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pro art tip : make more art about cats.
>pro art tip : make normies your fanbase
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also correct.
you dont even have to make art. just get a cat and have him sit in a rice cooker.
Pro art tip : Already have a large fan base.
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>giclee print of 4 panel meme comic
late-stage crapism.
Cats poop in rice cookers. Bing it, it's a whole phenomenon
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pro art tip: be an attractive woman
No, I'll make cats part of my art.
You do it for clout and a sense of worth, I do it because I love my two little fuckers.

I truly despise people that just allow pets to do whatever the fuck they want.
ok done
Nigger that's not an artist, it's a brand, just like bob ross. That account is designed or at some point turned to be able to attract the most regular life normies, unlike artists who put their portfolio as if it were artstation, that account is dedicated to do the same as other influencers or I don't know, jokes or extremely busty girls, only now their visual resource are drawings and doodles
Friendly reminder that NOBODY cares about skill. They only care about the emotions and/or horniness that art invokes in them.
Literally this, also remember that pompous fags like >>7222268 will never pay you, so there's no reason to appease to other artist and there gayass standards which they never apply to themselves.
No one uses bing lol
Tomboychads understand.

Why is this board so envious towards successful artists?
I don't see how >>7222477 took
>>7222268 as envious. To me that comment comes off as incredibly based and shitting on artists who don't know how to market their art but expect social media appeal.
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Maybe she's no Alisa Chung but thats debatable
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>reminder that NOBODY cares about skill
/ic/ does
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More like just be a woman and love your life on ez mode.
I want one of those things that feature the human body without skin so I can see the bones and organs but for cats but google is killing me and refusing to indulge
What's the exact name for the thing I'm thinking about?
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>that's not an artist, it's a brand
What's an artist? They draw and that's my definition but maybe your definition is something else like "they don't make money from art" or "they don't appeal to people" or "they don't start an art business on social media" or whatever the fuck you think besides drawing.
If they draw then that's enough imho.
He's a cute fag, I'd pound his boipussy if I could.
Cat, not Slugcat from Rain World.
Imagine caring about what /ic/ thinks.
That's why I save /ic/ for shitposting , and mainly when I'm on the toilet
>attractive woman
Atleast post one
Does that even work ? How would a relatively attractive woman capitalise on her appearance ?
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I think "anatomy" is a good keyword for that
you first
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your turn
Seems expensive
this cat is very vocal about being cock blocked
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I don't know Japanese but I can get the gist of this comic
So if you see a piece doing numbers that's a drawing of raven from teen titans, your pro tip would be to draw girls with blue capes? How autistic can you be?
drawing silly comic strips aimed at normalfags is not what most people here want.

Most people here want to create beautiful art that invokes emotions, ie ILLUSTRATE.

Drawing intentionally ugly doodles about le mondays has fuckall to do with the fundamentals of art.

I know someone is going to respond and say "well actually her fundamentals are great because she has appeal and the forms are consistent and-" you're wrong, and you are retarded. The worst possible outcome. She isn't creating "pieces", she isn't making illustrations. So there's no reason to compare yourself to her.

Another thing is times have changed, the internet landscape changed drastically in the last ten years, let alone the last 15. If you want to get more popular for drawing illustrations, look at popular illustrators that got popular recently. Sakimichan is pretty much grandfathered in, if she started now, nobody would like her art.

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