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How many hours a day do you practice drawing?
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League of Legends has been keeping me a busy man.
Slow down there, I'm lucky if I can force myself to draw for 20 minutes.
>playing after the vanguard scam
You deserve it, NPC-kun
around 8-12
ive put in ~10k hours or so over the last 3-4 years
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1 or 2, sometimes 5 on
It doesn't really work to be honest.
LOL this stuff is awesome anon. Do you have any socials to share?
>How many hours a day do you practice drawing
Maybe 6 hours. It's hard to say because I sleep several times a day
gayest nigga around
at least get yelled at by seething russians in dota like a real man
2-3 im jobless and about to kill myself so why not
That's sad. You should be drawing from 9 to 5 like a job.
At least one or two. I usually just do doodles and stuff to be fair.
About 3-4 hours a week
zero I work on making finished pieces, all practice is just to figure out/redraw something for a finished piece

How much do I draw? can go from anywhere to 3-4 hours or 0 depending on other stuff to do
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I don't "practice" drawing. Whenever I draw,it is always to some larger end,a step in the process of creating an exceptional work. Even random doodling is to an end:research and development.
those are some cute feet
I've blown many a load to tweetney
I used to draw for 5+ hours a day, but now I'm lucky if I can do one hour. I get mentally burned out and have to stare at the wall in low power mode for the rest of the day.
that's a man

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