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In an old Monastery that is ofted booked for seminars and things
go on...
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Go on...
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Also 1987
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same timeframe I guess

it goes chronological
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also 1981
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again 1981
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1984 again
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that's one random, unexpected thread
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So here comes my stuff

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page 3

german for "i dont care anymore". didnt want to draw a 6th picture
What a lovely thread, thanks for sharing!
I was kinda onboard until you messed up the guest book with howie schizo bullshit.
Why write that? Just leave it in your head.
This OP is a fag
Thanks for sharing
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>In an old Monastery
Okay OP, now THAT makes more sense ... more please

not mine


thats my skill level
That's some Voynich looking shit.
this looks out of place, the elbows are too square which is a modern style,
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VGH, a son of ROME left his mark there….
>everybody for decades manages to resist the urge to shit up the guestbook or straight up draw blasphemy because it’s a monastery
>until the 2020s
Grim. This was a nice thread for a bit.
>not mine
Yeah looks like it’s a different book too, must be some schizo posting.
What's written there? Translation please?
I wouldn't mind to see some more of that "blasphemy"... for huh, theological reasons, that is..
Imagine being called Heidi Heidinger.
Fuck, meant for >>7221460
This looks like digital art on top of a photographed sketchbook page. Ink does not behave like this.
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Digital faggot faking shit. You can clearly see the sharp edges, cuts, eraser marks and the fucking fading effects. hahahahahahah
What a tool!
@ All the faggots who can't tell that this shit is fake as fuck
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Anon, maybe you can fool some normies online but not here. I'm not going to tell you how to sell your illusion better, just draw anything into a notebook, look at it, and think for a second.
I know who you are you stupid faggot. Can't fool me.
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flash anon-kun why must you use your talents to blaspheme against god?
>the real ones are 1.5 mb
>fake ones are under 800kb
>disgusting clitoris, nipples
>overly exaggerated poses
>flat cartoony lips
>It's that /int/tard that spam his porn on /beg/ thread
Go back to drawing your centaur porn retard.
I would smash your hands if I had the chance.
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Neat thread, OP. Shame about the schizo at the end.
soul beginning
digital gutter trash ending

how could they?
Why did this guy's >>7222990 art cause so much butthurt lol?
It's obvious he wasn't trying to "fool" anyone, just having a bit of fun with the thread theme.
Are you David Balsamique?
all the pissy retards getting annihilated by someone who can actually draw. love to see it.
There's time and place for everything. The thread was going nicely. He didn't have to take a dump on it. I gave no fuck when he post on /beg/, /fig/ and /sex/. Just common courtesy. He lacks it.
kys tranny
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Nope I'm not Balsa, but I'm a big fan. I just take stuff from him and Roninsong. And also Krashzone, but I don't like Krashzone feet.
Yeah I fucking love this thread. I just wanted to keep it going a little bit further. The thread would be gone already otherwise. Thanks anon.
It's an old monastery, can you imagine the things that happened there? Young horny celibate hotties living there together under an authoritarian regime. Isolated from the outside world. How do they "release" all that hormonal activity? They can lock in their rooms get naked and whip themselves to death (as they do), but "that desperate need" between them legs won't go away.
I'm a christian man anon. That's why this theme gets me. I'm just a simple christian man, "Hot Nuns" it's a thing for me definitely. What can I do?
Heh heh, thanks anon. Just having fun. Any excuse to draw is a good thing. It is hard to be motivated to do artistic stuff in these dire present times.
Nah dude, I love this thread. I didn't think the guy would use the book to show his own art. I was expecting something really old and cool stuff like from the early 1900. But it didn't happened. He already posted his stuff, and I just jumped in. To keep it going a little bit. Do you have any requests?
What would you like to see in one of those pages? Just curious.
Nah, I'm fine. Any requests?
Any requests
nta but can you draw the nun with her pussy gapping wide from behind after she fucked a crucifix?
Look at the fucking writing
I could never....
You should have left it at one picture OP
Now you wasted pages that future artists might have used
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Shit man, I don't like that request. I reminds me that disgusting movie "The exorcist". That disgusting scene was too much, (and with a girl to add insult to injury). I hated that. I just can't believe they got away with it, and they managed to turn that into part of the "popular culture". It's like they have a satanic omniscient power over humanity through movies. Maybe that's why we are so fucked up. We should sue them anon. Look what they did to us.
Why is there a fucking tounge coming out of her hole?
Is the devil's tongue, a demonic entity waiting for you inside. It also talks and makes sexy sound effects.
Okay coomer
why u gotta ruin it with aijeet shit
>Any requests
put a hole in your head
great stuff anon, I also figured the crucifix was too try hard and i cringed as i wrote it but it's nice to see someone on /ic/ not shy away from drawing a pussy that isn't just symbol drawn (Y) slop for a change. can you draw her cervix stretched out as she lays 'eggs' too? I don't want to be greedy but I'm liking what you are making.
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lmao, that exchange reminded me of this

That nasty mother fucker be collecting souls out there
Ok "Wish" conceded lol... Can I draw a Pazuzu beside her? That's a reptilian god for sure, and she's laying eggs. It's all a reptile conspiracy, Satan, "the serpent", reptilians, evil. It was always them. I'm sure. Give me a minute.
Thanks anon add whatever you want to it.
I'm sure fornication happened. At some point.
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Ok here it is. Little Pazuzus are being brought to life into this world's realm, in the safe, sacred and "secret" temples of the old gods. Born from vestal virgins, since ancient times the tradition remains the same. The little reptiles will grow to become kings and queens, Lords and noblemen, CEOs, and renown politicians. What else that book will unveil... more HOT ASS I hope.

you art sucks balls. desperate attempts of an edgy kid to be seen. and you cant even see how bad it is
What a bunch of pearl clutching faggots.
More bound and whipped please, the Lord wills it

