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How many of you track the hours you spend drawing? What's the best way to do it (software, spreadsheets, simple pen and notebook)? Share your time-trackign setup with the rest of us!

Also, pyw, to show us the results that time-tracking discipline has brought you!
just set a minimum you want to do in a day and otherwise immerse yourself in your work. If you're having fun working on a piece you shouldn't be worrying about how long, but instead something more like, "I have to fit in these obligations so I have to take a break for a while"
Ok so I know this might be considered a bit unorthodox but I just draw. Pen in hand and I'm stroking my canvas you feel me. None of that gay shit. None. Even made it out the hood my N.
keeping yourself accountable is the fastest way to improve. I get it, though, if you don't care about that.
I use android notes and have cataloged my hours every day for the past three years.
post your hours, please. also, your work

just for curiousity's sake
Sure, earliest I started keeping track of my hours was in 2020 but phone's notes weren't formatted correctly so properly structured dates start in January 2021.
Its title starts with the Month, then the brackets are the hours accrued during that month, and the last bracket are tallied missed days of drawing. Anytime spend that's less than half an hour would be considered a missed day.
The body of the note keeps track of specific day of Month with the next number after the "th" being the hours spent drawing that day.
Every hour is added until a final End of Year total is calculated for each year. 2021 had 794 hours practiced, of that about 66.5 hours a month or 2½ hours a day. Goal is to incrementally increase hours drawing every year.
you seem quite dedicated. good work
If you're doing digital art: https://activitywatch.net/

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