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>quit job, be unemployed until I make it. So I can discover if art is a positive influence or not.
>dumpster diving between cubicle library sessions.
>it will only be a year.
man, you picked a bad time to do this. There are almost no jobs anywhere anymore, in any field. The economy is just total shit right now.
I want to quit my job too but I still need money. I'm trying to find anything PT under 15 to 20 hours with as little days in the week as possible but these mother fuckers aren't contacting people. What this guy said >>7220616
Been there, done that.
Left without a job after the pandemic.
Made the big jump and started doing art for a living
Two years in. Still struggling to get an audience and living of commissions barely making it month by month.
Only have savings for the next 6 months.
should have been an art tuber as well. Pikat lost her job as a software engineer and already flourishing https://www.youtube.com/@pikat/videos, with the amount of views she makes per vid she can make an ez 5k a month from just videos alone. Surprising youtube pays decently well.
I'm currently doing this and have been living off saving for a year. Cramming at the college library every day despite not being registered for classes(can't afford it). Have nothing to show for it financially. Not doing well mentally. Family basically wrote me off as a failure and dismissed anything I say until I have a job. No one wants to hear the struggles of a guy that doesn't work. I probably won't speak to them again once I get another job.

Kind of want to kill myself honestly. But my Art quality improved a bit.
it only works if you're a female.
I wonder if they have vocal cord surgery to make your voice higher
seriously considering grinding to get an animation job in 3-4 years and leave my much better paid tech job behind. ill also be middle aged at that point.
go for painting. Concept art is probably where all the jobs will be. No one wants to pay storyboard artists to shit out 100 scribbles an hour anymore.
wtf are you talking about, concept gets paid shit all, everyone's tryna do it. Storyboards is where the big bucks are at; animation, hollywood, live action tv, advertising, you can't make anything without storyboards, and if you do, it'll be shit.

Concept art? What is this, 2009? The dream of working at Blizzard has long been over.
Dude, what are you talking about? Do you live under a rock? Most of inbetweeners and concept artists will be replaced by prompters.
I hate the modern world.
>all the layoffs for concept art jobs the past year
fucker stuck in the past lmao.
If you're going to grind animation, you would want to focus on indie animations, cause getting a career there requires more connections than fucking tech for whatever reason.
Question, why? Is tech as soul crushing as I imagined it?
Yea I'll believe this when I actually see it.
It's fine actually I just want to do animation more
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I don't understand why anyone would throw away a comfortable lifestyle to pursue something as uncertain as art. Unless you're rich enough to effectively retire or already have connections to get a job right out of the gate, at least work a part time job with art on the side or something.
How did she lose her job as a software engineer?
Shit like this and the fact people just use robots to make animations plus companies gate keeping people ideas mainly cause you sell your idea to them just makes me wanna do shit myself
Good luck, artbro.
I was homeless too.
Make some christian friends if you can, I made some and they let me sleep on their couch when the heat got too hot.
She's not earning shit from that upload schedule. She's likely living off savings and commissions.
How much do people charge for commissions to live off them?
she has her prices on their website https://www.pikat.io/commissions
> money grubbing Chinese companies want to shovel garbage for a quick buck
> a different instance where another company adopted AI but are on the verge of bankruptcy
> different company wants to use AI for everything from visuals to gameplay, turns out they are woefully incompetent morons who keep starting new kickstarter projects before finishing their current ones
Who is even surprised by this? I don't associate AI usage with healthy companies.

It's just simply not possible in your 30s to catch up without taking a risk.
you say this like the nijisanji boys aren't making a ton of money you just don't have a personality and use /ic/ all day
Real answer, I hated that comfortable life style and was going to kill myself anyway. If I was going to throw everything away I decided to at least try first. If it doesn't work out I'll kick the chair like I was going to do anyway
EVERY company tis going to incorporate AI in one way or another. All music labels are training their own AI using the songs they own. Game companies are training AI to get cheaper art. Same for the movie industry. Where do you want to work as an artist, at Walmart? lmao

All stores sell caged eggs. But also include cage free, organic eggs. The people decide.
This is misinformation President Biden has stated that this is the strongest the economy has ever been and it’s way better than it was under that other guy.
i love how this is submitted as proof without argument, theres a huge difference between AI making small assets for mobile games that no one will care about and impeccable in betweening or keys with correct perspective for full length animations.

It's just so tedious how every AI bro wants to act like their fantasy is grounded in something the tech is capable of right now. It feels like you are talking to zealots.

I would personally love for AI to take all the jobs so I can just chill and not work, but we are so very far from that when even LLMs would struggle to take a call center job rn.
reality check, AI hasn't made a dime outside of grifter small businesses and is currently a giant money sink that is being pitched to State departments so it can continue being a money sink. All this is speculation, without proof.
No AI is ever taking call center jobs. When people get on the phone they immediately want a live agent. It's all going to get outsourced to developing countries that speak English.
Are these fuckers really gonna think so music is gonna sound good now? I can understand some sleazy fuck wanting concept art in a flash cause it take seconds but ain’t no way people think people are gonna wanna listen to ai music. Being mainstream in any way got me fucked up
>Are these fuckers really gonna think so music is gonna sound good now?
You sound like those angsty 90s rockstars who said autotune sounds like shit and will never take off, lmao
>inb4 nuuuuu autotune is shit i only listen to shitcore!
nobody cars. Go play marimba for all I care. Unless you want to be a homeless hobo chewing on cock for a dollar, you must adapt to the change.
Just like we adapted to NFTs?
NFT never had any practical use.
Just like we adapted to:
>digital art
>liquify tool
>3d art
>3d assets
>AI art
the difference is those things came more or less fleshed out and saw immediate commercial use, while AI art is always 6 months away from being a professional product.