I would pay to actually understand your psychology tableshit, because there must be really some big misunderstanding on your perception of the world in order to be able to be so unlikeable in such a annoying and boring way every single fucking time
What the fuck are you exactly trying to do here? Wouldn't had been better to pull out something like this actually drawing on old paper, avoiding the whole guestroom thing and throw something like "ehh I just found this old thing in a monastery let's see how perverts were monks lol"
Do you fucking realize this kinds of stuff devalues your art you stupid fucking unemployment retard?
that's not him
>pull out circus stunts nobody asked for
>pearl clutching
Stop samefagging
Buy a pair of fucking glasses
cool find OP
until you shat it up >>7221496
resist the urge next time
you fucking retard that's not tableguy that's pepe anon. now begone with ur shitty beg vision, cant even differentiate between art styles. cringe!
Do you have aphantasia of the eyes or are you honestly so permabeg that you are unable to tell arestyles apart?
Schizoslop, you should've been embarrassed for not quiting while you where ahead and rip last 2 pages out you attentionseeking faggot. Fuck you.
Nobody asked for anything. This board is for posting art and that anon did just that.
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other random art i found over there
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>Any requests?
How about hang yourself
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Thanks anon! One more for you. I think I'll give it a rest... for an itchy minute.... lol.
But anon, that's exactly what just happened. Someone made that thread, we are all "building the book" and having fun, we ARE doing what you just said.
About "art value", that's another discussion. This trolling-tier digital art style right now, in terms of "market value" is hitting rock bottom. If I do a real traditional art piece, that's another thing totally. AI slop just opened the gates for the tsunami of shit. Anyone can "prompt" this shit that I do. I just have much more fun by actually doing it, (and faster). But I don't mind if anyone make AI versions of this stuff. Who the fuck cares. We are just having fun shitposting on board of a sinking Titanic anon, If guys like us can't have some free fun "now" then when? Stop being the awkward retard in the crew, losing his mind on a corner trying to keep the tables and chairs aligned while the world implodes lol. Grab a bottle get a drink and enjoy the catastrophe. Do you have a "last human produced art request"?
He knows. There will always be some "tableguy" for him, tomorrow or next week is going to be some other guy lol. I wish the real Tableguy comes back though.
Moai bros...
>there always be some tableguy for him
I spent hours defending tableguy for years, until I realized there is no point in that since he's just a dumbass like you that acts like a retard to laugh with himself, and then probably goes crying on some other thread that he gets bullied
>AI, discount nihilism, "stop being so awkward" and all that tl;dr shit
The board is a sinking ship because you fucks treat it like a sinking ship, it's really convenient to cry about the streets being full of shit while you're literally shitting on them. And I'm not even pissed much about the thread, what makes me mad is this stupid as fuck attitude
>inb4 buzzwords
Nah, just fuck off
Beautiful work anon. Best of luck to you.
That's the actual place you are in right now? Or you just got the book from there?
Cool thread btw anon.
everytime this annoying flash guy posts his stuff I want to vomit, the proportions and shapes are just so wonky and disgusting looking. I dont know how anybody can jack it to this unironically
He drew while you fags cried, I respect him more than (You)
I draw better and paint better than him, I dont give a shit about that idiot. I hope he makes a tripcode so I can just filter his ass
>Found some info about the place, it was indeed a nun monastery:
St. George's Abbey (German: Stift St. Georgen) is a monastic complex in the village of Sankt Georgen am Längsee, Carinthia, Austria. It celebrated its 1,000th anniversary in 2003.
The convent was founded between 1002 and 1008 by the Countess Wichburg, the wife of Count Ottwin von Sonnenburg of Pustertal. The founder's daughter Hildpurg, a nun in the Nonnberg Benedictine abbey in Salzburg, was blessed as the first abbess, and brought the first nuns with her. Count Ottwin and Countess Wichburg were entombed in the crypt of the convent.
At one point during the Protestant Reformation the community was reduced to the abbess Dorothea Rumpf and two other nuns. They later received support from the Göss Abbey, including the Abbess Afra von Staudach (1562), which helped renew the community. By 1683 the convent had 31 nuns and 16 lay sisters. It had an apothecary, and cared for as many as 500 invalids each year.
The convent and the church, with its crypt, are built on stone foundations that date back to Roman times.
Today the former Benedictine convent includes a church where services are still held, an educational establishment run by the diocese, a hotel and seminar facilities.
>no work
noone cares nigger
Interesting Art Noveau Inspiration
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here lol
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where is the soul
Not your work you stupid fucking retard
It is, now go away retard
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After enduring the poison ivy punishment standing still for hours, the sinners were tied to their beds with their itching naked bodies spread and exposed, unable to scratch themselves... Their swollen open sex burning in excruciating pain oozed fluids infesting the air in the monastery with their pungent smell, and with the sounds of their hopeless moaning. The night was eternal for them. Their sweated burning bodies convulsing in desperation was a sight to behold...
Thank you so much anon.
I'm just posting pictures that someone drew in that old monastery book in the past. A witness of a secret world. Very interesting shit.
Thanks anon! I'll post one more.
Checked, nice reversed satanic dubs. Can you make something cool in the book? I know you're good, much better than me. You know I know. I can post the book's clean pages, So you can draw on them.
That's fucking cool, actually. Thanks for the info! ... Invalid war injured residents being attended by the nun hotties... huh?... Holy fucking shit.
Triple dubs?!, Damn.
That's beautiful, thanks for sharing anon.
Love it. That's one lonely bee.
>seething instead of posting layers
Instead of showing the class your Twitter timeline maybe just pyw next time loser.
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Some lucky sisters were tied facing down to their beds, so they could hump their pillows furiously to alleviate the itching in their naked bodies... specially down there, in their swollen punished crotch....
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You're an inspiration to me anon. Yes, the subject matter disgusts me a lot of the times, but I admire your beautiful passion and productive output. I wanna be like you someday
Thank you anon! I wanted to start a new sequence with the male injured residents being cared by the nuns, but I really need to stop for a couple of days. I wish I could have infinite stamina and no need for sleeping lol
As long as you can be free to use your artistic expression to have fun only for you and not at the order$ of others, you will be happy every time you draw some crazy stuff. It is soul hurting every time you are forced to draw something you don't want to draw, or that you don't have any interest in it at all. So if you can protect your "artistic time" somehow, and make it just for you, then you will be always happy drawing anything (You) want. Like I want to draw right now, but I just can't, nervous system is shot. I hate that.
Good luck anon! And have fun drawing!
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I Keep finding inked drawings some resident wannabe artist faggot made in that old monastery book...
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> I spent a half year recovering from my wounds in this convent. I've seen things here that I will remember even in the afterlife... One the sisters that attended to my wounds, looked uncomfortable one day. I asked her if she was alright... she didn't say anything... but that night she came to me and she pulled up her robe to show me her naked ass, so plump, rounded, she spread it, pushing it up in the air, all sweated... her hole was in front of me, open... and her sex was punished by metal braces and piercing constricting devices... I guess she was being punished for something related to her sexual urges... she stood like that in front of me, breathing slowly, for a time that seemed to last an eternity... and then she walked away, leaving me there in my bed alone. I dreamed about her, about that beautiful insane ass of hers, all night, it got imprint in my mind. I had to draw it in this book, I hope nobody sees it... but I secretly hope that she does...
lmao thanks for the laugh
Your best work. Great stuff.
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>Many of the injured patient residents in the convent lost all of their limbs in the war... The young nuns assisted them as best as they could... Only God knows what goes through their minds while cleaning those young men naked bodies desperate for "attention"...

Thanks anon! Any request, funny, holy or sinful idea?
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>During the night, one of the nuns walked naked around our beds, all dicks standing up, looking at her, walking around... swinging her naked meaty and sweated ass, back and forth though out the room... those poor bastards with out hands, were in hell... or heaven? who could say... she knew what she was doing, the cruel beautiful creature.... I had my hands, but I preferred to take the chance to draw her, she was amazing... I wanted to save the image of that ass for posterity. I hope someone keeps this book and these memories from the monastery...

