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Genuine Question: What's the point of drawing from life? Especially for people who want to draw in an anime style. Isn't it better to just copy other artists to learn?
Same reason you are being taught math at school.
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You are being taught math at school to be able to handle numbers, yes, but also as a logic excercise, you are being trained to use your brain to make conclusions based on data you know.
The same applies to drawing from life. You can learn from copying anime artists directly, yes, but you will do only that, copy, you will not know why the things you are copying are that way, and eventually, when you make mistakes, you will have it harder to fix them.
Anime "style" is ultimately a stilization of life itself, so not only will you learn how things work and how to create new stuff from scratch by analyzing and drawing from life you will
also identify why things are the way they are, allowing you to have better, consistent work.
You can, of course, not choose that path, in the end, all roads lead to Rome, but drawing from life has a point and a usage to it.
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That makes a lot of sense.

But what I'm learning from this is that drawing from life is only optional.

Sort of like learning Latin in order to write better English
Of course its optional, thats how I myself learned how to draw, it is only fairly recently that I have started to use real life as a reference on how to do certain things, using myself as a reference.
But due to that, my style has major flaws when it comes to execution and understanding of funtionality on many things. Am I happy with it? Yes, but I am not blind to my own failures.
In the end, there are as many paths as there is people on this world, choose the one it suits you the most, and remember, if you see you are not making progress on the one you have chosen, you can always pick another one.
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thanks senpai

So would you recommend something like a 50-50 split between copies and life drawing?
Yeah, that sounds about right, that way you can learn from both worlds and not only just one, after all, there is always something to learn from people that have mastered their craft, humans learn by imitation for a reason.
copying from life, not photos, but 3d life in front of you, multiplies your ability to create 2d illusions of form. it works different parts of your brain.
drawing from life is actually overrated. you can draw from photos just be aware of their limitations, watch a course on figure drawing and learn some anatomy then just put in the hours
Studying from other artists can be very helpful but it's also like looking at the world through someone else's eyes. That's THEIR interpretation of the human body, THEIR perception of color, THEIR taste in subject matter, etc. It's second hand information.
Studying from life (be it actual IRL or photo) allows you to develop your own interpretations and it can help you better understand why your favorite artists stylize things the way they do. After all, the better you understand the rules, the better you can break them.

I guess you could say studying from other artists may teach you HOW to draw something, but studying from life helps you understand WHY.
>But what I'm learning from this is that drawing from life is only optional.
>Sort of like learning Latin in order to write better English
That is quite a retarded leap in logic.
NTA. You need to make far more decisions about composition light and form when you draw from a real life object.

Photos, especially taken by others, already have several decisions taken for you, value range, color enhancement, composition etc.

Photos will always have a specific range of colors due to technology, rl life doesn't have this limitation, it's easier to see color variations in photos than in rl, there is less to see in photos. If you attempt to draw a subject in natural light you will have an extra challenge due to sun not being static, photos remove that challenge.

You are making even less decisions when you are copying from another drawing, because whoever drew it already decided on pretty much everything for you and all you need to do is mimic.

Copying from life is hard mode, copying from photo is normal mode, copying from drawing is easy mode.
All the more reason to avoid it unless there's very good specific reasons not to, who in their right mind would play on hard mode when they're struggling with normal and easy? With a hardcore attitude and good aptitute it might work for some, but most would burn out if the challenge level is far too high.
It's also hard mode logistically. Meanwhile I can just open a png of a drawing I like and copy it whenever I want
yeah keep it in easy mode, it's not like you want to learn anything anyway.
You were coddled as a child, weren't you?
honestly man you should just quit, if you don't enjoy drawing and struggle so much and don't want to improve your fundamentals then just don't draw but your attitude will never get you any success anyway.
The funny thing is that he is right, smart people always find the easiest way to get he most results you faggots should just go play Elden ring and stfu
>Sort of like learning Latin in order to write better English

What the hell kind of logic is that?
If they were really smart they wouldn't be trying to get into art, at all.
> smart people always find the easiest way to get he most results
Then just use AI, faggot.
People like you should quit larping as artists and join the ranks of AIbros or is writing prompts also too difficult?
curry talk

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