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>comics will never look like this ever again
What happened?
People are working.lol.
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Just you wait anon, my objective in life is to achieve that level of soul
Be the change you want to see anon
Watch any cunt like jim lee, david finch or bejamin do a portfolio review and you will understand why they don't look like that.
They can draw but god fucking dammit they are drones.
Sure they can. You just gotta do it.
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>What happened?
The Jewpanese happend.
Do they want marvel house style only?
I happened.
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Yes, and they give the worst advice, like, i've seen a jim lee video where he is reviwing some pages sent to him and there's a pannel where a character uses the pannel below as a support for his forearm and his hand is hanging on over the bottom pannel creating a neat 3d effect and jim lee is like

>why is it like this? I don't understand, don't do this, if you do this it makes me think of what elese should be doing this

imagine him seeing a page from hunter x hunter, a manga that outsells his capeshit 10 to 1 by the way
When I took a comic book drawing class in the late 90's, the artists told us that breaking panels was a good thing. One of them even drew over one my pages where there was a hovercraft exploding and showed how the panel should be shattering like the explosion broke it.
How dare a character lean on a panel. What, you want comics to look interesting???
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here I fixed it for you
>there's a pannel where a character uses the pannel below as a support for his forearm and his hand is hanging on over the bottom pannel creating a neat 3d effect and jim lee is like
>why is it like this? I don't understand, don't do this
That's why I like Toddfather more than Jim Lee, he's technically a worse artist than Lee but his art's a lot more fun back in the 90s.
From what I read in multiple interviews I always thought that JL was a square artist, he knows his fundies but he isn't doing anything more than that while Todd doesn't know his fundies properply but he's willing to do crazy shit.
I guess the right word for Todd would be "dynamic" but it's basically that meme about Loomis (Jim) vs Hogarth (Todd)
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>meme about Loomis (Jim) vs Hogarth (Todd)
Todd learned to draw from copying Hogarth's anatomy and figure books.
Based Todd and his refusal to read books
Closing insane asylums was a mistake.
Todd is a designer, his stuff looks ridiculous sometimes but he knows what matters is that you put something of visual value for the reader. In that regard, he was ironically closer to the core concept of manga than the asian guy. And yeah, Jim Lee was always a choirboy, the artistically conservative dude that always did good and was a good company man (which is why he's the head of DC now). Todd has much more personality as a cartoonist, Lee was always the "drawing comics as they should be drawn" type of guy.

Marvel only wants marvel style from their artists, they don't want anything else, no deviations, that's why lots of their artists are like this, they are either get too used to it, or have gone to marvel because that's what they consider the golden standard.
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i mean i love mike mignola but the likes of matias bergara or gigi cavenago or greg smallwood are all pretty damn soulful
TenNapel is proof that not all twitter retards are liberal.
so, you only like art from artist that fit with your political beliefs? Then you must praise stonetoss like some art god.
Capeshit just needs to die. who is even buying that garbage?
The audacity of Jim Lee of all people to criticize someone for having a slightly unique style when he only has a career because his art style was "close enough, but kind of different" with detailed backgrounds
Dave has never given restrictive advice like this. In fact, he's made the prediction numerous times that the manga style will eventually dominate the American comic market and encourages young artists to study that style
Kind of crazy how millions of people from around the world are competing for like less than 100 jobs (Marvel/DC comic artist)
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What's the next thread gonna be?
>Cartoons will never look like this again
>Manga will never look like this again
>My wife will never look like this again
I'm always a little skeptical of how many people are actually applying, let alone that are good-good.