Thank you so much anon! I just took advantage of that nice art nouveau decoration someone did in the book. I don't think that the sequence that I'm doing now is going to be much of your liking though, lol. But the only way to dig out nice things like that, is to push out the bad stuff blocking up the exit first... That's my coping bullshit of the hour, lmao!
Any ideas for this "convent book" thing?
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>Some nights some of those naked nuns, checked the patients bed by bed, taking notes of the size of their totally erected penises with a measuring tape... she measured their length and girth... she also did other things to them... it depended on the nun...
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Speaking of monasteries, I found a woman's college yearbook from the 20s at an abandoned one,and this illustration was from it.
Amazing find anon. Any popular publishing paper material from the early 1900 are real treasures. I would love to have an original Flash Gordon strip page. Maybe I should do some Flash Gordon mockup coom next... hhhmmmm
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>She often preferred the ones with out limbs, I don't know why, if the reason was just pity, or because of some sick morbid pleasure... to play like that with a defenseless and desperate horny young man in need... she played with their erected penises for what it seemed to be hours and hours... it was hypnotic and enchanting to see.. everyone watched it in silence... their sloppy, wet and sticky fleshy sounds echoed in the room... the pain of our injuries disappeared while watching that... and again, I just wanted to engrave that scene in my mind to draw it in this book the next day...
Are you genning these or drawing them yourself as the thread progresses? How long since you started drawing and how much fundie grinding did it take you to get this crazy level of speed? Even though I'm personally going for a different style I really love your stylized look for sexually explicit images.
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>They took turns to milk the resident patients at night... that was an official policy, they accepted it was needed for health reasons. But they only did that with limbless patients.
.. I remember one of them excreted that hot shit so hard that he screamed like if he was losing his limbs again.... Maybe it was that phantom pain in those gone limbs kicking in, or maybe he was holding that milk for too long inside his swollen throbbing balls... anyways that's another memory from the monastery that I can't forget...

Hey man Thank you! No I'm not genning these. I don't have a PC good enough to try that, (Yet?). I would like to try it for real. I already test it in those online AI apps, the whole "experience" sucks. It's boring and extremely frustrating, but I understand the reason for its "existence". Some people needs some shit, and they are not artists.
About how fast? Well when I saw your comment, I began this one in picrel, It would have taken me an hour and a half? I do other bullshit, I stop to listen random shit, news, and stuff. Or drink something. I can't do this on demand, it has to be something that triggers my motivation, This does it.
About how long? I'm your average d/ic/k, I don't commit to studies, I guess I'm just the 'talented' lazy fuck, that never took this stuff seriously. So now I'm 30 and I just accumulated enough artistic attempts and failures through out the years to make something decent. If you have a thick head like me, it's gonna be hard. But anyone can get gud. If I do coom, I'm fucking DaVinci, because, I'm wired that way, if I do something "normal" I just loose interest immediately. So you need to find a theme that you really like and enjoy to draw for hours and hours. Drawing non-stop what you like is the only "secret". I believe.
Thanks bud, I love your slutty nuns and I'm glad you were able to increase your proficiency through enjoying the process instead of grinding things you don't like, that's what I've been doing and I've been having more success than I expected in coom spaces. (A little, which is a lot better than none!) We are all gonna make it.
You guys think this if freaky now? Just wait till actual demons show up in the plot
>I can post the book's clean pages, So you can draw on them.

That'd be cool please do so
>poison ivy clit torture
This is a new one for me. Very creative. Thanks anon.
Speaking of creativity I'd also like to see more of the chastity devices >>7227780
that are designed with Christian symbolism, I think they look neat.
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Ok, here we go. First I'll post everyone's favorite, the art nouveau one. You can flip the mages, or give them a little rotation to make them look different. I cleaned 20 photos. So I don't know if it's ok to post all of them. Maybe 10 are more than enough. We'll see.
Does this one >>7223788 counts? Heh, I think that humans are much more terrifying than any "demon" out there real or not, lol.
I'm doing five more with that nun + injured patient sequence. After that I can go "underground". I think that monastery has some catacombs, I don't know yet, I didn't get to that part in the book.... ¬-¬
Yeah, actually, there were real tortures or "punishments" like that, like they wrapped themselves in poison nettle girdles under their garments, touching their skin. Aside from the known self flagellation of course. I'm sure they did that to keep the "impure thoughts" away. I should do a research on traditional nun's punishments. I just know what I saw in those '70s sexploitation movies LOL!
Alright! Glad you liked that. I'm thinking about doing more of that, like this one >>7223450 That's a metal ring with sharp points inside that will squeeze that fat hard clit inside, and the little round lid will be screwed in the ring closing it, and also pushing another sharp point in the tip of the clit. And the little metal cylinder will be fastened with that cord. I'm thinking to do more of those metal piercings devices, but first, the one who draw the book, needs to walk around the convent and find the catacombs. I think they take the nuns down there to do interesting things to them...
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Second clean page. Sorry I saved them in jpgs. I usually never use png's. My bad.
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I've never used catbox neither. Sorry guys, I'll keep it at 8 clean pages.
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4 more to go...
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Just 3 more...
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2 more
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1 left...
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Last one. I think 8 different pages are enough. I have a couple of double pages, but I want to finish the other drawings. Have fun artistic monks...
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> Sisters rarely fucked with the resident patients, but it happened from time to time.... Like that one time, I guess the nun was really into one of the patients... she could not hold it any longer and one night she fucked the shit out of that guy.... She was obsessed with his meter long nasty schlong...
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> "∼Is your hot boiling milk coming up already? huh boy?∼".... "y-y-yes" ... "∼You really want to fuck so bad now, don't you?∼"... "yes, p-please.. s-sister, I b-beg you"... "∼Come closer join in, let's taste it both together... and I'll fuck your brains out tonight, I'll leave you feeling the warm squeeze of my tight crazy ass even in the afterlife∼"... Their whispering mumble echoed in the room, we could hear everything loud in our tormented heads... I don't know what was more filthy, the nasty stuff they were actually doing, or the dirty things that she was saying...
I'm not usually a fan of your style, but after seeing these it's clear it's not your linework. This actually looks great. It's your colors and lighting that makes it look bad.
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> She then fucked his erected throbbing pole like a desperate insatiable beast... throwing around her insane naked ass, jumping up and down loudly slapping her sweated meat against him non-stop rhythmically... I couldn't even blink looking at that ass bouncing violently, her flesh glistening wet and hot under that moonlight filling the room...