Also no one has any idea what an AI assisted workflow will look like in creative professions so its all speculation.

you have a very low iq.
her department got shutdown
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she just needs to upload, but social blade shows she has a potential to make 16k a month if she were to upload a lot more https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UCpJU5mN3mv6VJCDb-1k7PAA
huh, that's not bad
They just don’t need software engineers or as many of them?
Auto tune does sound like shit.
What the fuck is shitcore lol?
well she used to work at riot games as a software engineer, so most likely.
That’s so fucked. Valorants code is so fucked so ig good for her for not having to deal with that shit anymore.
I mean an example I can think of off the top of my head is the Apex trailer that used AI for in-betweens. To pretend AI won't have a place and be used in workflows is R E T A R D E D. As an artist your job is to learn how to use this tool inaddition to your fundamentals. It's no different than learning blender or photoshop. You're only shooting yourself in the foot by not learning it. People can derail my point all they want by saying you peaked or you're am AI shill but I never said to stop learning. As a matter of fact your fundamentals will still be what sets you apart from other illustrator who have prompting as part of their resume. You have to be honest with yourself about your skill level. If you aren't at a point where you can't meaningfully transform image gen then you shouldn't be learning how to use it. You should be learning how to thumbnail, construct, render.
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you mean this lol
Yes, sure, and bitcoins will never catch on.
look who has a very low iq here.
On the other hand, I'm glad. It just means less competition for professional prompters.
>professional prompters
oh wait youre serious
Professional prompter is some faggot shit. Just fucking pick up a pencil

To be fair you can prompt at your day job and pick up a pencil at night. If the masses want slop, give them slop.
> Our media will now be even more mass produced garbage, here's why that's a good thing
Brother. Being a professional artist in the industry is soulless idk how to break it to you. Very long hours creating art that you don't want to make. You only start having some autonomy in expression when you have earned your tenure and seniority or become an art director. It's very long hours with stupid deadlines. You're sitting there telling me artists won't jump at the chance of lessening that workload? Being a professional employed artist is very very different than being an independent or freelancing artist but it's like you all can't comprehend that.
I hope o can quit. The pre covid era, going to art college for le cool art career dream, really dragged my reality. Grinded a decade. Got pretty decent.

POST COVID now. AI comes in with a sweep attack. I get addicted to weed for 6 months. Go insane, find God. Now I'm cucked. Realize much more about reality.

Now if I can somehow quit. I can't see it happening, but damaging. Art school, career, industry shills really got me
Holy fuck auto correct is a cunt
> addicted to weed
Are you legitimately retarded just stop for a day and maybe have a cigarette
I'm legitimately retarded. Yes.
Based garbage consoomer
An entire week of applications and not 1 response back. Another upcoming monday where I'll have to endure 40 more hours.
well besides 1 for a remote job but I'm not holding my breath on that one
You should only quit something stable to 'follow your passion' only and only if that other side hustle is really, truly taking off and you have a sizeable amount of savings as buffer. Dont quit something thinking that it'll give you more time to do your pet project and 'hoping' it'll take off. That'll never happen. Unless you got fired then do whatever you want.
Females live life on ez mode, I've checked great male streamers and they barely get anything, check any rando female streamers and they get donations out the wazoo.
Female youtubers barely even have a barrier, they go from 0-1000 in hours, 1k-10k in a month. Pikat's channel isn't even 1 year old yet and she almost has 200k.
Females can literally do nothing and receive super high paying jobs, shit's crazy
>Females live life on ez mode
It's literally impossible to be a zero viewer streamer as a woman and not get donations. There will always 100% be dozens of men looking for the girl friend experience.
what job opportunities are there for tech people who want to switch to creative fields but yknow still have enough salary to max out their 401k?

i have super low level autistic knowledge of computers and compilers and could probably learn shaders if i spent a summer on it for gamedev stuff. but i think 3d modeling is dumb and character rigging is soul crushing, I just want to do figure drawing animation / maybe storyboard but those are paid ass and mostly contract based. At this point it seems like getting a pencil job in comic books would pay slightly better, and i can whore myself out at cons/teaching gigs.
why is everyone in animation a woman too, do men not have skills anymore or is the ceiling so low that having tits is more important than it was during Disney golden age days (which was mostly autistic and cracked male draftsmen).
the harvey weinsteins of animation aren't gay, apparently
>why is everyone in animation a woman
Any time is see animators most of them are men, what are you even talking about?
im just going off r/animcareers and the excel sheet of animator salaries, its predominantly women.
I think this is an excellent idea anon, nothing could go wrong
True maybe 10 years ago, but look at the scale of layoffs in the industry right now. Vidya is toast.
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>There are almost no jobs anywhere anymore, in any field
What's worse is that the few art "jobs" open right now have hundreds of artists flooding them.
>Picrel is from DA but it's the same everywhere you can find art jobs like UpWork, Fiverr, Leddit.
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>Concept art is probably where all the jobs will be
Did you just woke up from coma?
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>professional prompters
Pajeets are so damn funny.

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