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If you could travel back in time, what would you tell your younger self, in terms of art advice? Post your work while you're at it.
Draw more
I would tell myself to not draw

I wasted 11 months of my life practicing this shit and im still permabeg tier. i hate my life
pyw (asked lovingly)
Still cannot afford a proper PC or tablet so it's over
You don't need a super crazy PC to run these painting programs. A Beg-tier PC is more than enough to run any drawing software. 8gigs of ram and a lame graphic card will suffice. You need a quality tablet though. A hundred bucks on a medium sized wacom is a great affordable starting option.

Video editing, and 3D modelling are the things that need big PCs. And gaming, but we D/ic/ks don't play video games. So a lame-tier pc plus a free program like Krita is enough for us.
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This, but change 11 months for 12 years.
keep drawing
Don't take art class and just draw
Start a few years earlier
And of course NEVER upload anything to the internet for the danger of becoming a lolcow.
Also that Nobody likes cartoons since the early 90's so stay out of 4chan, 8 chan, Tumblr, Twitter.
Maybe WWOEC, the old Deviantart and Phoo adventures Wiki is all you could have.
That follower counts don’t always reflect level and that your values need to be worked on.
*skill level
Don't try to befriend 4channers
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Just draw everyday, for just 30 mins. Just have fun too.
This is good too!
This is the best advice you'll receive on here. These shitters are worse than the people they "warn" you about. Just lurk and takes resources here and call the anons here retards from time to time.
There's a spectrum to this. The better an anon's skill, the less likely they are a vindictive, cutthroat bitch. It's the beginners you really want to avoid.
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do more trad. Work on a project.
LMAO True that.
soul. overwhelming soul
"Keep up trad painting."
I think you would be one either way.
don't take 3 different 2 year long breaks from art.
>23 posts
>only 3 guys posted their work

High consistently and posting new images often is more important than being skilled when trying to monetize. People have much, MUCH lower standards than you think, especially in more niche genres of art.
And don't waste too much time arguing with people here - often they're more interested in shitposting and entertaining themselves than in having an honest discussion or helping others.
Fuck you, now I'll have to jerk off every single time I check /ic/
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draw, anon, draw and don't waste time studying bullshit your parents want you to study
I think the juxtaposition of the beautiful body you drew vs the face is funny, no disrespect of course. Do you do comitions with that kind of skill?
Spend more time learning HOW to draw rather than just drawing.
Get into Bitcoin when it became a thing, so I could live my life debt free where I could forever draw without concern over anything anymore.
Believe in yourself! Or rather work as if you believed in yourself. One day it will become true so fake it till you make it BAYBEEEEEE
also learn perspective
>I think the juxtaposition of the beautiful body you drew vs the face is funny, no disrespect of course.
None taken, I'm just glad you find the human parts appealing.
>Do you do comitions with that kind of skill?
I do, but they're not happening regularly enough to pay my bills. I think it's because I wasn't posting consistently and often enough to build a big audience, hence my advice. I've seen artists much worse than me rolling in dosh and that's the biggest difference between us that I've noticed.
>thats the biggest difference
Agreed. It seems the biggest heel to a worthy artist is the attention span of his audience. If its no trouble, do you mind posting one of your complete works?
Forgive me for being a bit forward btw. I just think your art looks pretty neat lol
Make an effort to find art minded friends. Also, video games in the future have become garbage, don't bother.
Construction is the most important thing you'll learn nigger. It's the foundation upon which you build everything else. Trying to learn anatomy or perspective without knowing construction is like trying to write a poem without knowing the english alphabet. All your painting, all you values, your color theory, it's all built on your forms. If you had known this sooner you'd have been at a point where you intuitively know how to accurately draw the contour of the forms you work without need to sketch a framework. Eat shit and die nigger. Also fuck every course that suggested gesture before everything else. Bunch of bitch ass
>I just think your art looks pretty neat lol
>one of your complete works?
I'll do you one better and link all of the recent ones: https://e621.net/posts?tags=bristlebunnyart
There's not much there yet, I had to abandon my older account due to reasons, but it's slowly growing. Lately I'm trying to push out a new b&w illustration every day or two (to build my fanbase) and color only the ones that got popular.
>push out a new b&w illustration every day or two (to build my fanbase) and color only the ones that got popular.
Shit dawg, I should probably try that.
Wonderful job, friend! Thanks for sharing! I do not have an account on that website, but I'll check on you to see how youre doing.
>I'm trying to push out a new b&w illustration every day or two (to build my fanbase) and color only the ones that got popular.
An excellent idea. I think you'll get people interested in your work in no time. Best of luck, friend!
Do art for yourself, not your parents' approval.
They will never care as much about your interests as you do.
that looks sick. reminds me of the fallen angel painting. great drawing anon.
>If you could travel back in time, what would you tell your younger self, in terms of art advice?

Draw more with trad tools, with a pencil, or ink, don't draw lolicon.
Just draw digitally and finish making completed artworks instead of wholly grinding boxes and loomis. Watch less porn
do thumbnails to set up everything including sketch, colors, shadings, composition before enlarging them to full size where I'll be adding the details. draw small to big (sketch, composition, colors, shadings) but paint big to small (details and touch ups). time saver and focus as I'm an air headed.
>don't draw lolicon.
w-what happened?
Older me: So you want to paint what you like and not what others want to pay you for?

Younger me: Yes.

Older me: As long as it looks good and inspires thoughts inside someone else about the scenario, the characters, the dynamics?

Older me: *Sarcastic* No?

Older me: High five!