Thanks anon! I explained a few times what I do with the flashes. Producing a whole batch of animated figures, with backgrounds, effects, color and everything, it's not a walk in the park. I still can't believe that I managed to find a way to do it that "easy". These drawings here are done in 5000px canvas, so I have so much room to have fun with details you know, (even when I'm still doing them in a half-assed fashion)... But the other flash stuff, I do them in 500px, 1000px is the limit. That's a crazy difference in size and quality downgrade. I need them to be crazy simple for those many projects to be "doable". And I apply the same to those fast and simple lineart doodles that I usually do. Those take less than 30min. It's just shitposting fun. But these ones are special. I liked the idea that some random autist grabbed a pen and doodle that nasty shit on the book lol. So I'm putting some more effort on these ones.
That's for me? Thanks! I have more coming.
The thread sunk really fast
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> She pulled down the veiny flesh on his swollen rigid pole with all her strength, and he came buckets... the steamy thick gunk burst out from his swollen urethra high in the air... powerfully and painfully excreted like a stream of burning hot lava, at least that's how his facial expression looked like... the gooey fluid kept pouring out non-stop, like an open hose... that fucking smell filled the whole place... before that, all you could smell in that room was the odor of the nun's sweated naked body...

bumped. Worry no more.
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> She kept pushing out his goo, squeezing his balls with cruel pleasure... it was a mesmerizing sight... the guy's face looked like if he was being possessed by some strange thing... that face, it wasn't him... maybe some spirits used the weak bodies in the monastery to experience those profane sexual encounters in agreement with the nuns... I began to have those conspiracy thoughts at some point, because of things that I saw and heard in that monastery... ... she kept squeezing all of his thick gunk out, till the poor guy fainted... or, that unholy spirit left his body... ... I couldn't sleep that night... lost in a mix of obscure fears and lustful thoughts... What if one of those demonic spirits possessed me like happened to that guy?... but, also, what that nun did to him, I couldn't take that out of my mind... maybe I wanted to be possessed too... What would she do to me?... Satan was knocking on my door that night...
Blog? I love sexy nuns.
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>There was this other nun, she was different... She wasn't an exhibitionist like the others... she had more of a inner perverted mind issue, it seemed... She liked to watch... She didn't have too much options to avoid those nasty temptations nagging on her brain though...

This thread is the closest thing to a blog that I'll ever have, lol. It's my first time drawing sexy nuns too. I just jump on things that calls my attention in this board.
Thanks anon!
Boring, the plot modern is "in a old mesque....
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> She stared at them at night, in silence, like a voyeuristic ghost... she liked to watch them touch themselves.... there was a lot of that, it was their only way to take their minds away from the pain... that's why day light was hell many times, everyone was waiting for the night to play with themselves at the cover of darkness... but she was always there... watching like an night owl whatever they were doing to themselves... some of them got used to her staring, and put on a show for her... but there were rules, if they made eye contact with her, she would run away... like a ghost...
good thread until the jeet shit it up
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>buildings and plants

why do old as boomer artists always draw the most boring soulless art?
AI? But how does the AI keeps the background's book photo image consistency? I don't see any weird warp there
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ok bangladesh pajeet
I hope he doesn't. "Muslim women" are not nuns you retard. They're just ordinary women, not priestess or anything special.
Now, that's obviously an AI gen. Lame flat boring figure.
In Islam, women cannot date other men like in the West, they can only be faithful to their husbands, they cannot show their bodies, they can be disowned in public and become outcasts, you are a retard, even in that you identify with a cuckold complex.
You hate Christianity but you let Muslims mess around with you, who are a thousand times more sexually repressive.
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> She also watched other nuns while doing their nasty games with the male wounded patients at night.... but she never touched them, or got naked in front of them... she wasn't into that like the other nuns... but it was obvious that she was a fucking pervert... maybe she needed a little push into the abyss...

Woah, thanks for the info man. That's hot actually. I guess that, from a muslim point of view, those cultural elements must hit really hard. Like the nun thing does it for me being raised as a christian catholic. The muslim thing is too foreign for me, I can't relate to that.
Not that anon, but, in regards to myself, I don't hate christianity. On the contrary, it is part of my culture in every sense, as in the sexual sense too of course. As a christian I won't be fantasizing about, I dunno, hindu goddesses..? Or Islam, or buddhism, or whatever. I know nothing about any of that. Sexual religious shit is always very personal stuff related to your own cultural background. I think?
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> I left this book open near her, so she would see it... She took the bait immediately... that shit was funny as hell, but also my heart was hitting my chest like a hammer.... what was she going to do?... She was frozen there bending over the book, looking at it, like a stone statue, she didn't moved... I wanted to laugh, and have a panic attack all at the same time... LOL
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> I saw how she abruptly grabbed her crotch squeezing it hard, she couldn't help it, it was all over for her... she suddenly began to convulsion and her amazing ass cheeks started to shake uncontrollably as well... a stream of her hot fluids came out strongly discharged between her legs... she peed all over herself... leaving a puddle on the floor... she stared at the face of God for too long... and paid the price... .. or was it the Devil's face instead?...
Not enough anime girls for you?
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> She took the book and ran with it to her room... she needed some "alone time" it seems...
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> She remained in his room, for a while... I didn't see her again, and I dared to go to her door... I could barely walk, but I did it, and I saw her through the peek lock... she was naked, doing things... she had a rag wrapped tight against her teeth... she was growling like a bitch in heat rubbing her crotch like an animal, she was sweating all over, kneeling on her bed and over this book..... Fuck, I needed to draw that desperately ... I needed to get this book back... ... one night I decided to do something, I drew her door in a piece of paper... I knocked on her door, and I threw that drawing below her door.... I stood in silence there.... I could hear her lifting the piece of paper... and silence, I wonder when would she find out about the drawing on the back side of the paper... hee-hee-hee...
oh my god

dude i love these, you’re amazing
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> On the other side of the paper I made a drawing of her, through the peek lock, checking herself, naked... maybe she was looking at that drawing right now... she was realizing that I saw all the depraved and nasty things she did to herself alone in her room , I saw everything through the peek lock... ... she would be wondering: "Did he saw everything? even -that- too?"... she would be trembling right now, her face burning like fire... And it happened... she opened the door, and saw me there... she seemed like staring at a ghost, her eyes wide open looking at me... but at the same time she knew, we both knew... I stepped into her room... and she closed the door quickly...

