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Classic Disney goes hard
Sleeping Beautiful was, and still is, the most beautiful animated film ever made.

It's the Pieta of Michelangelo. A miracle of God. Nothing like this can ever be replicated again.

Why live.
Lol. I feel you on that.
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I liked the 2D era (I know, hot take)
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>when he's a doctor
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The 2d Disney drawings are so beautiful to me, especially when you can see the pure uncolored lineart. It's simple, but also pretty complex at the same time. I tried to learn to emulate it, but it's harder than it looks like. It's so elegant and natural looking, but also stylish. How did they even do that? Surely, each animator must have copied Bridgman at least three times.
>How did they even do that?
Not many could do that. That's why Milt Kahl is so recognized today. He was one of a few handful who could draw these characters. The rest were stuck with Mickey Mouse and animals
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Feels like the new Flintstones series with an adult Pebbles played by Elizabeth Banks should have a Kahl-inspired design for her character. The cartoon-ier take in Rock-A-Bye Baby didn't always gel. A Classic Disney take on Hanna-Barbera would be interesting if they got the mixture right because obviously they still need a certain amount of slapstick. I don't remember the tone of Sleeping Beauty, but the Black Cauldron is very Kahl-inspired and that had a very Burtonesque element to it.

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