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Hi /ic/,
Reddit here.
Considering buying some affordable art, and need some honest feedback on how shit my taste is. Some have already sold, but generally speaking, how bad is it?
5 paintings/drawings, and one photograph print.
If it's really shit, tell me why it's shit.
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7 and done. What say you?
COOL THREAD anon. To be honest, I don't like any of the ones you posted. I guess it is a matter of personal taste.
I also have a dream to collect real art some day. I would like to have a collection of just graphite drawings from my favorite artists. Imagine having a Claire Wendling original. Stuff like that. It's a fucking tragedy that I could not have the chance to get a signed book from Kim Jun Gi.
>posts 7 AI images
Go back.
google them all they link back to where they are for sale
These are bad. The rest are good.
This one is amazing
interesting you liked the others but not >>7220639
These are beg tier trash.
These are quite nice.
fair enough
Explain to me as if I'm a retard why someone likes, let alone would want to buy art like this. There's zero obvious appeal to it
This one is kinda sick, but I wouldn't pay for it.
I think I asked in the wrong place. It seems like everyone just likes the doomer shit which is exactly to be expected.
nah people here are just retarded and think if you can't draw a perfect figure from imagination then you should stick to grinding exercises rather than doing anything else. personally anon I think you should get what you find appealing, analyzing art that you like on a technical level is a fruitless endeavor imo.
Yes you did. Ic is an insane hospital.
really bad
to me, this isn't really art. there's two colors and very little effort here. I don't feel any emotion when seeing this shit. consider, by contrast, a Rothko image; sometimes just two colors - but much more dramatic and emotional. there is nothing here

this has some interesting figure mutation, but there isn't much here. I would say this doesn't go with the other pieces you've selected.

really bad
I simply don't enjoy looking at this and don't understand why you think you do, but whatever - if you like it then good for you. I hope you find meaning in it because it's unlikely it was made with any

this one is fun and interesting. I think the composition is poor, but it's still quite good. this artist has a good understanding of color, depth, and focal points imo

amazingly bad
this is pretty weak. this is a very sloppy watercolor? not sure if this is supposed to just be some dreamscape but this looks like a /beg/ made it

this one is great, really showing your inconsistent taste though. this also doesn't fit with anything else youve shown here

photography is a very different art to fully crafted mediums. I am a photographer myself, and I will say this is a great shot - except for the red dot on the top of the image? and I wish the image had lighter lights to provide greater contrast. Anyway it will indeed be weird to hang a photo next to a bunch of paintings
kys faggot
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every Dead Rising Le Terminal is getting deleted

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