Thank you so much!!! Sorry for the typos and my utter shitty literary semantics, lol. I should give those green texts a couple of readings before posting, if I'm gonna be larping as a "romantic novelist" LMAO
I don't know if I'm gonna make time to post one more of these today.
Thanks again!
You're a boring cunt, no one is shocked by your may 1968 boomer antics
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> She closed the door... she was still wearing her nun's robe... I look at the book on her bed, she went and handled it to me... she stared at me, I stood in silence... then she stepped back and lifted her robe exposing her naked body and those insane tits of her hanging in front of me... she was standing still in that pose... and I understood immediately... I opened the book and I started drawing her crazy figure....
Why did you pick 1968? That's a cool year. I'm just looking for an excuse to draw shit. Like here I reached the point that I wanted, now the guy will be drawing the nun in different poses. I may use that for references and figure ideas that I find lurking around the board.
I have a 'shocking' story already for this, the story should progress into the depths of the monastery's underground roman catacombs, but then the story will end, and I still want to draw more nuns before that.
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> I drew her so quickly, like possessed by some artistic demon, I flipped the book to show her the drawing... she didn't moved from her place and looked at it for a moment... She then turned around, and posed her ass towards me, standing there holding her robe up... the moonlight shined on her glistening ass cheeks.... and on her naked arched back... she posed like that in silence, her shiny ass felt like calmly breathing in and out while the sweat drops rolled down on that hot flesh...
You're not owning the chuds with your abhorrent art, most people will just ignore it. That's why you had to bait and switch with the guestbook story in the first place.
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> ... Then she took off her robe... and put it aside... but she stopped right there, holding the robe in the air... she wanted me to draw that pose too... and I did it with exhilarating joy... the robe was heavy... holding that position was hard... her flesh began to shake, and tremble because of the effort and the body exhaustion... her body also started to sweat even more profusely... I was mesmerized by her hot sweated flesh trembling, her ass cheeks shaken and glowing in exudation... should I give her a minute to rest?... There was no need, I told her that it was done already... she hold back the robe against her body and rubbed her soaked exposed skin, drying her sweat with it...
>same pose syndrome, the artist
Dude, your artwork has no appeal and looks more like a skinny man with plastic surgery out the ass.
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>... She then got closer and opened her amazing legs, spreading them wide, exposing her sex and her torso clearly in front of me... she was now asking me to take a good look at her... a closer look... her body was so fucking hot, and she knew it... now she wanted to brag about it... and I was ready to indulge her to hell and back... I wanted more of her... anything and whatever she had to show me... I wanted to see EVERYTHING in that crazy body of hers...

Dude I'm just some random anon grinding figs on a random thread. I could be doodling these figs on the figure general, or in my drawing notebook, or whatever, but this is much more fun.
lmao! There's no one to "own" here, There are no "chuds" here, come on man! But thanks for your replies, so I know at least someone is taking a look at my nasty nuns xD
Could be, that's why I said above that I wanted to use this setting to draw her in different ref poses that I'm collecting from random threads in the board. I'll give that a try. I was thinking a lot to grind figs in the figure general along with the others, but this idea could be much more fun.
Interest take, that's what you see in my figures for real? Are you familiar with the Rorschach test???... just kidding buddy lol
It has plenty of appeal. The body can stand to look more feminine and they need more pose variety, but I find it to be very enjoyable to look at and interesting

It would also be nice if yall gave genuine critique or direction instead of baselessly insulting their art
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> She then started to move and swing her ass and hips side to side in front of my face... her dance was beyond enchanting... it was exhilarating, intoxicating, it induced the mind into insanity... that jiggling sweated fat and soft swollen pussy of hers, swung around hitting her wet fit thighs, drooling all over that sticky ooze spreading over her legs like a web... covering everything around and hanging all over the place... and her sweat raining through out the floor, pouring down from her hot steamy body.... it was hard to snap out of that otherworldly unholy sight... she knew what she was doing.... she was playing demon... and she was enjoying it... just as much as me...

Thank you so much anon. Glad you dig it ツ . I did ask earlier for requests though, so I was looking for fresh ideas and poses to try from the start. No one replied though xD. So I gathered some ref material. I'll try that next. To me this is a board to find useful things, try new exercises and practice stuff that you wouldn't try anywhere else. So obviously people will call it for what it is. Experimental shit most probably won't be liked by the majority. heh, that's totally understandable.
dude you’re hella skilled.
the sense of swift twisting dynamic movement, gravity and [cleverly chosen and perfectly implemented] pov are something i hope to be able to achieve some day.
your lines have a beautifully natural, energetic flow, too.
still loving your story and illustrations. i also grew up in a rly religious family, so i’ve always from somewhere, subconsciously, loved monasteries, nuns and things, too. it’s all just subtly really cool to me. so this whole sequence feels both singular and very awesome all around. love the historical notes (roman catacombs?) you’re hinting at are coming
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> She started to masturbate right there, rubbing her fat soaked pussy frenetically.... breathing hard and fast, grunting with a high pitch sound breaking the silence in the room, only challenged by that intense and manic sticky sound made by her sweated hand ravaging her sloppy sex meat.... her toned torso was convulsing, breathing fast, making her abdominal muscles jerk in an out while the sweat of her flesh poured down her sex... I'm sure it was the first time that she exposed herself like that naked in front of someone else, now that she knows that I saw her before, doing those things to herself through the keyhole... now she's doing it in my face, releasing it all, unrestrained, no holds barred....

Thank you so much anon! I missed a couple of "movement" line effects in the earlier drawing to emphasize her hip-ass swinging. I hate when that happens.
About the "roman catacombs" this anon >>7224400 found information about that monastery. This whole thread is about a decades old guest book that some anon found while staying in a thousand years old monastery, now turned into an hotel along with still being a church of course.
"I think" that the catacombs are still used for pagan pre-christian ancient rituals, from greek and roman times. Related to intense life-changing human emotions and experiences, most of those "experiences" are related to sexual nature. Like in ancient greek Eleusinian Mysteries, it was all about the rituals of reproduction, life cycle and forces of creation. Priests and priestesses would "teach" the initiates about those holy "secrets" of the spirit in this material life wich transcends death.... But of course, I'm not about to unveil any deep metaphysisch gnosis here, but just some more perverted shit lol. I'm sure those greeks and romans did the same, a bunch of bullshit "Divine mystery" larping just to have some fucked up wild orgies with vestal virgins (the "nuns"of that era) xD
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> She came like a fucking fountain, her whole body was jerking around, and her wet ass cheeks jumping up and down, sending sweat drops flying all over the place along with her fluids spreading on the room's floor, walls and furniture.... and her scream, totally unbound... she was unhinged... I heard those screams before at night in the nun's rooms... I knew what it was... but now I was sure... she stood there shivering her whole toned glistening body in tension, she was still savoring it... the steam rising from his sweaty body glowed against the moonlight... her heavy breathing still send drips of saliva up in the air out of her open mouth... I knew that I should get the hell out of there before someone knocked on that door.... But I was petrified enchanted by the sight of her....
The torso is very long and tubular as opposed to the hourglass shape, the hips are very narrow, the stomach area looks like roid gut with a giant belly button as is common for steroid abusers, the pussy is huge and drooping.
That's what makes it unappealing and masculine, the face is okay but everything else is like someone took a man's body and just added implants/injections to the ass and chest.
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You're not far, in the analysis. You're right that I'm geared towards a very particular body type/shape. In the reference video there's an example of the type of figure that I want to portray and the details that I want to see. Defined torsos, in particular the serratus and obliques, I want meaty hamstrings and vastus lateralis. Sleek defined delts, and triceps, look at her lats from behind the perfect size of them. And the details in her back. Protruding bellybuttons are a plus to me, Of course that type of physique doesn't match with natural big breasts, because they are on a super low fat diet, but that's where I come in and I draw them like I want to see them. I gave them big titties, and things that shouldn't be compatible altogether irl. I am an anatomy freak and I want to see those details, maybe that's why Burne Hogarth drew like he did, and he still didn't give a fuck about crits, lol.
If you're going to grind figure and learn anatomy you have to love this:

