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thoughts about Slay The Princess and its art/artstyle?

the game was basically drawn/made by a single guy, 1000s of drawings put together into an interesting VN, fully voice acted, I really liked it, and liked the simple yet unique approach, but I've never seen any thread about this particular title

the drawings are more like sketches but it feels like it just works
Yeah it's called stylistic cohesion. The reason you feel it works is because the art is working in tandem with a story and interactive puzzle. The art by itself wouldn't really stand out amongst the crowd of other deviant art pictures, but it evolves into a world that reflects that art making it more compelling than it would be by itself.
The art is nice and fits but the concept/writing and voice acting really make the game what it is and carry 2/3rds of the experience
Can we get over the notion that art that looks like this is a style/choice? This isn’t a style, it’s just some faggot who can’t actually draw cause he learned everything about art circlejerking on deviantart. It’s a lack of knowledge/skill.
Her face is all crooked. Artist never learned to flip the canvas. No interest
Even art created by a beg can be called a style if it becomes more than just the art itself. In this case their mid art is a vehicle for a game. One that is good. Therefore their mid art becomes a style since it is cohesive and performs its function. If you don't believe me just look at the JJK thread. It's touching on the exact thing you're talking about. If you can't understand this you're ngmi.
Nah, I'm not gonna reinforce/enable an excuse to be lazy. I of course "understand" what you're saying, I just choose not acknowledge that existence. Because then we teach young tumblr DA faggots that that shit is okay and it's not. Plus, that art in OP is ugly as fuck.
>excuse to be lazy
do you have any idea how many handdrawn scenes are in this game, drawn by 1 single fucking guy?
when was the last time youve drawn the same character a 1000 times in different outfits, from different angles, in action shots, etc, while maintaining a coherent style?
>do you have any idea how many handdrawn scenes are in this game
No because I don't play faggot weeb games.
how is this weeb you retarded troll lmao
made by western devs
about western princess and the hero tropes
narrated by a bri'ish posh guy
jesus fucking christ this board
It's hand drawn on paper, while he could've photographed it or used a mirror to flip it that would become redundant for the amount of drawings in this game

Id say 'pyw' but you're just going to post merc wip like the faggot you are
My work doesn't have to be good to identify what I'm talking about there. It's real shit and everyone knows it.

Visual novels, especially ones with an anime aesthetic, are inherently weeb shit. They're made to appeal to weeaboo faggots.
>'choose your own adventure book', which is a western thing, based game made by western people, about western tropes, in a western style, using classic western rpg dialogue style like its a tabletop top with a DM is le.....le weeb game!!!!
seriously my guy kill yourself im begging you this is way too fucking embarassing
It's a good game with good art and you are a jealous no draw faggot until proven otherwise
It's always faggots like him that can't understand artistic skill only matters as much as its context. Like a gymbro that can't understand why their gains aren't getting them as many bitches as a charismatic toned guy. B-b-but my muscles!? CAN THEY NOT SEE I HAVE WORKED HARD FOR THESE GAINS???
Your posts make it evident that you are inherently retarded. You’ll be stuck like that forever, my condolences.
>Slay The Princess
I don't know why you guys are so vehemently defending this art. If someone posted the picture in OP in any other thread and asked "how's my art" they'd get ripped a new asshole.

You guys are fuckin gay stupid faggots.
Never forget that no matter how good you get or how successful you are some faggot no draw on 4chan is sure you are shit
It's less about the game and art itself and more about how insufferable you are
>thoughts about Slay The Princess
>You guys are fuckin gay stupid faggots.
I mean the 2nd comment in this thread literally addresses what you're saying but it's like you're purposely being obtuse.
The art its pretty charming, props for the dude for drawing all of the CGs. God knows most people here would quit after the 10th one.
it's easier to trash on it than actually draw, It's most of the shitter are cynical.
I don't know what the fuck OP is on about but the game was developed by a small indie studio of at least 3 people:

it was literally made by a couple, one drew, the other made up the story mostly and created the game itself
then they asked 2 podcasters / letplayers to do the voice acting
and they also got a 5th guy to do the music for the final product
the "team" is literally a married couple
there were several streams about this by them
all the drawings in the game were hand drawn on paper by one of them
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>Slay the Princess was developed by Black Tabby Games, a Canadian indie studio consisting of husband and wife Tony Howard-Arias and Abby Howard.
Whose the 3rd one, the cat or the lizard?
It gave me feely feels.
>Tony Howard and Abby Howard
Same surname, ew incest
I think the art style of the starter princess is a bit wonky in some places but I just chalk that up to her being a creature of perception, at the end of the game she's more firm and polished. in terms of art the most impressive princess (That isn't Shifty) is the Fury.
I didn't go through all the routes but I enjoyed what i played
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>in terms of art the most impressive princess
depends what art means to you
Thorn conveyed the most and deepest emotions to me, so I consider her art the most impressive
It has a distinct look even tho it was just cheap mechanical pencil on paper. Then they scan and color in photoshop. Look at the clown video to see the process. Some of the drawings are really good and some are just ok but overall this game looks way better than their previous game.
Witch best girl by the way
>thoughts about Slay The Princess and its art/artstyle?
/beg/ but it does its job like that incest game that made millions of dollars last year.
Making a game by yourself is extremely hard and take a long time, you do a lot of stuff besides art like code, music, writing, etc so I get it why the art is simple, even if the dev can draw better than that, it doesn't matter.
>Artist never learned to flip the canvas
diginigger meme

You think every artist was putting a mirror to his pictures like an autist for the past 3983 years of portraiture before the first digital tablet dropped?
It definitely works because you aren't looking at each image on its own for an extended period of time, it's part of a larger set of images that are needed to understand the whole thing. It doesn't matter that a few of the pictures look bad as long as all of them together make sense. Pointing out that one of them sucks would be equivalent to pulling up one shitty panel out of a thousand in a manga, or a wonky frame in a 24 min animation. On top of the fact that it's done solely by one guy makes the mistakes excusable.

tldr The art's main job is to convey the story, not look pretty, and it gets the job done in that regard.
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The artist is a landwhale feminist that create woke webcomics and woke indie games so I'll never like her stuff.

permabeg no draw faggots, many such cases!
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dont care, death of the authort / artist etc
Slay The Princess is 0% woke, and she didn't write the story / dialogues anyway
pic related, a "woke" and "feminist" drawing
I made a fan princess once, guess this would be a perfect time to post it.
it makes me feel like the artist thinks im retarded consumer cattle.

i can imagine her drawing this atrocious gay ass alien face and thinking "nobody will notice how bad this is, they'll just eat up anything i put out, its all subjective anyway, its pretty to me :)"

no thank you. learn to treat your target audience with respect and not like braindead children that you can peddle any low quality slop to. minimum viable product garbage.
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Is my art good enough to make a VN?
maybe if you add more "style" to it
can you draw 1000s of these in a year and write a good story?
also where background

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