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why are logo artists such niggers ?
Either they're selling the most soulless cartoony traced dogshit, or they're indian scammers.
The legitimate sellers charge $500 for a fucking sketch
how much meth are these cunts smoking ?
Character artists and background artists don't charge even 1/3rd as much and are significantly more talented
What makes them so entitled ? Is it because they hold a monopoly and have all agreed to charge ludicrous amounts and call everyone that refuses to pay, poor ??
Usage rights.
Depends on the company you're designing a logo for, the logo is the face of the company, a lot of thought goes through the design process.
Seriously though, I don't think I have to explain this, if you're smart enough you should understand.
Logo design is not like drawing anime lol.
Logos sell companies.
If your corporate identity manual is gonna make the company go F500 you oughta fleece them from as much as you can.
go make your own logo then
Professional design work must be compensated with professional level prices, the same as any other type of work. You pay for the thousands of hours of studying and practice we put in to design a good logo in a couple of hours. Don't forget, revisions cost extra.
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these were $1500USD each
and this guy is top of his field
if you browse fiverr, upwork, or behance or whatever other nigger platforms there are, the artwork is literally dr seuss level trash and they charge $200-$500
Even when I already have the concept, perspective, references, etc 80% of the work is done they just need to vector it, they still charge me a ludicrous amount.
When I ask them how much for a sketch, they either ghost me, say they don't do sketches, or charge me the same they would with a vector
Pirating Adobe Illustrator as we speak
that's why 99% of companies fail and the ones that succeed (all Jewish) change their logos every decade or so
You're not getting a dime from me Ranjesh
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I think a good logo is definitely worthy of a good price, but I've seen so many dogshit logos posted onto twitter.
They'll post an image of a backslash, or a rectangle, and act as if that took them effort, or was some witty representation made for their client, or there was any skill required in making the logo (either technical, skill, or knowledge).

Regardless, the price isn't just the logo, it's (usually) a price for a package of thing, such as letter heads, business cards, colour design, some visuals to use elsewhere in their branding, and usually a branding guide - all these things come from the design of the logo.

Still, it is annoying that the 'minimalist' trend we're going through allows such talentless hacks to skirt by, because I do quite like a well designed logo (such as picrel).
I'll just have AI make one for me :)
Simplicity is one of the hardest damn things in art.
When you're more experienced, you'll understand.
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Fuck that was hard.
What's the logo for? I've found that AI logos are pretty terrible, they're far too on the nose.
delete this (which AI is dis?)
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Usually 500 but today only 5 shekels for you special deal my friends
>5 shekels for you
Those two look worth about only that. You peaked early unfortunately.
Hmmm makes you wonder if you could start a course teaching old out of touch people how to create logos for themselves and take the money they would have given you. I'm sure there's genius in simplistic design, or maybe retardation. Idk
>the money they would have given you.
I'm not a graphic designer, I just like good logos, and those two are not good logos, thus I do not like them. It's not complicated.
>Regardless, the price isn't just the logo, it's (usually) a price for a package of thing, such as letter heads, business cards, colour design, some visuals to use elsewhere in their branding, and usually a branding guide - all these things come from the design of the logo.
This is what most armchair designer retards don't get. You aren't just paying for the logo, you're also paying for the whole campaign.
What are you even selling?
genuinely, what in the fuck are these niggers thinking??
Is this some form of money laundering or something??
>what in the fuck are these niggers thinking??
They're thinking "as long as people are willing to pay it, it's worth it."
except they aren't
that guy has only 2k followers on instagram and his work is no different than fiverr pajeets.
Even the scammers I've spoken with that had botted artificial followers (somehow they have over 10k-30k followers while posting other top artists work and claiming it as their own since boomers don't know how to reverse image search) are also very firm with their prices. Even when they are literally scamming you and have nothing to offer and I'm about to leave, they still don't lower their prices
>that guy has only 2k followers on instagram
Who gives a fuck how many insta followers someone has if they actually have paying clients? The amount of clients you have in real life isn't determined by how many followers you have on social media. If people are paying for their work at those prices, then the work is, objectively, worth it. Otherwise people wouldn't pay.
>influence and network doesn't matter
>if someone is willing to pay $10M for my diarrhea bedsheets then it is objectively worth it
(You) have down syndrome and your input is meaningless.
Do you know how many pedophiliac elites save money on tax exemptions or money laundering via "art" ?
Fucken idiot
Don't give me another (You) and leave my thread please
>This is what most armchair designer retards don't get. You aren't just paying for the logo, you're also paying for the whole campaign.
That will be 500 rupees sar
You're fuckin stupid
Not buying your logo services, you smelly, stinky, Indian curry diarrhea munching pajeet superpooper 9000
If it's so easy do it yourself nigger
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>Making a logo is easy! They're so simple!
Let's see your attempt, then. Faggot.
You're literally seething about some logos
Reflect on your life
A lot of time and effort goes into making these which is why they cost so much, along with copyrights. Their main clientele are businesses so they can afford it more often than not.
Not sure why you're so mad, if you honestly feel that type of way then why not start a graphic design business of your own?
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I don't think a logo is that important. As long as it's serviceable and the actual product is good people will use/buy it. I have never heard someone saying they get one thing because of the logo.
>Who gives a fuck how many insta followers someone has if they actually have paying clients?
>Do you know how many pedophiliac elites save money on tax exemptions or money laundering via "art" ?
NTA, but what the fuck is this? Contain your spurging buddy.

