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Post SF art, artbooks, and tips.
We need to go back
now draw them making out
>you live in this shithole long enough to see people posting jazza unironically
drawing from reality is sometimes actually good. often following tropes is bad, it's good to back to source, aka real life machines and soldiers
it's how we got terrans from starcraft (i think) who look like modern day astronauts surviving in galaxy full of incomprehensible monsters
right is just regurgitation of jetsons.
>Joey Ass
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I think a certain amount of thought, justification, and realism is needed for sci-fi, but only enough to ensure it doesn't ruin people's suspension-of-disbelief.
Rule of Cool is far more important.
I agree. I appreciate that many artists want to bring a certain realism to their interpretations of fantasy or science fiction worlds (even when they depict things that are literally impossible according to our understanding of science), but I think overdoing it leads to things that are visually boring and repetitive. You know, the typical content you find in ArtStation and most modern movies and video games. Creating something visually arresting, iconic and meaningful is more important. I doubt that future generations will look back on many of our current designs with nostalgia.
Terrans draw a ton from the aesthetic of Alien and Aliens though. Environments, vehicles, terminology, the truckers-in-space vibe, etc.
2nd is based. tryhards btfo
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This recent Done-For-Fun comic is a blend of fantasy and pockets of high tech.

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