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Digital Redpill Redpill time

You cannot have good lineart with a screenless tablet, you can get near but it will always be a handicap
>You cannot have good lineart with a screenless tablet, you can get near but it will always be a handicap
You're a retard.
Nah man you just need Peter Han's tutorials
Nah man you just need to copy Bridgeman twice
I'm an iPad kid myself
Jesus told me to buy an iPad
I use Apple pencil but
wacom pad felt pretty good
especially when your work isn't being blocked by the pen
165hz monitor + the intuios pro
oh man it was smooth bro smooth
and you can change tips for you liking, felt tips and stuff, incredible
iPad uses RF I think, so it can't change tips like wacom
I kind of agree, only because(at least for me) the pen cursor can often get desynced or off-center, and making the precision necessary for line art unreliable. It's hard to notice without a display.
you're suppose to compensate it it your mind
I'd say the screened pen cannot be accurate enough because, the artwork is always blocked by the pen
this nigga's superpower is auto x-ray vision whenever he uses pencil on paper
How much of a dumb faggot must you be in order to believe this shit.
Am I the only one that finds it easier to draw with a screenless tablet? I mean, just get something roughly the size of your monitor and you're good to go.
The only tablet I have ever had its a screenless one, it took me 1 (one) day to get used to it.
People over estimate screen tablets way too damn much.
I will say this, most of the digitally colored comics i've ever seen looked bad, like, really bad. I was going to say all of them but then i remembered I really like Hilda
I agree
I have a screen tablet but can't use it comfortably yet due to not having a keyboard.

But I also have my doubts because I also kinda suck in general.
You can't get good lineart on a screen tablet either so the point is moot.
Meh. Skill issue
Art blackpill blackpill time

You can have aa good lineart with literally anything if you've got the skill
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theres rough texture sheets for the intuos that works pretty well with the soft pen tips, it has the feel of a rotring on regular paper, its a solid and effortless contact
thanks to not needing stabilization u dont get that latency that limits your speed and range of motion so you can use more arm movement
Doesn't matter because I'm poor
>You cannot have good lineart with a screenless tablet
It's excruciatingly difficult even using screened ones.
Drawing with tablets in general is several orders of magnitude harder than drawing on paper
How ARE you supposed to do the inking or "trace" stage well?
Think of your pencils as a guideline. It's ok to deviate from it somewhat.
When I used screeess tablets I just taped a sheet of moleskin paper over the surface for tension/give and replaced the nibs more often as they wore down. I've gotten a screened tablet now but drawing on the glass feels like shit so I'm saving to get a large enough paperfeel-like cover that can fit it.
why dont you tape paper to the screen?
Sounds like a skill issue op
Or, like, not get one that's glass.
>You cannot have good lineart with a screen tablet, you can get near but it will always be a handicap
I want to be able to look at the screen still, just with a bit of texture
Sunk cost
Not sure about good lineart but I've seen a lot of professional screenless user still spamming ctrl+z, I think that's the capacity of screenless tablet, you can never draw like Kim Jung Gi with it
Yep like >>7222112 says.
Think of it as a completely new line but you just use the previous line as a guideline. In sketch phase I'd usually use thick round brush with no pressure because it's faster and during the inking phase is where you actually decide how the thick/thin the lines should look. The sketch phase is where you decide "where" the lines should be. The lineart phase is you decide "how" the lineweight should be.
Anybody used both Intuos 3 and Intuos Pro with the smooth replacement sheet and can compare the two? I am interested in durability and the general feel
Intuos 3 has shit durability, the overlay gets quite quickly pits on the surface. I don't even know what's the point in looking for an Intuos 3 today.
I still have Intuos 3 and I am using it, the surface is great, but the cable keeps disconnecting. That's why I am asking how does the smooth sheet on Intuos Pro compare to it. I hate the rough surface that Intuos Pro comes with (I had Pro M and I returned it because it was unusable for me because of how rough it felt, I know it doesn't actually come with the roughest sheet)
I really want to know more about the smooth sheet from somebody who used it for a long time, preferably professionally
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The Intuos 3 has a connector inside the tablet, it's twisted inside a plastic tab, not very easy to replace from a second tablet, there's no soldering needed, it's like a tiny graphics card 4pin connector. The modern overlays are rough like smooth sandpaper, even the "smooth" ones, then they get mirror like smooth with use, they're very durable, much more than the Intuos/2/3 ones, they feel softer too, nothing like the hard sheet of the Intuos 3.
Thank you
There are many professionals that choose a screenless tablet and a high res color accurate monitor as it's less strain on your neck and more natural once you get used to it. Begs gonna /beg/, many such cases.
buy any usb 2.0 cable, give it to someone who have scredriver and soldering iron, its literary 5 minutes job, desolder socket for connector, and solder in the cables straight to pcb. There you go, gained another 10 years of use from that tablet.
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>Intuos 3 has shit durability
I got mine 2 years ago and it looks brand new, even use the same nib
here is review of screen tablet from designer who was using wacom3 for years of constant work for 13 years, if you dont treat your tablet like zoomer nogger its going to last
I can see the typical pit marks on his Wacom Intuos 3, that's exactly what happens. Maybe if you only use the felt nibs you can avoid that or use an overlay on top of the overlay.
>the artwork is always blocked by the pen
This is the most retarded argument I have ever heard.
Im not seeing any pits on mine, but if someone have heavy hand, just tape old transparent x-ray photo over the surface, it will protect it

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