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Why are comic book costumes in movies always so over designed?
lazy shill thread
whats the difference between the styles and stories of marvel and DC?? explain to me like im a shonenslop eater
That's seems more like a question for /co/.
they are like that because they are basically naked (it is faster than drawing drappery) so they need to have what is essentially body paint to be distinguished
Marvel tends to blend action with humor and flawed, relatable characters, personal growth and moral dilemmas. DC's stories have mythic heroes with larger-than-life abilities and backgrounds, and the struggle between good and evil on a grand scale. If DC was Dragon Ball Z, Marvel would be, I dunno, Cowboy Bebop.
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I genuinely don't know. I think everyone does it because Batman did it. Maybe execs think people won't take a guy in spandex seriously.
it's a cultural thing
they think more detail = more real and convincing
not saying there isn't some truth to it
a solid colored suit with no texture to it looks like shit on camera with all the lighting and stuff
it's the same shit plaguing videogames, because they bring a bunch of visual effects fags from hollywood to do games
also this
trend chasing also plagues these things as well
It's okay to like Jujutsu Kaisen anon you dont have to drag Marvelslop into this shit
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if anything they are underdesigned nowadays
Because everyone making them is ashamed of themselves.
Spawn, Blade and even Iron Man were all closer to the comics because there were made by people who wanted to make comic books into movies. Not Hollywood drones "ironically" shitting out crap for a paycheck.
That's not NEARLY as overdesigned as the Marvel slop we get nowadays.
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I think it really started with the Raimi Spiderman movies. Spiderman's suit is already petty detailed, did we really need the raised webbing and subtle honeycomb pattern?
You think that's underdesigned?
>Marvel would be, I dunno, Cowboy Bebop.
Haha no, it would be MHA but with progressives whining that the black girl isn't as popular as the white guy
if i recall correctly, the raised webbing was there, because the cameras couldn't pick up the suit as well without it
Higher resolution movies means more detail can be seen, so more detail is added to the costumes to take advantage of that.

Plus, comic book movies for the past 30 years have had the "we have to top the last one" mentality, which leads to over-everything.

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