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At first glance, as in, imagining the page was already full, how obvious is it that there are no pieces on the chessboard?
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It is ment to end up looking something like this
pretty obvious. get drawing!
nah bro i've gotta make 100 of these pages id rather not
It's pretty glaringly obvious.
Why is he trying to decide where to put a pawn?
just put some blobs on there nobody gives a fuck
It's a fantasy setting, right? Who says they need to look like realistic chess pieces?
would do wonders for your drawing skill though
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im genuinelly scared of how long this shit's gonna take
Why are you even doing a 100 page comic?
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like that and this is all that i've done so far and i was ment to have already made 30 pages

I made a bad choice on what to make as this quatrimester's final project
What were some of the other choices?
a production bible
three illustrated tales
five unillustrated tales
a short novel
or the comic
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It can make sense with context
I really fucking hate how the eyes are turning out
obvious or not doesn't matter, it's disappointing.
not that obvious, could be in the end game.
>like that and this is all that i've done so far and i was ment to have already made 30 pages
You are clearly not gonna make it
If you gotta do 100 pages and you are running on less than 1 complete page so far, you are absolutely not gonna make it.
You have 1/5 of two pages jesus christ
"100" lol

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