a line that comes out exactly the way you want or a gradation that you lay down well.
At least 2 years of consistent daily practice. There is no instant gratification, you need to put in the work.

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