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File: ryoko.webm (3.89 MB, 720x720)
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3.89 MB WEBM
Why didn't you go see Kui?
Literally who
File: 1594005206337.png (37 KB, 252x258)
37 KB
I was busy drawing.
And on the opposite side of the globe.
I would but im hikki and there would simply be too much spaghetti
> wage cucked
> decided to go tomorrow
> it was tonight
> could have made it
> don't have anything to have signed
God fucking dammit.
>Why didn't you go see Kui
already answered in your own webm. it's a ticketed event and the tickets already sold out from mid june. i know this because i TRIED to get one, but alas
hopefully the ones who did get to see her used that opportunity to ask something useful instead of dumb shit about their shipping headcanons
I'm a thirdie.

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