*Manly High Five between a 27 years old and a 32 years old*
dont even think about wasting time actually grinding, enjoy learning the theory behind everything and wait a decade for AI
same as the clients, the 20$ niggers want to get every cent out of you versus the 200$ logo from a company that will just take whatever you shit out

this is the case in life in general
Why thank you friend! And you would be right, in that I took inspiration from a few different depictions of fallen angel paintings and mixed them together.
i dont care about the process, there are other things to do in life to relax, i care about creating things that i imagine in my mind inside reality
one can't create by imagining
one must become let the spirit of creativity possess oneself and become one with reality to "communicate" with the world and bring forth creation (it's a process)
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Don't think I'd say much desu, drawing is super fun for me and it always will be !!! (here's some doodle I did lol)
That's a long story, I would prefer to never know what I know now... It's like a rabbit hole. Now I'm a different person because of it, unfortunately, I can't change my past.
Is it about shit like what happened to Rustle?
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Oh come on! You can't say that and expect me not to get curious - gimme the details Anon, pretty please with cherry on top. We're on 4chan. We're all degenerates here and we all have done and/or witnessed very questionable things.
drew loli like twice and I'm pretty sure I've been supressed since. I'm glad my regular posting gets any growth
Yeah... You can end up posting on niche sites. You'll see the real world, like Gregor Samsa.
I don't want to talk about it, it's too personal and sad.
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I can't copy images. i've tried keys to drawing but i burned out.

What else can I do?
Stop being so obsessed with giving everything you all trying to make it the best you can. That shit will burn you out. If your drawing turned out nice good, if not you get it next time. Stop expecting your studyplans to go perfectly and restart them whenever you fail. Just keep going, who cares if you stop for a month. Just start at the next chapter in your fundies, instead of redoing the previous chapters to be prepared better for the next.
If you finished keys to drawing and know the fundamentals of observation. Then try copying ten drawings everyday until you hit 240-300 images. Observation is a skill and requires practice to get good. No different from playing an instrument, sport or video game.
Nothing, if I told anything to my past self I wouldnt be who I am today and I wouldnt have the style that I have.
I am proud of myself and how far have I come, and I wouldnt change that, even if that meant being "better".
What good does it have for a man to achieve heaven if it loses its own soul in the process.
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Your technical skill is not you.

Your soul is you.

Your soul is the same, irregardless of skill level.

so it seems foolish to me that you wouldn't want more technical skill.

Your technical skill lets you express your soul more vividly, more clearly.

Technical skill can only serve you.
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Correct, and thats precisely because I wouldnt say anything.
I know myself, I know my flaws, and I know how I was back then. I know for a fact that if I told my old self anything, he would take it to heart and would burn himself out chasing whatever I told him, be it "do this, dont do that, learn from this artist", etc.
And I know that he wouldnt be happy doing any of this anymore, because "someone better than me told me I have to do this, if I dont do it I will fail, and at that point, why bother".
I am a man without compass, I learned not with others rules, but with my own, and with that, with more or less struggle and more or less cringe, I achieved a skill level that allows me to bring the paranoias of my mind to this plane of reality in a consistent manner, in a way I can say I am happy about. I am not perfect and I still have much to learn, but I wouldnt have reached this level of peace and satisfaction with myself should I have forced myself to follow rules. I am flawed like that.
Only thing I would tell my past self would be "have fun, dont worry too much about the future, youre living in the present", but that would be meaningless, because thats something I have always believed in.
Your point may be valid on an objective sense, but I am not an objective person.
Start drawing comics now and stop wasting time with all that turd polishing rendering you're never going to get good at that lmao
do more fundies
>“listen up you stupid shit. don’t you fucking dare pursue an art career. get a real, attainable job to stay solvent so you won’t dead end and hate yourself and your life. also start any part time employment right fucking now, no excuses. kill yourself.”
Keep focusing on yourself, we made a deal with fate and it bested me do not be so naive as I was.
Give up. For the love of God please give up. There's no point, this will lead you to poor choices. Become an entirely different person I beg you
The only way people become lolcows is if they are arrogant and have no self-awareness. You can avoid this by being genuine and ignoring the trolls
Why are you still here? Just to suffer?
When I was neet I drew an hour a day, and filled the rest with nothing worthwhile. like a cow grazing in a field

Now I have a job, and I think to my past self, retard, retard, retard. If only you had been drawing . Now i am tired
If I give up, what is there left of me? I'm scared.
very cool style, would read your manga if you made one
Sell sex, be sexy, draw even sexier, market to coomers, and make coom art.
the duality of Man
a boy shouldn't have a butt that large
drop the slop styles and learn real fundamentals, start with charcoal then move to oils, because those skills transfer to everything while copying cartoons will leave you a one trick pony
Incredibly based post
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The reason you dislike your work is because you have a vision of what you want it to be, not what's right in front of you. Don't let your vision of what you wanted to make blind you to what you made; the people who see your art only see the latter, and they get on just fine.
Pander harder
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>what would you tell your younger self, in terms of art advice?
Draw weird hentai every fucking day and post it everywhere, censored or not.
Open a Patreon and collect the dollaroos.
Save up all your money and move to a cheaper city in my 3rd world country.
Invest all my money on stable businesses.
Retire in my late 20s.
Just do whatever the fuck you want like an orgy with 3 whores or travel around the world.
Spend less time playing vidya and more time drawing.

Also the thumb is on the wrong side of the right hand in the OP pic.
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Don't listen to anyone, draw 24/7, become the next Michelangelo

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