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File: EfhtklnU4AUEc_y.jpg (59 KB, 933x933)
59 KB
I had a friend who I considered to be pretty close, and I made some art for him. At the same time, he started becoming very distant from and the relationship started to become one sided to the point where he would rarely reply to my texts, and he when he does its like 3 word response showing that he really doesn't want to talk to me anymore.

Having only a few friends already it does sadden me, but also the art that I was working on for him is also one of my better pieces I've done recently, but now it just hurts me emotionally to even have the file on pc, let alone working on it and finishing it

Any ideas for what I should do? I've been wanting to finish it, show it my friend and apologize to him if I did anything to anger him, then just cut him off completely, and release the lineart of the illustration as a free reuseable lineart base

or as a fuck you, use it as a ych raffle on twitter, and tell my followers that it was a gift meant for a former friend before he started ghosting me, and that they deserve it more than he does, and use the raffle as an opportunity to build up my followers/community

And most importantly, I will need to keep better friends
I would love to post the work on here, but I want to keep everything anonymous as possible
First of all I need to give you the mandatory FAGGOT OP addressing. With that out of the way..

Give him a second chance. Most of the time online "friendship" relations are sustained in subtle and weak tacit cues. Everything is too thin and ethereal, absolutely anything in real life, can become something more important than some online "friendship". He could be an excellent human being but a stressful situation can turn him into a distant person for motives that you will never know.
Just finish the artwork, send it to him and let things take its natural course.
Now, if you use this whole thing to do that what you said, trying to milk sympathy and "likes" from a "sad situation", then (You) are the bad person here. And he's better with out you in his life,
Give it to me and make me your new friend
what i do with this kinda either-or decision is imagine myself doing one, then imagine the other. which scenario leaves me with the better residual feels? which do i regret? if i don’t like either i might imagine how something else might pan out and feel residually, like maybe sending it, then stopping being the one to start conversations with him, if a gradual distancing is not your pref. this way he might have a temp ‘oh wow that’s cool’ moment, but then you’d quickly drop away from each other after. after a bit of time’s passed when you guy’s’ve moved on, you could release it like your second option, and imagine whether you’d residually feel better looking back on it if you included a snarky subtitle about him or if you were more neutral. or if you’d feel better mentioning if you send it to him as a last fling that it came out well enough you’ll put it up or not. dunno. good luck bro.
i do the same thing as that dude sometimes and it never means i don’t want to talk or dislike the friendo, i’m just shit at socializing and end up disappearing all the time in a totally organic absent-minded way. i need to work at getting better at this so badly. i’m sorry for us idiots.
Put it in a folder on your computer for stuff you rarely look at.
They're not your friend if they're treating you like that. Under the sword and move on.
Some people, especially people who grew up with the internet as it was in the mid 90s through the mid 2000s (like not the BBS era or the social media era) probably never got used to viewing online people as real people. They're words on a screen. When those words no longer bring you good feelings, they stop reading them or trying to trigger more of them.
You seem kind of intense, is it possible you were coming on too strong and that's what made him want to put some distance? If that's the case I think gifting him art would really put him off speaking to you again.

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