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Is art for bisexuals? I'm asking seriously. Like, drawing good men and women requires an understanding of both you would have to be attracted to them to do?
Retarded faggot, you don't need to be gay to draw a handsome man
Are you sure about that?
You're too fucking stupid to do anything other than play video games
Yes, how are you going to mog someone without knowing what being handsome is in the first place?
>he isn't ripped and using his own body as ref
Not only you're a faggot, but also DYEL
You don't have to goon and coom non stop to enjoy drawing human beings.

Not even the guacamole lizard is enough to redeem such a stupid post.
Bisexuals do draw good porn there's that I suppose.
You remind me of my ex who couldn't understand you can look at a naked person and not be aroused. Like y'all don't know how to switch your state of mind between monkey brain and higher function.
My wife only draws women. I'll try getting her into a threesome then
Nice roast, begcel dyelcuck btfo’d
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do you have to be an Iguanasexual to draw a good Iguana?
Try it with another man.
Yeah, it's true. You have to carefully study penises to draw accurate male genitals. That's pretty gay.
it's women. Their entire shallow life is centered around sex, so it's no wonder.
and havin babby, and raisin babby
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art fact: the best artists of gay porn are actually straight.
What?? How does that figure
>raisin babby
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They're all women
>you would have to be attracted to them to do?
What? No that's retarded.
A lot of artists are mentally ill and/or generally deviant though, which can include homosexuality and bisexuality.
Yeah you just to find a mirror.
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>Implying that I draw men
>Implying that I drawing people
>implying that I draw humans
>implying that I draw animals
Show the boobs you are drawing
All my self portrait practice naturally helped in drawing handsome men
Sterilized cuckholds. Disregard every other reply.
>t. Sterilized cuckhold
Can you not imagine what a handsome man would look like, what you could look like if you perfectly matched your ideals?
I've never really thought other men were 'attractive', but I know another man is handsome when I see 'em.
No, but it helps
if you are good at drawing cars, does that mean you want to fuck them? this is a silly question.
Yes I'm from Canada.
Sterilized and ready for (art) battle.
Yes, real man only draw girls like Zun
This is what protestant values do to a motherfucker
Why are anglos so dysfunctional about sex?

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