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>manga will never look like this ever again
What happened?
Japan turned gay when they stopped getting inspiration from superior western works and started creating tropes from their own medium
dont care
trying too hard with the shitty meme threads. Manga is fine because there's literally thousands of full-time mangaka and thousands and thousands of part time doujinshika so there's something for everyone.
Like traced model photos?
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I doubt CGI tracing existed in 1994 desu
get a job
Digital treatment of comics and manga was already on full force by then, anon.
youd be wrong.
Literally a traced over photo of the Nazi "Schwerer Gustav" canon.

Anon, model kits.
>ITT retards can't fathom people being able to draw from reference properly and thus assume they must've traced
Go draw you idle handed inbreds
They had books just to trace and guess what, they did, if an assistance was drawing the backgrounds you can bet it was from a book or photo.
>2 page spread opening of a new chapter
Surely an assistant was responsible, surely
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nobody gives a damn about your greyish traced digital soup cooked by slave-assistants, soulless trash
taiyo matsumoto based
Lots of manga artists were engineer dropouts so they had an interest and capability in idustrial design
>sources: My Ass (2024, anon)

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