Holy shit they're all terrible. I hope no stupid boomer hired whoever that fucker is.

>I have never heard someone saying they get one thing because of the logo.
Oh sure, but it'll give you a leg up against your competition and effects a customer's perception of your brand.
Think of two companies, similar product, same quality, similar price points, and there's a customer trying to decide between the two; If one's logo was very amateurish or ugly, whilst the other's was high quality, the one would the high quality logo would certainly be chosen.
It's all a matter of perception.
I don't think it's hard to make a boring corporate logo that looks professional enough.
Then do it
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I'll somewhat agree with you, because I think our standards have dropped somewhat. The current abstract/minimalist trend makes so many "logos" that will be replaced when the new trend or flavour comes along.
I also think many graphic designers who have come up in this era will fall by the way-side, because of their inability to do more than simple shapes and convincing clients why their shit isn't actually shit.

That said, we're sort of using logos as the catch all for their brands entire identity. While I think Picrel is shit, the use of it beyond just being a logo, and how it's used within the paper and merchandising is fairly cute (at least the suggestions for how it should be used were, I don't know if they did follow those mock-ups at all).
A lazy hack designer won't be able to think beyond their simple 'pretty' picture, if it can even be considered that.
Not a logofag, but any of (You)s has a "logo"/icon kinda thingie for your own blog to go by? Feel like I could use one of those to sign with but I have the weirdest user name and I can't come up with anything. So, how did you come up with your own?
wtf I'm doing this then.
That nigger in the pic stole ny logo
Anon, I'll do the work for 50
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>cannot comprehend that trillions have been spent with the sole purpose of re-programming the collective unconscious to crave big macs and become transgender
If the Golden Arches were changed to goatse would you ever crave big macs ?
If you're serious, I'm currently offering $100CAD which is about $70USD for a bunch of sketches and a final inked concept / vector
I have 80% of the design and work already complete. Currently fucking around with Adobe Illustrator with the golden ratio bullshit but I'm just not talented enough for it to look professional. I can easily become a fiverrjeet tho with my 3 hours experience. These con autists belong in fucking jail
Drop your socials
I work with csp, is that a problem with you? Also pretty amateur, but have already done some logos for a friend's project in uni. Not related with my grade.
is csp smooth with clean lines and able to create vector files ?
and do you have anywhere I can see your work ?
Most character artists are doing one-off commissions for personal consumption, or at best a small illustration in a larger work. A logo will be stamped on everything the company makes, and could evolve into merchandise which is differentiated simply because it features the logo. If you're drawing a logo for somebody's personal blog or to paint on their car or whatever, then yeah you'd probably charge less. If you're redesigning the Reebok logo, then you'd be a dumbass to charge DeviantArt coomer commission prices.
>muh Indians
If anything thirdworlders drive down art prices by charging $20 US for fully rendered illustrations.
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I can make work with vectores in csp, but I would need to check If I can create a vector file on itself. Lines are pretty smooth too.
I can post here this example of what I did back then but the others were done by hand and my twitter isnt good for references to works like this.
I can give you my cord later If you are interested after seeing my work.
I'm looking for something like picrel, black & white
Lmk if it's something you think you're capable of
I'm fine with just sketches and a finalized inked piece if the proportions are perfect, but they usually aren't on paper
If it's so easy, why aren't you doing it?
I think I can do it
Do you have the exact measures for the distances between the center of the circles and the line of ground? I was thinking that I could do the sketches by hand and the inked version on csp.
Btw my contact info is rockrolito on the cord.
my advice is join 99designs and designcrowd, enter about 300 logo competitions, establish a process, use a sketchbook and inkscape, and you will get decent at it, then start on upwork

but the truth is, since the appearance of ai, the value of a logo design has dropped in half and i don't see any reason why it wont keep dropping
>i don't see any reason why it wont keep dropping
Well stock logo sites have existed for some time, and cheap Indian designers have been around too, and that hasn't stopped designers.
To me, it seems AI is replacing stock images and lower end stuff, so ironically it'll hurt Indian designers the most, but higher end designers will be fine.

Same for illustrators.
>The legitimate sellers charge $500 for a fucking sketch
Underselling themselves.
Should be aiming for 2k minimum when it comes to logos

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