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I have a project in mind that involves the use of surgically removed human body parts (my own, non-essential, they need to go either way and I might as well have fun with it). I want to encase them in clear acrylic resin cast in the shape of said body parts, using a mold I make using that part before the surgery.

While I'm researching the best way to safely do this and get the best results, there are a couple questions I have regarding whether or not it can actually be done. I seem to get mixed results from my research - some sources say that they'll rot no matter what, while others suggest that if done correctly so no air gets to the pieces, they should stay more or less preserved. I also want to make sure the formaldehyde and other chems the pieces will probably be returned in won't fuck with the resin.

Since I only get one chance to do this right, I'm 100% accepting of the probability of imperfections and air bubbles. Maintaining the structure of the parts themselves is also not a priority - I want them to be messy, twisted and alien, simply encased inside a resin replica of what they used to be. My biggest concern is that I'll run into something I haven't thought to prepare for, because this will be my first foray into resin-encasing amputated organs.

Is there anything I need to know or prepare for ahead of time, regarding either the resin or the preservation of organic material, that I'm not going to find through my own research? Anything that experienced resin artists wish they'd known ahead of time and only figured out the expensive / hard way?

(Image is a photo of bakery art by Kittiwat Unarrom)
are you even allowed to keep your own body parts?
It depends on a few factors, like the part, where the surgery is happening, etc. Where I live, the law is essentially that whatever is or was attached to you is your property, so if you want it back, you can have it.
Do tests on animal parts first.
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I always believed that the mental health crisis everyone talks about was a myth. You have changed my mind.

Get help, Anon and draw some nudes like a sane person.
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the problem with preserving your own organs is that you have to get it perfect the first try.

That's just not possible, without the help of experienced mummfiers.

I recommend practicing on animals first, starting from small ones like rats and rabbits, to larger animals such as swine and cattle.

If you can find willing volunteers at a hospice, I recommend doing that instead.
Ok, so two questions:
why do you want to cut your dick off and have you tried going to a proper therapy?
Antipsychotics use and suicides are on the rise. Of course people are going bonkers.
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>my own
Just grab some limbs from the homeless, that's what they're here for.
Hahaha. What a fucking morbid law, but glad to know the legal system's got my back(or not) kek.
are you perchance, a troon?
Doesn't Damien Hirst do stuff like this?
His work is definitely one of my inspirations, as well as Marc Quinn, but the shark in Physical Impossibility is immersed in formalin, not resin, iirc, so it did fall apart and have to be replaced over time, which of course isn't really an option for me. I can't exactly afford to amputate more that what absolutely has to go, and I'm sure the surgeon would be very against it as well, lol.

I've seen a few resin artists on YT encasing organic material with success, though. For instance, one encased their dead pet fish, and it still looked pretty good a decent while after the project. Then again, he encased a few other things that did decay, like an apple and an egg.
ask a doctor how to keep it as a souveneir?
wow, such artsy, much edgy

You're a faggot, OP.

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