Also, even though you should be able to do it remote I have a feeling they want you to already be located within a commutable distance from their offices, which is also going to cull the pool.
Hordes of ppl are applying, the status alone of being a marvel comic artist is enough, not to mention the pay, especially if you are doing variants, and you can be remote, as in live in a completely different country, but they probably will ask you to travel for various stuff. It's very cutthroat, the competition is huge and nepotism is also not unheard of, ie it's a tiny bit easier to get in if you know a guy who knows a guy.
>manga will never look like this again
This one is true. There’s nobody young in Japan that draws in older styles. It’s a totally different philosophy there. It’s all about following trends.
All joking aside, I really wonder if there are people out there who seriously think newcomers shouldn't ever try to create their own style of cool thing, only try to mimic a pre-existing style (probably not as well, as is the case with any imitation). If such a hypothetical person exists, do they ever wonder why the thing they hold up as the peak doesn't look like the stuff that came before it?
Hellboy is a indie comic
Mainstream comics are doesn't look like this at that time
they got a fresh supply of blue pigment.
>Mainstream comics didn't look like this at that time
I see where you're coming from, but I do think hellboy's art stands out more and is overall better. I may be saying this because I have to defeat Todd Mcfarlane in hand to hand combat before I die though
well jud wanted those insane asylum to close down so that they can use actual live subjects on the streets for their pharma tests. for example, troons. it's killing (I mean trany kts anyway) 2 birds with one stone.
> B-breaking news: THINGS HAVE CHANGED!!
I feel like it's a special effect that should be used sparingly. If you do it constantly like in your pic it just makes the comic harder to read and also loses its effect.
Using it like >>7220253 (pic) doesn't seem good either since it appears totally random. There should be a reason for it, like emphasizing a dramatic action. Someone being punched, an explosion, etc. Not just people's limbs and hair hanging over boundaries for no reason.
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>Videogames will never look like this again.
There IS a reason for it in that HxH page. It sets the "focus" panel for the page to hang on. Although in this case it has two "focus" panels, the purpose still stands. Just imagine if those two drawings were not popping out of the panel: it would be a significantly worse flow, despite the actual sequence not really changing. It helps a lot in this case that the page, despite using a lot of panels, is not all that busy feeling. I think the drawing popping out of the panel >>7220269 here doesn't work so well because it hurts the page's readability. Even if you consider that it'll be colored, it's still quite busy. Of course, there's room for preference here, as some people might prefer the detailed drawings over the simpler ones in that manga page, but it's difficult to deny that the latter shows its sequence with greater clarity and an easier to parse panel flow.
Finally someone that isn't a fatalist faggot, have you read anything from Ralph Meyer, anon? You may like it
hi Jim.
>go to art board
>complain about the state of the art world instead of working to be that change
you know jim lee did xmen and has highest selling comics of all time? and hes made more money than any mangaka off his work. normies know who jim lee is. no one cares or remembers hxh beyond it being meme dbz ripoff cellgames and longer hiatus than the berserk pedophile artist.
>and hes made more money than any mangaka off his work
I don't even believe this for a second but is >muh sales really supposed to be some kind of counterargument to his point? The anon was obviously criticizing JL's art, not his finances
Oh, I just noticed the bit about sales at the end. I still doubt Jim Lee has "made more money than any mangaka off his work." You're aware Oda is said to be worth ~$200 million USD, yes? Then there's Toriyama and Kishimoto
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IIRC he hates reading, right? Based Todd.
Todd's a "rule of cool" guy, correct anatomy and perspective be damned.
>Conservative artists are boring imho so maybe that's why I don't like Jim stuff
There's an interview that Todd said that he's surprised that Jim Lee accepted his idea of starting Image Comics because he always thought that Lee isn't the independent and crazy entrepreneur type.
>You mentioned that Lee is in DC comics nowadays and that just makes Todd right about his interpretation of him, at least partially right
Todd always been the "if no one hires me then I will hire myself" type of guy, he even said that if Marvel never hired him, he woulf self publish his comics with his father help, his father's in the printing business.
>he hates reading, right?
Dunno about "hate" but he doesn't read.
He doesn't read, he used to be a jock and play baseball or something like that.
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>no one cares or remembers hxh
Togashi is the most followed artist on twitter, he has 3.1 million followers. Just in japan and just in 2023 one piece sold 1.7 million copies of the volume 105. I'm sure many mangaka has outsold Jim lee's x-men, it is just that it is hard to find how many copies of each volume are in circulation. But I would bet my butthole one piece, naruto, dragon ball, kimetsu no yaiba,, jujutsu kaisen, bleach, hunter x hunter all have volumes that outsell jim lee's x-men.
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>Jim Lee made more money than any mangaka off his work
Jim Lee is loaded but he's behind a lot of top manga artists.
Oda's Net Worth is $200-230 million...
I think it is a language barrier thing that keeps up the myth that "jim lee's x-men is the best selling comic book evaaah"