Anyway as I said above, I'm already doing new pages using "normal" figure references that are being used in others threads. I'm sure you see them already. Keeping my art inside those real life anatomical boundaries is not fun to me, but it is what I want to see now in the "book". The nun will be "posing in an artistic way" now. Still I would not be able to avoid her big breasts tho... I may have to look for another nun...
Kill yourself
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WTF???, your drawings look like troons dressed as nuns, they seriously stink, now kill yourself
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> She collapsed on her bed... dizzy and exhausted.... the monastery was silent... no steps or sounds could be heard... I almost, for a second, thought that I saw a halo above her head... it disappeared quickly... it was the sign that I should leave, before the lustful force that she possessed took a hold of every living thing in that room again...

How can I make them hotter? Do you have any requests, something you want to happen in the monastery?
>Do you have any requests
see >>7239792 and >>7239676
assuming you have any consideration for your (likely) audience, you'd probably do well to stop with the accompanying text - or at least keep it to a minimum. most guys don't read in general, let alone when consuming porn. obviously hentai mangas have an audience, but they tend not to have verbose prose; the interest is the images, the text mostly just moves the story along. the descriptions you write are more akin to romance novels, which mostly chicks read.
>romance novels
I mean romance/erotic
If he had any consideration or taste he wouldn't have hijacked the thread with his garbage.
I agree. it is also kinda rude and conceited. just go shit up /sex/ or make your own containment thread like Chris does.
>you'd probably do well to stop with the accompanying text
Fuck off retard, I read it. It's not the artists fault you have unga bunga coombrain.
ladies first
I think the """artist""" is an homosexual, it would explain why his bodies look square and masculine and why he's basically drawing pussies to look like dicks.
or perhaps he just has distorted fetishes from extended porn use
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Still without removing the fact that they are transvestites disguised as a religious confession, you invest too much in attracting attention and not in making your drawings look sexually attractive, that's why your result is pathetic.
It is obvious that he is an abnormal hairdresser, his drawings stink because they are not sexually attractive, do all homosexuals draw that badly??? I thought that by being supposedly horny 24 hours a day they would draw better, but I see that's not the case.
How do you turn the lady in the video into that deformed troon from your shitty doodles???, you seriously have a serious mental illness.
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> I had to get out of her room, and go back to my bed... I took a last look at her body resting in her bed... I wanted to remember every moment of that first encounter with her that night... so I could draw more of it later in this book... I already wanted to see her again and I didn't even leave her room yet... I dreamed about her that night, waking up to have a look at this book again and again.. lost in the profane drawings that I did of her just moments ago...

I can't comply with that request anon. Ask something else.
Noted. Problem is, I'm my own audience too, lol. I enjoy writing that bullshit, like, did you ever played D&D? Being the Dungeon Master you get to create an story on the fly, you're in charge to create an infinite reality to answer every random situation in the game's story. If you know about that, you understand what it means to come up with a context surrounding a simple visual idea. It could be even more fun to imagine that, than doing the drawing itself.
And yes, of course that I'm aware it is a "chick's" thing... Did you even wonder about that? What if some chick is reading it or following it just because of that? Maybe they are even enjoying it more than us male brain brutes.
Also, it's just some tltr green text lost in a random post, lost in a random thread, lost in this random board, lost in this random shithole of a site forgotten by the internet already. Come one man, who gives a fuck fcs? xD
No disrespect, but, Kindly Fuck off broh, this thread would be fucking dead already since a month ago. I'm saving it. I'm a hero.
Anon this is a red board. And I'm not even doing porn here just mostly erotic weird anatomy. There's just one "real sex intercourse" drawing in the whole thread. This one >>7231901
Give me a break, please, I'm trying my best to be polite and respectful. Even the theme is religious for Christ sake.
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> The day after I decided to take a risk, I knew that the mother superior would go check on her... and also quite possible, to punish her for her sinful acts from last night... I needed to see that... I had to... I managed to reach her door... and I peek through the keyhole... I was right... They were in her room already... the mother superior and another nun was there too to assist her... My beautiful muse was there down on her knees... she was being forced to kneel on top of a pile of pebbles on the floor... while the abbess scolded her...

Nah, but interesting topic tough. There's enough content already to analyse and understand if that's the case. Gay artists do hot beautiful males only, they avoid the female figure 100%. Then you have the futa and shemale guys, wich I don't think they are gay, they have a "distorted fetish syndrome" for sure, in wich is not enough to have all the elements of porn at play, a hot woman, a hot man in a hot context, no, they want the guy, the male figure, out of the picture. But the dick needs to be there, it represents them, so they have what they want at all costs, their hot women and their own dick, fused together, it doesn't matter how or why, whatever it takes it's what matters to them. Then you have furries, wich I don't even know how to analyse them to be quite honest, then the loli-shota guys wich I'm even further away from understanding that way of thought. And then you have the universe of straight perverts whom will enjoy the "woman concept" in all of their forms, angles and possibilities. From simpsons porn, passing through Smurfette, polygonal PS1 Lara Croft, to Linda Hamilton-Sarah Connor T2 skinny bitch version, to your random Silicon monstrosities.
I think that I'm placed in a very conservative and mild part of the spectrum XD I'm situated in the '80s-'90s fitness bikini style era.
Could be, I consumed too many hentai
>this is a red board
posting porn by itself isn't the point, it's hijacking someone else's thread with your off-topic personal project
>this thread would be fucking dead already since a month ago
that's the nature of any thread, but that doesn't give you license to make it your own. if you were really
>trying [your] best to be polite and respectful
you would respect OP, the nature of designated threads, and post your stuff elsewhere.
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>wtf why don't the porn look like realism or my anime waifus? wtf i cant jerk off to this!
Anon, you're unironically only showing you know nothing about art.

Sure, the anatomy is exaggerated and twisted, grotesque even and you can be anal about it, but the fundamentals are there and if we demand or push for everything to look a certain standard, then we might as well all draw gacha fotm garbage and generate AI slop.
Also, the tubular torso is genuinely realistic if you care about anatomy this much.
Most real women look like a fridge and don't have massive plump child bearing hips.

You should take this Anon's works and observe them to expand your own artistic knowledge, instead of crying about not being personally catered to.
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Really? I'm really trying to get my girls as sexy as the anatomy reference on picrel. I want my girls to look like her. What should I do?
Anon I'm contributing with the thread already and I'm posting my art. What's the difference? I don't get you. I think you're just tying to hurt me for whatever reason. I already have a bunch of drawings ready to keep posting. Just let the thread sink by itself. I'm the only one posting my work here anyways ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Eventually I'll get bored. Don't worry.
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You are so retarded that you don't understand what artistic expression is, besides this is not a politically correct woke site where everyone is going to congratulate you.

