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How does this board feel about abstract art. I’ve grown to hate art that looks like or try’s to look like reality when we have photography to do that. Hyperealism I hate the most, literaly the artist has to make zero create decisions. Even though normies fall over themselves on Reddit gasping how amazing a guy who paints a picture of The Rock and takes a fucking month to do it.
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Thread seems bait-y but I really like it, but only some of it. The "figurative" kind, where there's a more or less clear delineation between "figure and ground", I go in for hard. I don't care for color field crap, drizzles, fuzziness, "action painting," process over product, Rothko and all that. I like art to look like...something.
You're probably not going to get informed opinions from d/ic/klets who reflexively dismiss anything that isn't anime tits and pseudo-realism, but I think most anons COULD probably like some abstract art if they allowed themselves to, on their own terms; understanding they don't have to enjoy all of it. Abstraction is one of the most interesting things humans do...to categorically shit on it in the visual arts specifically just seems odd and maybe ideologically motivated.
Also, apparently Kandinsky was criticized for this by at least one guy, who called it "decorative"...I think that makes it look beautiful though. Maybe he was expecting feces on a canvas instead, or one of Newman's gay vertical lines.
I can say the same about abstract art that uses the idea of abstraction as a protection against all criticism. "You don't get it, it wasn't made for you". You can't have it both ways. The reality is there's unoriginal shitty art in all categories. To call all art that approaches realism uninspired or unoriginal is missing the point of why realism even was pushed to begin with. So I ask you, abstract Chan, what is it about modern day abstract art that is pushing the boundaries? Why is it that everybody throws down some splotches and cubic inspired design and thinks they're an undiscovered genius of abstraction when the reality is they've introduced nothing new to the table. They're just as bad as the artists who pursue hyper realism are they not? Mimicking other innovate artists in the hopes that the layman sees their art and goes "hurr durr wow abstract take all my money!"
This is the thing that always bothers me about discussion of abstract art...it always defaults to the same tired memes and stereotypes. Most abstract is not making big $$$$$ or trying to beat you over the head with its genius. It's just...art that is abstract to some degree. I don't know why people can't just accept it on its terms. They always enter with guns and riot shields out, they feel like they're being challenged.
It's so pointless to feel that way. Do you feel threatened or challenged by a cathedral, which also doesn't refer to anything except itself? By the design of a chair or a lamp, which doesn't necessarily refer to anything "real"?
Admittedly the OP started off by shitting on realism, I don't know why he did that. Representation and abstractions are not at odds, I wouldn't even say realism and abstraction necessarily are.
You said it yourself. OP came out shitting on other art forms. You can't be surprised someone is going to clap back by also shitting on stereotypes.
I don't think many people hate abstact art as is, just the snobbery and pretentiousness attached to it. All these nodraw nepo babies posing as accomplished artists after smearing colors randomly and getting paid millions
This board doesn’t give much of a shit about anything except anime and titties, OP. Check out the nature thread, that shit was created in 2023 and it’s still the same goddamn thread. Bunch of faggots on this board who aren’t *actually* into art. They just wanna draw titties and get likes for it on Instagram.
What is this? Would you call it abstract? Honestly if you have a nice home I would prefer this kind of art than some dippy shit landscape painting. I dunno why I like it, maybe it’s a love of design rather than art. But it’s not pretentious I really like to look at stuff like this on a wall. And if people say anyone can make it then try. I try to make some abstract art sometimes and it’s harder than your think you get something pleasing to the eye.
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Forgot the image.
i don't know about it. more than often it seems like women abstract artists are just making shapes until it is pretty. it is as if it is a way to be an artist without much skill. if someone has works which showcase technical ability in other genres and then do abstract then i would give them some respect. generally however it seems like thematic randomness.
This one is pretty, I wound't call it abstract more like impressionistic, you can clearly see it's a lil European coastal town
These on the otherhand were made by nigger hands
That doesn't seem like abstract art. You can clearly tell that that's a lighthouse on an island.
That's not abstract, despite at the lines and stuff. More impressionism.
>it must look like an identifiable thing to my peanut brain or it's bad
You should like Kandinsky, he was drawing microbial life
No interest in making it but I appreciate those seeking the boundries of representation so I can leverage their discoveries into my more traditional work

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