If you talking about capeshit, sure I guess, but dude, these manga volumes sell by the dozens of millions, every year. I know for sure that One Piece and Berserk volumes 1 are always getting reprinted and always going out of stock eveyr 6 months.
99% of posters here don't draw
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>Based Todd and his refusal to read books
>I don't read
>I don't read anything
>I don't read comics
>I don't read nothing really
>I don't read none of them
>I don't read Sports Illustrated because the articles are too long. I just like short, concise, little... give me the quick five facts and get me in and out.
You gotta love how much he refuses to read.
He never read a (drawing) book in his life.
Giga Based
Just as back in the day, your point?
>shading with black
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no i haven't read undertaker but i follow him on instagram, he's great. collecting the sergio toppi books right now
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>the myth that "jim lee's x-men is the best selling comic book evaaah"
It's not a myth but comic fans don't really understand what they parrot, X-Men #1 by Jim Lee and Claremont is the most sold comic "issue" of all time but not comic "series" of all time, not even close.
One Piece's volumes sold a lot more than all X-Men comics across history put together.
In 2022 One Piece surpassed Batman's comics so now only Superman Comics sold more than One Piece.
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>X-Men #1 by Jim Lee and Claremont is the most sold comic "issue" of all time but not comic "series" of all time
I doubt One Piece issue #1 or even Volume 1 sold this much.
volume 105 has sold 2 million in japan alone JUST in 2023. One piece volume 1 must have sold at the least 20 million copies worldwide
>10-20k issues with those sales
That doesn't even look that good. It has the same small eyes every "respected" comic artist draws.
Superheroes having muh family is one of the most boring tropes there are. I don't care about this guy's wife, I can't relate, he looks like an otherworldly being from the depths of hell or something like that, make it make sense.
If you mean stylized and original just stop looking at capeshit Jesus Christ.
Any other field is more interesting with lots and lots of wildly different genres
>/ic/ - Artwork/Critique
I am the Critique part.
>One piece volume 1 must have sold at the least 20 million copies worldwide
What about One Piece's chapter 1? X-men #1 is just a single chapter, not a whole volume/TPB.
manga doesn't sell in chapters.
Wouldn't the magazine that contains their individual chapters each week/month count?
Not really, they are basically like your daily newspaper, they never get reprints
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>What happened?
You never bought the thing when it was available in stores.
That's what happened.
Why are you applying paint-mixing advice to inked comic work?
1. Image comics, which guaranteed Marvel and DC would NEVER ever again let an artist working under their leash develop an unique style. You can still make some books for them if you're a stablished artist with a unique style, but they'll never let a new artist draw a single line outside of the style they want. And even if you're a stablished art, if your style is too unique and strays too much from semi-realism, they'll never get you to draw either (e.g. Michel Fiffe).
2. Digital art.
3. MCU was tha final blow. Now everything is required to look like a MCU movie, specially in regards to color.

Highest selling comics that nobody read lol. You forgot to mention that this happened during the comic speculation bubble of the 90's and it sold so much because the same guys were buying dozens of the same issues (specially #1 issues and variant covers) due to the stupid believe that selling them in the future would make them rich. Most people buying comics by that time didn't even read it, and a lot of them were baseball card speculators that droped it for comics after their own bubble colapsed.
I fucking loved Kairos. Got a copy on a whim, instantly became one of my fave graphic novels.
From what I heard, it applies to all drawing mediums.
You are obviously trolling, nobody is this retarded.
Just fishing for some actual advice. I like the strong contrasting, but using just black gets old pretty quickly partially because it also limits the color variety while it doesn't pop out like witg monochrome.
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Well, you heard wrong.

Okay? The black ink is for print reproduction. Also nobody gives a fuck what you think "gets old".
"Don't shade with black" is purely paint-mixing advice, because it just makes shadows look muddy and weak a lot of the time. You can generally get much nicer shadows by mixing some context-appropriate color. This does not apply to inking, where you're not doing any color mixing at all.

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