Get over it, your drawings sucks.
First, buy some hands
What is the name of the girl in the video?
Wow this was so based and you were so epic Anon.
Truly showed us and we're so heckin mad cope and seethe.
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> she was in pain... the little sharp rocks were painfully cutting her knees and she was trying to help herself with her hands... but the abbess screamed at her to rise her hands and to keep them up...

Thanks anon!, don't worry, I do it because I enjoy it. The problem will be when I get bored of it, or if I find some other thing that caught my attention lol.
Take you so much anon! You're right, I do things with the intention to satisfy my own personal tastes. I exaggerate stuff to have an "overdose" of that "little detail" you know? Like a certain angle line curve of a glute, the insertion of a delt into a tricep, some part of the abs, but as you said is all constricted to the limits of real anatomy. I can't made up what it isn't there in the first place. It's like playing with legos xD Very entertaining to me at least.
Thanks again for your words. And I'm sorry for the nastiness.
Very funny theory, "hairdresser" lmao! Actually homos are very good at art, very clean and consistent with their style, they mog everyone but they only draw dudes. When they draw women they look like those american comic generic ladies, with no curves, boring faces and stiff poses. So, that's that.
I already have hands tho
>What is the name of the girl in the video?
Antonela Ramirez / antofit
Sorry anon your reply got misplaced lol, here's the name:
>Antonela Ramirez / antofit
>Take you so much anon! You're right, I do things with the intention to satisfy my own personal tastes. I exaggerate stuff to have an "overdose" of that "little detail" you know? Like a certain angle line curve of a glute, the insertion of a delt into a tricep, some part of the abs, but as you said is all constricted to the limits of real anatomy. I can't made up what it isn't there in the first place. It's like playing with legos xD Very entertaining to me at least.
>Thanks again for your words. And I'm sorry for the nastiness.
It's completely understandable and a good mindset to have.
Only ones who'd have a problem with art that doesn't mimic reality 1 to 1 are brain rotten normies.

Your gesture is pretty decent and you know your facial expressions.
One question; Are you drawing digitally or are you actually drawing in the book?
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> She was looking at something on the wall... It was the drawing that I gave her last night, she put it on a frame on the wall... She was getting all worked out looking at that framed secret piece of art... Her amazing nipples were getting hard and erected in such an obvious way... it was like a man getting an erection in the worst possible moment, but it was happening to her, her nipples were about to rip through her robe, out from her excited throbbing tits shivering in front of the abbess ... And she hanged that thing right in front of the mother superior's face, knowing what's on the other side of the paper... she's definitely crazy, her kinky perversions will be the end of her...

Thanks again anon! Yes I'm drawing digitally over the photos that OP posted at the beginning. I'm trying to make it look like some inked pen scribble, (if possible). I actually posted earlier the cleaned photos of the book pages in case someone else wanted to draw on the book as well ツ
You ruined it. Ruined it to the point of making it pointless to even be put up with. Enjoy the hate you're getting.
good posts anon
I enjoyed it. great work.
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> Her insane nipples were giving her away, exposing her lustful nature... The abbess couldn't help but notice them, they arose so hard and erected under her robe...

Thank you so much! These are really fun to do xD
I need to finish this little segue in the story, the nun needs to be punished first for disturbing the monastery peace at night with her lustful screaming. After that she will return to being a bad girl again posing for some more nekkid doodles...
I - I- I don't wanna be h-hated, please anon, tell me how can I make things right again -_-
>samefagging this hard
Genuinely pathetic
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> The abbess took a closer look at her nipples, she couldn't believe the nerve on the young novice... making such a demonstration in front of her... How dare she!... The abbess held the nun's breast and rubbed her elongated nipple from the base to the tip of it using her finger, cruelly... up and down... again and again... the nun was shivering uncontrollably... her nipples getting harder and harder, absolutely erected now...
>"How dare you"... the mother superior whispered on the terrified nun's ear, while holding her breasts squeezing them hard and pushing her swollen nipples out... ... The abbess had enough... it was time for the punishment of that lustful creature... and the atonement of that indecent body...
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> The abbess commanded her to take off her robe and present her naked body for the cruel punishment that awaited her... The nun began to undress uncovering her amazing body, already knowing what they were about to do to her... .. they hated her luscious body... because of envy or just evil perversion, who could tell... but the mother superior and her assistant were going to take revenge from all of their frustration on her hot naked and sensual flesh....
again, god i love the beautiful organic geometry your linework.
>and dialogue
even when it’s quiet itt, i’m lurking and really loving yer work generally anon, just had to mention.
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> Her naked nipples were absolutely erected in front of the Abbess... the superior mother was enraged at the sight of such insult against her... those arrogant body appendages mocking her, right there, naked and proudly erected in her face... with out fear, with out shame... The mother superior handled her erected and swollen glands carelessly, at first, knowing well what she was provoking in the poor young novice... handling like that such a sensitive and intimate part of her body... while the helpless nun was feeling like her whole body was covered by oily cold serpents crawling around her naked body because of those scrutinizing fingers, feeling her exposed erected and sensitive glands, she felt them like being peeled alive...
> The abbess then began to felt them in a more inquiring way, her eyes exploring them, her hands now playing and toying with them shamelessly... maybe she was falling into that nun's profane seduction... enchanted by that lustful power that she oozed.... but, it wasn't the case... the Abbess was above the power of the flesh... as I was about to witness...

Thank you so much anon! Glad you enjoy these. Thanks for the feedback! I'll post one more pic today.
urban sketching style was a mistake
What a pile of crap this thread turned into.
Typical coomer artists
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> Suddenly the words on mathew 5:29 went through the Abbess's enchanted mind taking her out of the trance... She caressed the nun's erected and pulsating nipple, then gently held the nun's face and whispered to her: ..."mathew 5:29: If your right eye causes you to sin, take it out and throw it away. It is better to lose one part of your body than to have your whole body thrown into hell"..."Do you understand what that means, my dear?.. those nipples of yours, should be removed... for your own sake"... "y-yes, m-mother.. I, u-understand, it w-won't h-happen a-again, .... I, p-promise... p-please d-don't remove my n-n-nipples"... The nun was about to faint shivering like a leaf in the wind holding to a branch in autumn... but the Abbess continued her cruel warning... "Your body is not an amusement park, whatever you were doing to your body last night, was an attack to god's creation, to his domain, an insult to the sanctity of this sacred house... his house... You think god cares about your tainted sinful flesh?... If you don't respect it... God will not respect it neither..."
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> After saying all of that, the Abbess squeezed the poor nun's excited breast brutally with both of her hands... pressing them together tight, the nun's hard, wet and elongated nipples squirted oxytocin all over the floor... the desolated nun cried out a broken-hearted agonizing and acute bawl... I won't forget that sound, it sounded like her sweet voice was bleeding in the air...
> So after she "inspected" the nun's erected appendages like that, making the young novice to get even more, and more, aroused and stimulated... the abbess decided that it was time ... she ordered her assistant to prepare her for the expiation.... Her arms were tied up in the air exposing and presenting her sweated defenseless naked body to the mercy of the cruel tormentors... her legs were spread out using the Abess's crozier, tying her ankles to the extremes of the wooden holy staff, and exhibiting her opened ass cheeks trembling in the air... it was going to happen... my heart was pounding my chest ferociously for what I was about to witness...
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> There was nothing she could do, she was in total submission to the mercy of her righteous tormentors... They were about to destroy and ruin her beautiful body... ... so she presented her spectacular body, displaying it before them in all of its splendor, arching her back pushing up her ass cheeks trembling like the most delicate fleshy surface in god's creation... it was her offering to him... she was surrendered to whatever was about to happen to her... maybe she needed it... she thought, while staring at the drawing on the wall and the secret behind it....
> The Abbess held her hand up in the air awaiting for something, maybe the right moment to strike her... she wanted to make her taste that insufferable anticipation for the unknown, to taste the fear for the unspeakable pain that it was about to be unleashed on her fragile sensual body... and the assistant nun awaited the order holding a hardened branch full of very sharp huge thorns, and she was shivering as well, for what reason?... was she apprehensive about destroying that poor nun's beautiful body? was she troubled by such cruelty?... I was about to find out the reason for that soon enough too...
this is the best thread. just give us a link to your twitter already
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> A flashing burst of pain took her out of her thoughtful dreamy trance... she twisted her body at the brutal strike of that thorny whip on her delicate skin... The explosion of the rough hard wooden branch on her tender flesh, woke her up immediately to her present reality... her eyes were wide open... all her senses were at full capacity... the air became alive like a cruel spiritual creature blowing at her wounded flesh... the air itself was painful to feel around... licking her lacerated skin pulsating in agony.... she could feel her exposed sex and her opened ass hole behind convulsing in and out in panic.... her body was lost in a chaotic storm of extreme sensations, and she was trapped inside of it, helpless... awaking to a hell that she only ever just heard about... and this was it, her own personal hell becoming a reality...
> The cruel explosion on her skin shatter her whole world again... and she screamed like she never screamed before... her terrible shout stunned me... I wasn't ready for that... I was petrified... like entering in another dimension... but we were all still there, existing in this reality when she was absolutely naked her holes convulsing uncontrollably and about to be cruelly tortured in front of my eyes... and that was just starting...

Thank you very much anon ツ
I don't have any socials. I hate to manage accounts and stuff like that, and I wouldn't use twitter for this kind of stuff anyways. I heard that you have to censor your stuff on Pixiv as well, so I can't be bothered. This is perfect to me for the moment. Also I like this doodle fun better than the other flash thing now, this is much more pleasant and less stressing. It's so relaxing, almost therapeutic, lol. I'm just wondering how I would approach another kind of story, I like this "witness telling book".
I'd kill you for being a heretic. I wish us Christians were more like Muslims
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It needs more like this
this is just blatantly disrespecting religion.
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> she looked up, searching for "something" with her watery eyes full of tears... searching for a reason?... an explanation to such cruelty?... a justification for the destruction of her beautiful body?... she was losing the plot already, which was that the reason of what was happening to her, was that she asked for it... she knew what she was doing to her body last night playing with herself like that, she knew it was bad, a sin, and she knew the price to pay for that profanity....
> The assistant nun cruelly held the sharp thorns against the lacerations in her wet and twitching plump ass ... the sentenced novice muttered a grunt... she wasn't ready to cry yet, she was still in shock... the sharp thorns were digging into the bleeding wounds... was that better than the direct brutal hit of the thorns tearing up her delicate skin?... the answer was coming... any second now... she was starting a deep search for God right at that moment of expiation... a little bit too late... humans are like that, only when they feel the consequences of their sins they search for their Lord in heaven...

I know nothing about muslims, so I wouldn't know the difference. We Christians are VERY complex, that I know. We are an amalgamation of lots of things. We are the cultural union of the whole western world, the greek and roman myths, the nordic myths, celtic culture, all intertwined in our Christian world. Christianity is a very potent cultural civilization that needs to get revitalized, it needs hot blood poured into it, pumping hard. Youths today are falling for the "esoteric-occult" new cultural mirage, they fantasize about anthropomorphic creatures and demons not even related to Christianism anymore
Even the "hot nuns" thing must look like some "old boomer outdated fetish" because Christianity is culturally stagnant, it is getting pushed out by the "occult" movement, "make nuns hot again" anon, that should be your goal in life if you want to save Christianity
I'll pray for you
It pains me to agree with this, but same. Atheists and their ilk have been mass murdering Christians since the French Revolution and the Vendean genocide and there's been barely any reaction.
At least they got what was coming to them during the Spanish Civil War and they were defeated before they could commit yet another genocide.
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> Her ass jumped in the air spreading her sweat all over the place her glistening toned back arched under the brutal blows of the thorny whip breaking her tight flesh.... her fit abdomen convulsed frenetically in and out... the explosive wet sounds detonating against her back's skin filled the air... and that hot body bouncing and twisting, all sweated and full of adrenaline was a sight to behold... mesmerizing... it was a supernatural experience, something that shouldn't be, a thing forbidden to humans... something that some other entity would "enjoy" to feed on... I almost felt that entity in the air... there with us... and somehow, I knew that it was for him... a beautiful sacrifice just for him...

Thanks anon, I really appreciate that. I feel a dark presence while uncovering these ancient secrets, he doesn't want me to reveal and expose these rituals and the nature of evil. Pray for me.
Nothing killed more christians than christians ourselves. Through out history, our own inside wars, the Luther tragic schism, the cromwellian massacre, the crusades, the papal states wars, the inquisition, the conquer of the americas, etc, etc, etc, till these days, Christians ourselves are our own worst enemy. We need to embrace our own human nature and cultural diversity, from the nordic myths to the eastern desert religions, and unite. We need to build back our cultural symbols and tales. I'm doing my part bringing back hot nuns, with christian symbology and themes. I'm building christianity back from the pits of hell. Pray for me.
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> Her strong beautiful body stopped resisting, she relaxed her exhausted torso hanging from her arms, her lacerated ass totally on full display, she was broken and defeated... She was starting to understand her situation, almost getting ready for the next strike while her whole sensual figure trembled and shivered under the rush of adrenaline through out her pulsating and lacerated naked body... but The abbess walked in front of her and looked at her eyes staring at her... the Abbess looked down at her body... touching it and feeling it with her hands... still taunting the devastated young novice, even in that agonizing condition... it wasn't over... far from it...

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